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A small city which sits on the coast of north-eastern Gardagh, populated mostly by Norska-speaking thondur. Home to a few different shops, and guarded by a group called the Crimson Fist. There are a set of deep catacombs full of very dangerous demons and undead, which should only be explored by the most battle-hardened heroes.

Image:Sinbyen Map.png



Sinbyen is located at (20, 32, 0) in Gardagh (Global: (182, 194, 0)).

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Notable Personalities

  • Dris, a Crimson Fist Drill Sergeant
  • Ziltar, another Crimson Fist Drill Sergeant
  • Modros, medic for the Crimson Fist.

Notable Attractions

  • Mysterious catacombs, entrance at (8, -14, 0), secondary one-way entrance at (6, -13, 0)
    • four levels of winding catacombs, populated by undead on the first two levels, and a variety of demonically-possessed humanoids on every level, increasing in difficulty as you descend
    • difficulty of creatures is as follows, in order of easiest to hardest: skeletons, reanimated corpses, possessed, taken, awakened, mutari
    • all creatures carry a variety of large, non-unique, keepable weapons which do entropy damage, the stronger creatures carrying more powerful versions
  • (6, 0, 0) Agin's Dragon Emporium (from the entrance: go 13n, 5e, 2n, e; backtracking: go w, 2s, 5w, 13s)
    • (Green felt hand puppet of a dragon, Glass of dark violet deep dragon blood, Drake haunch, Gigantic off-white-shelled egg, Blue velvet dragon rag doll, Gold statue of a dragon)
  • (6, -7, 0) Amstaar's Alchemy (from the entrance: go 9n, 7e, s, w; backtracking: go e, n, 7w, 9s)
    • (Great potion of Shrinking, Great potion of Growth, Great potion of Healing, Great potion of Spirit Restoration)
  • (12, 0, 0) Auriel's Archery Supply (go 13n, 11e, 2n, e; backtracking: go w, 2s, 11w, 13s}
    • (Yew shortbow, Iron-tipped yew sheaf arrow , Yew longbow, Iron-tipped yew flight arrow, Oaken light crossbow, Long iron crossbow bolt, Short iron crossbow bolt, Oaken heavy crossbow, Leather quiver, Yew greatbow, Yew recurved longbow, Yew recurved greatbow, Yew compound shortbow, Yew compound longbow, Yew recurved shortbow, Yew compound greatbow, Short brown-corundum-tipped graphite crossbow bolt, Carbonite hand crossbow)
  • (2, 1, 0) Candor's Book Store (go 13n, 4e, 4n, 2w, s; backtracking: go n, 2e, 4s, 4w, 13s}
    • (Scroll of Recall, lens of insight, random load books and magic scrolls)
  • (-3, -5, 0) Crimson Fist Guildhall entrance courtyard
  • (6, -5, 0) Dalemaar's Magic Shoppe (from the entrance: go 13n, 5e, 3s, e; backtracking: go w, 3n, 5w, 13s)
    • (Random load magic items. Typically includes at least lenses of insight, an anklet of magic mapping, and a Panoramicon.)
  • (-10, -11, 0) Darron's Back Alley BBQ (from the entrance: go 4n, 10w; backtracking: go 10e, 4s)
  • (9, 2, 0) Dataro's Cloaks N' Capes (from the entrance: go 13n, 9e, 4n; backtracking: go 4s, 9w, 13s)
    • (Wool cloak, Red wool cloak, Desert camouflage linen cloak, Heavy black linen cloak, Small hide cloak, Hide cloak, Black silk cloak, cloud cloaks, cloaks of holding.)
  • (3, 12, 0) Durod's Tackle Shop (from the entrance: go 13n, 4e, 4n, 3w, 2n, 3e, 8n, w; backtracking: go e, 8s, 3w, 2s, 3e, 4s, 4w, 13s)
    • (Oak, Pine, Mellryn fishing rods)
  • (-3, 12, 0) Farid's Fish Fry (from the entrance: go 13n, 4w, 4n, 3e, 2n, 3w, 9n, e, s; backtracking: go n, w, 9s, 3e, 2s, 3w, 4s, 4e, 13s)
  • (-3, 1, 0) Fontaine's Fishery (from the entrance: go 13n, 4w, 4n, e, s; backtracking: go n, w, 4s, 4e, 13s)
  • (6, -9, 0) Iskaarl's Oddities (from the entriance: go 6n, 5e, n, e, s; backgracking: go n, w, s, 5w, 6s)
  • (3, -7, 0) Jangrid's Rainments (from the entrance: go 6n, 3e, 2n; backtracking: go 2s, 3w, 6s)
  • (3, 0, 0) Kim's Candy Exchange (from the entrance: go 13n, 4e, 2n, w; backtracking: go e, 2s, 4w, 13s)
  • (0, 0, 0 Raging Iyiyik Tavern (from the entrance: go 16n, e; backtracking: go w, 16s)
    • (Shot of firebreather whiskey, Mug of Sinbyenese brown lager, Mug of cold brown beer, Bloody Mad Martigan, Raging iyiyik, Leather water pack)
  • (7, 2, 0) Lady Dibella's Dark Fantasies (from the entrance: go 13n, 7e, 4n; backtracking: go 4s, 7w, 13s)
  • (6, -3, 0) Mammoth Joe's Barbecue (from the entrance: go 13n, 6e, s; backtracking: go n, 6w, 13s)
  • (9, -8, 0) Nature's Wrath (from the entrance: go 9n, 9e, 2s; backtracking: go 2n, 9w, 9s)
    • (Ebony-bound adamantite longsword of nature's wrath,Hickory-bound bronze greatspear of nature's wrath, Giant teak-bound iron spear of nature's wrath, Redwood-bound adamantite greatsword of nature's wrath, Cherrywood-bound adamantium greatspear of nature's wrath, Mahogany-bound silver halberd of nature's wrath)
  • (6, -1, 0) Primbal's Armour (from the entrance: go 13n, 5e, n, e; backtracking: go w, s, 5w, 13s)
    • (Cotton apron, Brass ring, Wool tunic, Pair of iron bracers, Pair of dark gray steel plate gauntlets, Pair of dark gray steel plate boots, Dark gray steel plate helm, Dark gray steel plate tailed halfsuit, Dark gray steel plate pteratectum)
  • (3, -10, 0) Ralphgar's Furnishings (from the entrance: go 6n, 3e, s; backtracking: go n, 3w, 6s)
  • (8, 2, 0) Sintel's Weapons (from the entrance: go 13n, 8e, 4n; backtracking: go 4s, 8w, 13s)
    • (Iron-tipped yew flight arrow, Pair of steel scissors, Yew longbow, Steel armspike, Iron longsword, Dark gray adamantite greatspear, Dark gray adamantite greatsword, Dark gray adamantite greataxe, Giant dark gray adamantite sword, Spiked dark gray adamantite great flail, Dark gray adamantite great hammer, Giant dark gray adamantite spear, Giant dark gray adamantite axe, Giant dark gray adamantite scythe, Giant spiked dark gray adamantite flail, Giant dark gray adamantite hammer)
  • (-2, -1, 0) Starling Sprite Fruits (from the entrance: go 14n, 2w; backtracking: 2e, 14s)
  • (-3, -1, 0) The Grinning Cat Eatery of the City of Sinbyen (from the entrance: go 13n, 3w, n; backtracking: go s, 3e, 13s)
  • (-2, -7, 0) the Sinbyen Bank
  • (-11, -10, 0) The Skooma Den (from the entrance: go 4n, 9w, s, 4w, 2n, 2e; backtracking: go 2w, 2s, 4e, n, 9e, 4s)
    • (Beer, melange, and melange beer.)
  • (2, -7, 0) True Ice (from the entrance: go 6n, 2e, 2n; backtracking: go 2s, 2w, 6s)
  • (6, -4, 0) Venomous Tendencies (from the entrance: go 9n, 5e, 2n, e; backtracking: go w, 2s, 5w, 9s)
  • (10, -3, 0) Wickett's General Goods (go 13n, 10e, s; backtracking: go n, 10w, 13s}
  • (2, -4, 0) Thurgg's Cave (Hestjeger)


  • Guards assist: Yes
End of spoiler information.


Sinbyen Map

Map:Sinbyen Ascii

Map:Sinbyen Catacombs Surveys

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