Specialty degree

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Clear Specialty Degree

Usage: clear specialty degree in <skill>

  • Sets your specialty degree in the specified skill. In order to do this, you must have access to specialization in that skill to that degree, must know or have known the skill, and must have enough specialty points in the attribute the skill is based on to pay for the specialty degree.
  • The override syntax (! on the end of the command) can be used for giving up skills in which you are required to specialize in order to have them at all. To do this, set your specialty degree in the skill to zero while giving the command as an override. This will not work on skills which permanently alter your body, mind, or spirit.

See Also: set specialty degree, specialties, show specialty access, show specialty points, show specialties, autodidacticism, set autodidactic specialty

Set Specialty Degree

Usage: set specialty degree in <skill> to <degree>

  • Sets your specialty degree in the specified skill. In order to do this, you must have access to specialization in that skill to that degree, must know or have known the skill, and must have enough specialty points in the attribute the skill is based on to pay for the specialty degree.
  • The override syntax (! on the end of the command) can be used for giving up skills in which you are required to specialize in order to have them at all. To do this, set your specialty degree in the skill to zero while giving the command as an override. This will not work on skills which permanently alter your body, mind, or spirit.

See Also: clear specialty degree, specialties, show specialty access, show specialty points, show specialties, autodidacticism, set autodidactic specialty