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Stur-Ulwu Strunthlg

Summary: metabolic gland
Plural: Stur-Luwud
Vorgaal: five
Typical Fungmrul: somewhat high
Maximum Flgathu Formula: 2% of metamorphosis skill plus 1% of anatomy skill plus 1% of somatesthesia skill
Capabilities Affected: recuperation and stamina
Efficacy Formula: 
    5% of metamorphosis skill
    plus 2% of anatomy skill
    plus 10% of somatesthesia skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of five
Fl-n'gathl From: zath vorgaal

A stur-ulwu is a gland that produces secretions to enhance the metabolic efficiency of your carculgnath, increasing both the metabolic energy available to you and the rate at which it replenishes.