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Asklepion is a peaceful tower/fortress/hospital found in eastern Almeria. In this holy ground you will find gardens and a restful environment for convalescence.

Roaming the grounds are many asklepids who are studying the ways and arts of healing.

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Asklepeion is at (-30, -20, 0) in Castigon, (Global: (-30, -101, 0)), and entered by going up.


  • City alignment:
  • Guards assist: Yes
  • Under the temple itself is a series of crypts, allegedly found by dusting a specific bench and pressing what results. You will first need to search for the duster. Bring a corpse with. (5n from the staircase. 'bench' targets properly, 'benches' does not)
  • Has a statue to the great god Asklepeios, better known as Diancecht.
  • Those of evil alignment or any qlippotic affinity are barred from entering beyond the first step of the stairs : unless, of course they are Aligned, and use a certain form.
    You feel the disapproving gaze of Asklepios upon you, condemning you for your evil ways; it
seems you will need to go elsewhere for healing, for you are not likely to receive aid in this
    You feel the gaze of Asklepios figuratively burning a hole in your back, warning you not to
return to this place until you have changed your evil ways.


Map:Asklepeion Ascii

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