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Homeland: Vasbarghad
   Typical Races: human, thond, dana, pixie
   Less Typical Races: advenus, domandan, kielleth, tuatha, Amberite,
   Primary Language: Anglic

   No further information is available on this culture.

   Development Information: The Vasbarghadi culture was created by Nilten;
the source code was last updated Fri Oct 27 15:54:18 2017.

This is the culture of all the former residents (and those still alive/semialive) of Vasbarghad.

┌──────────────────────────── The Vasbarghadi Culture ─────────────────────────────┐
│ Races                    Typical                Dana, Human, Pixie, and Thond    │
│                          Atypical               Advenus, Amberite, Chaosborn,    │
│                                                 Domandan, Kielleth, and Tuatha   │
│ Languages                Primary                Anglic                           │
│ Skills Taught            Shield                 20                               │
│                          Dagger                 20                               │
│                          Staff                  10                               │
│                          First Aid              10                               │
│                          Literacy               20                               │
│                          Sword                  15                               │
│                          Awareness              20                               │
│                          Crossbow               10                               │
│                          Sperethiel             20                               │
│                          Dodge                  25                               │
│                          Throwing               15                               │
│                          Unarmed Combat         25                               │
│                          Bludgeon               20                               │
│                          History                10                               │
│                          Archery                10                               │
│                          Politics               10                               │
│                          Climbing               15                               │
│ Specialty Access         Arcane Lore            available: degree I              │
│ Homelands                                       Vasbarghad                       │
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