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   The Yugg Race
   Rarity: Very Exotic
   Plural: Yuggs
   Anatomy: Four-Segmented Annelid
   Sexes: Neuter
   Harm Skills:
       Anatomy 100%
   No specific help is available for this race.
   Development Information: The yugg race was created by Erebus, who wishes
to credit Lin Carter as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated
Wed May 17 13:53:38 2023.
[OOC Aummius] I was thinking something about yuggs like a week ago
[OOC Aummius] think it was how Mythos stuff in other muds is so basic
[OOC Aeriella] Adamantte teeth and acid blood
[OOC Aeriella] adamantite
[OOC Aummius] Are they anthropic sentience
[OOC Aeriella] Animal
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