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  ascDate Name User Size (bytes) Description
09:45, 14 February 2016 Potato.png Candur 67,376 (tater)
16:58, 25 March 2016 Tfsolaris-vs-tfosx.png Laz 125,728 (Pel's TinyFugue on Solaris vs TinyFugue on OS X, so far)
02:43, 9 November 2017 Arnedio_Shrine_alt.png Sukie 22,342 (arnedio map image with near-max tile simplicity)
03:13, 11 November 2017 Mount_Doom_scrawl.png Sukie 138,759 (Mount Doom could still use a nice map Category:Maps)
03:13, 10 January 2018 Sinbyen_Map.png Sukie 8,032 (update walls again again)
03:18, 28 January 2018 Staavsgird_map_smaller.png Sukie 3,750 (fix a room not being a wall)
03:19, 28 January 2018 Staavsgird_map.png Sukie 5,350 (fix a room not being a wall)
19:51, 19 February 2018 Nero1.jpeg Jehuti 58,229  
05:53, 28 February 2018 CorporeScyrosPixel.png Sukie 4,532  
15:52, 29 August 2019 8_orbits.png Chaos 106,180  
23:02, 29 August 2019 Tenochlan_Map.jpg Ellume 667,045 (Full map of Tenochlan by Mystic)
23:34, 29 August 2019 Tenochlan_Small.jpg Ellume 130,338 (Low resolution version of the Tenochlan map created by Mystic)
22:19, 12 October 2019 ValathyrTrainingCenter.png Luli 26,886 (Valathyr Training Center Map)
19:09, 28 January 2020 Ytzine.jpg Valere 115,520 (Commissioned drawing of Ytzine)
18:24, 4 May 2024 Lost_Souls_Changelog.jpg Esmene 193,373 (A visualization of Lost Souls changelog entries by type over the years)
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