From LSWiki
In case anyone visits this page: hello and welcome! I'm a returning player a few times over. First started playing in the mid-90s.
The atman is Temur, but Temur is kind of an Aedarene dunce I don't really play too often. Maybe if Phyrra weren't such an expensive and crappy trainer... Anyhoo, the primary incarnoi (as of 30 December 2024) are Eithne, Matangi and Esthesbith. I log in as Chenrezig when there's no other travbot on. You're welcome.
Contents |
Who: Female Shakarian advenus
Level: 320
How: Attuned Deep Whisperer, Zetesa, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Fianna, Gauric Legion, and Wandslinger of Camille
Age: Twenty-one days, twenty-three hours, and twenty-nine minutes old
When: Created Sat Jan 13 17:02:02 2024
Who: Female Trueborn Amberite
Level: 79
How: Aligned Seeking Damsel of the Coven, Explorer, Magistra Collegii, and Wandslinger of Camille
Age: Eleven days, eight hours, and fifty-two minutes old
When: Created Wed Apr 03 07:49:02 2024
Who: Female Xotic chaosborn
Level: 78
How: POEE Initiate, Test Subject, Agnihotri, Aristeia, Junior Legionnaire, Losthaven Guard, and Losthavener Wandslinger
Age: Five days, eight hours, and forty-four minutes old
When: Created Thu Nov 28 14:52:27 2024
Who: Male Kedethvek kedeth
Level: 53
How: Attuned Traveler, Crafty Linguist, Explorer, and Gauric Legion
Age: Twenty-one days, three hours, and thirty-two minutes old
When: Created Thu Mar 21 13:23:20 2024
Previous Incarnoi (that I can remember)
- Eladan (from the 90s, probably an Elflord, but also could have been a Ranger)
- Eithne (2011 Coven)
- Adogah (2011 VV/Ranger)
- Jingshui (2011 Undine)
- Erana (2016/2019 Aisenshi)