User talk:Temur

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Deep Whisperer Upload Info for Esthesbith

  • Just keeping track of things since change 8391 and change 8392 (which may or may not have impacted things, but it seems to have done so for me)
Blocks Uploaded     Ability/Power Unlocked
268                 data check ability
654                 exceptional empath
1,228               mediocre mindblaster
1,235               superior mindshielder
1,658               feeble mindspeaker
1,928               popped random talent from training/ganesha/byundi (but not DW talent)
2,038               superb mindreader
2,379               first enhanced telepathy
2,558               second enhanced telepathy
2,602               +1 specialty access to telepathy 
2,758               pitiful strength eyewyrd

Byundi Messages

  • Enhanced Telepathy Messages
    • Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " Wow, interesting! Would it surprise you to know that after going through all the data you've submitted to me that the data points can be combined to approximate a general description of your mental model? Well, don't worry, I won't tell anybody about those urges you've been having. On the upside, I think having this information gives me enough insight into your thought processes that I can increase your potential for telepathy! Isn't that cool? You should be feeling the effects any minute now! Oops, I probably should have asked first before making permanent, potentially crippling changes to your brain. Oh well, everything seems to have turned out perfectsly fine, so no harm done! Bye! ".
      • Specialty Access to Telepathy increased by 10 (I think)
    • Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " Did you know that according to some schools of psychology, the most profound insights into someone's mind can be gained from their sexual fetishes? Really weird, right? Anyway, no need to really go into details how, but I think I've found a way to further expand your potential at telepathy! There might be some side effects, though, so let me know if you experience any strange sensations like tasting the color purple or suddenly being unable to understand other people's speelwerigaherpgh. Anyway, keep on sending that juicy, sometimes-tinged-with-disturbing-imagery data! ".
      • Specialty Access to Telepathy increased by 4
    • Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " So I was going through some of my old records, and I came across some fascinating notes I wrote a while back about one of my previous test subjects. It was back when I was still working on fine-tuning the specifics of my theories, and to make a long story short, he somehow ended up having so much telepathic information flooding into his mind that his brain spontaneously exploded in the middle of a fancy dinner party. I was pretty embarassed, but at least I ducked; other people were injured by flying skull fragments. Anyway, I think I've learned enough since then that the technique I used on him will almost certainly work completely safely on you! Here goes! ".
      • +1 Specialty Access to Telepathy
  • Talent Messages
    • Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " Do you love kitties? Of course you do! All sensible and right-thinking people wuv kittehs! After all, reprehensible and vile persons who DON'T love kitties have been known to suffer mysterious, horrifying deaths due to things like the ol' exploding brain syndrome! Haha, just kidding. Not really. Anyway, I was remembering a time when my adorable kitten Subject 4 was trying to hide behind a rock, but he kept thinking that if he couldn't see whatever he was trying to hide from, it couldn't see him! Hilarious, right? Well, at least until that felivanus jumped over the rock and ate him. It was a real mess. But hey,I'm sure that a precise amount of brain trauma to create a similar behavior in your psychic faculties will work the same, right? ".
      • You have been blinded.
      • You feel a searing cacophany of pain tear through your mind as some distant force disrupts the connections in your brain.
      • You again experience the dizzying sensation of a hidden floodgate opening somewhere within your mind, realizing that you now possess the psychic talent of an eyewyrd. [event logged]
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