Chaos Resistance

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- Class: Esoteric Skills+ Chaos Resistance
- Attribute: [[Willpower]]+
- Pedagogy: Spirit Alteration+
- Specialty Required: Degree I+
- Hidden Skill+
- +
- This skill represents the conditioning of one's spiritual essence to resist energies of chaos.+
- Trainers:+ Alternately Known As: Hodge Resistance, Fortitude of Law
- Association Required:+ Class: Resistance Skills
- [[Justicars of Tyr]] : [[Balith]]+ Attribute: Willpower
- [[The Pantarchic Church of Yehovah]] : [[Stephanos|Patris Stephanos]]+ Pedagogy: Spirit Alteration
-* '''Notes'''+ Practitioner Term: Chaos Resistor
 + Alternate Terms: Chaos Resistor, Hodge Resistor, Bulwark of Law
 + Hidden Skill
 + This skill represents the conditioning of one's spiritual essence to resist
 + energies of chaos.
 + Development Information: The chaos resistance skill was created by Chaos and
 + is maintained by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Oct 15 00:25:
 + 23 2013.
 + See Also: order resistance
 +=[[:Category:Chaos Resistance Trainer|Trainers]]=
[[Category: Skills]] [[Category: Skills]]

Revision as of 11:41, 31 January 2014

   Chaos Resistance
   Alternately Known As: Hodge Resistance, Fortitude of Law
   Class: Resistance Skills
   Attribute: Willpower
   Pedagogy: Spirit Alteration
   Practitioner Term: Chaos Resistor
   Alternate Terms: Chaos Resistor, Hodge Resistor, Bulwark of Law
   Hidden Skill
   This skill represents the conditioning of one's spiritual essence to resist
   energies of chaos.
   Development Information: The chaos resistance skill was created by Chaos and
   is maintained by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Tue Oct 15 00:25:
   23 2013.
   See Also: order resistance

