The Holy Dagger Quest

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{{spoilers}} {{spoilers}}
-Find the white shawl in Ebiria. Go to Miyu's house (-26, 0, 0). If it's daytime, you have to 'say miyu' and the house+Find the white shawl in Ebiria. Go to Miyu's house (-26, 0, 0) (Global: -107, -81, 0). If it's daytime, you have to 'say miyu' and the house
will appear. Look for Miyu inside. She will ask about biting you (though sometimes she doesn't; don't worry if she doesn't, the quest will still work). Say yes. Give her the shawl, and she gives you the dagger. Take it to [[Mivara]] in [[Temple Bloodmoon]]; she wanders. Quest complete. will appear. Look for Miyu inside. She will ask about biting you (though sometimes she doesn't; don't worry if she doesn't, the quest will still work). Say yes. Give her the shawl, and she gives you the dagger. Take it to [[Mivara]] in [[Temple Bloodmoon]]; she wanders. Quest complete.

Revision as of 22:03, 22 June 2020

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Mivara, the high priestess of Malevolence in Temple Bloodmoon wishes to obtain the Holy Dagger of Amaterasu for her Goddess Tolmet. Aid her and be rewarded.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Five
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Zero
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Five
   This quest was created by Gara and Aria.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Find the white shawl in Ebiria. Go to Miyu's house (-26, 0, 0) (Global: -107, -81, 0). If it's daytime, you have to 'say miyu' and the house will appear. Look for Miyu inside. She will ask about biting you (though sometimes she doesn't; don't worry if she doesn't, the quest will still work). Say yes. Give her the shawl, and she gives you the dagger. Take it to Mivara in Temple Bloodmoon; she wanders. Quest complete.

End of spoiler information.