Amon Tyrice

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Dicia (Talk | contribs)
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-Amon Tyrice, known as the Traveler, has crossed all the planes of existence and has visited most of the known worlds+[[Category: NPCs]][[Category: Wandering NPCs]][[Category: Affiliation NPCs]][[Category: Trainers]]
--- and many unknown -- in his quest for atonement. Very few know exactly what he seeks atonement for. His insatiable+* '''Location''': [[The Temple of Ganesha]]
-hatred of the Rajan may offer the clues. Thought to have perished in a cataclysmic battle in the southern jungles+* '''Occupation''': The Original [[Travelers|Traveler]]
-against the Rajan, Amon Tyrice has returned to the realm of Lost Souls once more. Having just recently returned, he has+* '''Look'''
-shocked the denizens of this world by assuming control over, and changing the nature of the Phantasian Astromancers. + This is a male human with golden skin, white hair, and sparkling sky blue eyes. He is completely
-Lacantius Magnus has relinquished his authority over this cabal of mages without question and continues to stand beside+ nude, but does not seem particularly aware of it. This is Tyrice, also known as Amon Tyrice, also
-his oldest friend -- despite recognizing an alien intelligence hiding just below the surface of Amon Tyrice's+ known as the Traveler. His history on Lost Souls extends far beyond the lifetime of most humans.
-consciousness. It is permeated by a dim sparkling light. It looks about sixteen and a half dimins tall, five and a+ He founded and disbanded the Astromancers, a group of magi who trafficked in strange cosmic
-fifth dimins wide and one and three tenths dimins long. It is in good shape and is surrounded by a starry aura. It+ energies. Many years later, after his supposed death, he reappeared, empowered by unknown parties
-wields a crystal maul in its hands. It wears an aquamarine-sapphire-set silver choker around its neck.+ to be able to produce wondrous effects of conjuration. His followers became known as Travelers,
 + for their ability and propensity to roam everywhere in the known cosmos. Most recently he has
 + become something of a high priest for Ganesha, god of freedom, travels, gateways, and obstacles.
 + It is unknown whether this is what was empowering him all along or if it is a recent conversion.
 + Evidence for the former is that his followers, priests of Ganesha, still call themselves
 + Travelers, and exhibit largely the same abilities as before -- though with a decidedly more
 + devotional bent.
- +=Info=
-Amon Tyrice's limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right foot+ Amon Tyrice is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
-and left foot.+
-Amon Tyrice is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:+
Availability inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what do you teach? Availability inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what do you teach?
Cost inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what would a lesson in <subject> cost? Cost inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
Instruction request: Amon Tyrice, teach me <subject(s)>. Instruction request: Amon Tyrice, teach me <subject(s)>.
-Amon Tyrice was created by Den; the source code was last updated Fri May 18 19:02:22 2007. The phantasian race was 
-created by Den; the source code was last updated Sat Mar 17 12:15:38 2007. 
 + You can ask Tyrice to tell you about katakacha, chakras, dharma, karma, karma phala, conceptual navigation,
 + Ganesha, obstacles, the map here, or the Travelers.
 + To join the Travelers, tell Tyrice that you want to become one. To leave, tell him that you wish to leave
 + them. Be warned that leaving Ganesha's favor incurs certain penalties until one has regained it.
 +You can request a basic challenge from Amon Tyrice by saying "Amon, I request a challenge"
-Amon Tyrice says, "I can provide instruction in [[the Archaen language]], [[awareness]], [[cosmology]], [[logic]], [[metaphysics]],+{{trainedskill|Abjuration|> 80}}
-[[navigation]], [[orienteering]], [[philosophy]], [[physics]], [[the Rajanin language]], [[spatiomancy]], [[the Talislan language]] and [[telesma]]." to+{{trainedskill|Archaen}}
-you in Anglic.+{{trainedskill|Awareness}}
 +{{trainedskill|Goetic Investiture|> 280}}
 +{{trainedskill|Invocation |~ 300}}
 +{{trainedskill|Metaphysics |> 150}}
 +{{trainedskill|Order Affinity |> 150}}
 +{{trainedskill|Philosophy |> 150}}
 +{{trainedskill|Sephirotic Affinity}}
 +{{trainedskill|Theurgy |> 260}}
 +* '''Notes'''
 +*When asked to train [[piety]], he says:
 + Amon Tyrice says, (o Some things must come through experience, Aummius. o)
 + to you.
 +It's possible this means that one has to do a challenge first.

Current revision

This is a male human with golden skin, white hair, and sparkling sky blue eyes.  He is completely 
nude, but does not seem particularly aware of it. This is Tyrice, also known as Amon Tyrice, also  
known as the Traveler.  His history on Lost Souls extends far beyond the lifetime of most humans. 
He founded and disbanded the Astromancers, a group of magi who trafficked in strange cosmic 
energies.  Many years later, after his supposed death, he reappeared, empowered by unknown parties 
to be able to produce wondrous effects of conjuration.  His followers became known as Travelers,  
for their ability and propensity to roam everywhere in the known cosmos.  Most recently he has  
become something of a high priest for Ganesha, god of freedom, travels, gateways, and obstacles. 
It is unknown whether this is what was empowering him all along or if it is a recent conversion. 
Evidence for the former is that his followers, priests of Ganesha, still call themselves 
Travelers, and exhibit largely the same abilities as before -- though with a decidedly more 
devotional bent.  


 Amon Tyrice is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what do you teach?
   Cost inquiry:         Amon Tyrice, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Amon Tyrice, teach me <subject(s)>.
 You can ask Tyrice to tell you about katakacha, chakras, dharma, karma, karma phala, conceptual navigation, 
  Ganesha, obstacles, the map here, or the Travelers.
 To join the Travelers, tell Tyrice that you want to become one.  To leave, tell him that you wish to leave 
  them.  Be warned that leaving Ganesha's favor incurs certain penalties until one has regained it.

You can request a basic challenge from Amon Tyrice by saying "Amon, I request a challenge"



 abjuration > 80
 goetic investiture > 280
 invocation ~ 300
 metaphysics > 150
 order affinity > 150
 philosophy > 150
 sephirotic affinity
 theurgy > 260
  • Notes
  • When asked to train piety, he says:
   Amon Tyrice says, (o Some things must come through experience, Aummius. o)
to you.

It's possible this means that one has to do a challenge first.