The Cryoprase language

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Revision as of 02:26, 28 May 2007 (edit)
Ryal (Talk | contribs)

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Current revision (13:38, 2 October 2023) (edit)
Reden (Talk | contribs)

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-Cryoprase -- the Cryoprase language+{{dead}}
- Class: Language Skills+#REDIRECT [[Cryoprase]]
- Attribute: Intelligence+{{delete}}
- Pedagogy: Procedural+
- Hidden Skill+
- Language Difficulty: Extremely Hard+
- Language Speed: Fast+
- Language Overlaps:+
- Enochian: minimal+
- +
-The ability to speak and comprehend the Cryoprase language, an arcane tongue derived from the speech of spiritual intelligences of ice.+
- +
-Development Information: The Cryoprase skill was created by Fixy; the source code was last updated Wed Jan 31 04:34:13 2007.+

Current revision

The Cryoprase language is DEAD! R.I.P.

It isn't here anymore. Don't bother looking for it in-game.

  1. REDIRECT Cryoprase

This page is nominated for deletion! Please vote and discuss on this article's talk page.