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Revision as of 20:57, 26 January 2010 (edit)
Carcin (Talk | contribs)

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Current revision (19:41, 3 February 2025) (edit)
Nitram (Talk | contribs)

Line 1: Line 1:
 +[[Category: Trainers]][[Category: NPCs]][[Category: Wandering NPCs]][[Category: Affiliation NPCs]]
*'''Location''': Wandering. Quetlatl jungle. *'''Location''': Wandering. Quetlatl jungle.
-*'''Occupation''': Ordo Ignis Aeternis trainer+*'''Occupation''': Ordo Ignis Aeternis trainer (but trains anyone)
*'''Description''' *'''Description'''
This is a male slaan with dark orange skin and golden eyes. Itozuma is a This is a male slaan with dark orange skin and golden eyes. Itozuma is a
Line 26: Line 27:
Instruction request: Itozuma, enhance my <subject(s)>. Instruction request: Itozuma, enhance my <subject(s)>.
Itozuma, teach me <subject(s)>. Itozuma, teach me <subject(s)>.
- [[Abjuration]]+{{trainedskill|Abjuration}}
- [[Alchemy]]+{{trainedskill|Alchemy}}
- [[Anatomy]]+{{trainedskill|Anatomy}}
- [[Animal Lore]]+{{trainedskill|Animal Lore|<163}}
- [[Arcane Lore]]+{{trainedskill|Antagonism}}
- [[Archery]]+{{trainedskill|Arcane Lore}}
- [[Biofeedback]]+{{trainedskill|Biology|<155}}
- [[Biology]]+{{trainedskill|Chaoturgy}}
- [[Bludgeon|the use of bludgeons]]+{{trainedskill|Chirurgery|>150}}
- [[Break Fall|the techniques of breaking falls]]+{{trainedskill|Concentration|<150}}
- [[Chirurgery]]+{{trainedskill|Conjuration}}
- [[Climbing]]+{{trainedskill|Cosmology|<167}}
- [[Combat Reflexes]]+{{trainedskill|Diagnosis}}
- [[Concentration]]+{{trainedskill|Diplomacy}}
- [[Conjuration]]+{{trainedskill|Divination}}
- [[Cosmology]]+{{trainedskill|Elder Lore}}
- [[Diagnosis]]+{{trainedskill|Enchantment|<151}}
- [[Diplomacy]]+{{trainedskill|Evocation|<157}}
- [[Divination]]+{{trainedskill|Exoma Fieldcraft}}
- [[Dodge|the ability to dodge]]+{{trainedskill|History}}
- [[Elder Lore]]+{{trainedskill|Illusion}}
- [[Enchantment]]+{{trainedskill|Imagination}}
- [[the ability to escape bonds]]+{{trainedskill|Jungle Fieldcraft|<227}}
- [[Evocation]]+{{trainedskill|Leeching}}
- [[Exoma Fieldcraft]]+{{trainedskill|Legend Lore}}
- [[Find Weakness|the ability to find an opponent's weakness]]+{{trainedskill|Memory}}
- [[Heat Tolerance]]+{{trainedskill|Metaphysics}}
- [[History]]+{{trainedskill|Navigation}}
- [[Imagination]]+{{trainedskill|Pathophrasty}}
- [[Invocation]]+{{trainedskill|Politics}}
- [[Jumping]]+{{trainedskill|Pyraturgy}}
- [[Jungle Fieldcraft]]+{{trainedskill|Rune Lore|<181}}
- [[Killer Instinct]]+{{trainedskill|Somatesthesia}}
- [[Lack of Weakness]]+{{trainedskill|Symbology}}
- [[Leeching]]+{{trainedskill|Tenacity}}
- [[Legend Lore]]+{{trainedskill|Thermaturgy}}
- [[Memory]]+{{trainedskill|Typhaturgy}}
- [[Metaphysics]]+*'''Enhances'''
- [[Navigation]]+{{trainedskill|Chaos Affinity}}
- [[Pain Tolerance]]+{{trainedskill|Extropy Affinity}}
- [[Pathomancy]]+{{trainedskill|Fire Affinity}}
- [[Politics]]+{{trainedskill|Heat Affinity}}
- [[Precision Strike|the ability to make a precision strike]]+{{trainedskill|Magick Affinity}}
- [[Resilience]]+{{trainedskill|Smoke Affinity}}
- [[Rune Lore]]+
- [[Running]]+
- [[Spear|the use of spears]]+
- [[Stave|the use of staves]]+
- [[Steadiness]]+
- [[Stealth]]+
- [[Strategy]]+
- [[Swimming]]+
- [[Symbology]]+
- [[Tactics]]+
- [[Tenacity]]+
- [[Throwing|the use of thrown weapons]]+
- [[Torture|the ability to torture]]+
- [[Tumbling]]+
- [[Xotimancy]]+
- +
- Itozuma intones, ((= I can provide inssstruction in extropic affinity and magick affinity. =)) to you.+
- +
*'''Notes''' *'''Notes'''
He wanders around Quetlatl in the jungle region. He is able to climb upwards so He wanders around Quetlatl in the jungle region. He is able to climb upwards so
he's a pain to find. When you scry him note which level of the jungle he's in. he's a pain to find. When you scry him note which level of the jungle he's in.
- +He only teaches if you have enough skill in Scholarship: 34 worked for me.

Current revision

  • Location: Wandering. Quetlatl jungle.
  • Occupation: Ordo Ignis Aeternis trainer (but trains anyone)
  • Description
    This is a male slaan with dark orange skin and golden eyes.  Itozuma is a
rotund slaan who teaches the Fratres et Sorores Ignis Aeternis some of the
more esoteric skills that he has uncovered in his own academic pursuits.  His
massive girth adds much to his body mass, making him a physically imposing
sample of his race.  Combining his mass with his golden eyes started strange
rumours about him in his youth.  Though his dark orange skin was not golden,
as tales had depicted, many of the more superstitious elders of his tiny
village harkened his appearance as a sign of the return of some of the elder
beings that the slaan had worshipped before the collapse of their
civilization.  This lead to an immense amount of research concerning the time
in history before the Altrian and Istax Empires, and lead Itozuma to take on
the role of one of the first mage-priests of a new order, one which would
recover the ancient traditions of ages long passed.  Predominantly
self-taught, Itozuma has still managed to accumulate quite a bit of magickal
knowledge, and will readily share this knowledge with those that he deems
worthy.  He looks about fifteen dimins tall, four and a half dimins wide and
one and a tenth dimins long.  He is in good shape.  
   He wears a small incendiary robe around his body.
  • Info
   Availability inquiry: Itozuma, what skills do you teach?
                         Itozuma, what abilities can you enhance?
   Instruction request:  Itozuma, enhance my <subject(s)>.
                         Itozuma, teach me <subject(s)>.
  • Teach
 animal lore <163
 arcane lore
 biology <155
 chirurgery >150
 concentration <150
 cosmology <167
 elder lore
 enchantment <151
 evocation <157
 exoma fieldcraft
 jungle fieldcraft <227
 legend lore
 rune lore <181
  • Enhances
 chaos affinity
 extropy affinity
 fire affinity
 heat affinity
 magick affinity
 smoke affinity 
  • Notes

He wanders around Quetlatl in the jungle region. He is able to climb upwards so he's a pain to find. When you scry him note which level of the jungle he's in. He only teaches if you have enough skill in Scholarship: 34 worked for me.

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