Animal Lore

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Animal Lore

   Class: Scholarly Skills
   Attribute: Intellect
   Pedagogy: Intellectual

The knowledge of the animals of Lost Souls, their appearance, behavior, habitats and properties.

Development Information: The animal lore skill was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Thu May 24 09:22:34 2007. Development Information: The alchemy skill was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Wed Jan 31 04:34:13 2007


Wandering: Damon > 200
Wandering: Nindari > 200
Wandering: Hanoma: Olaris < 112
Wandering: Quetlatl: Itozuma < 163
Camelot: Gryldun < 60
Losthaven: Miss Amelia < 22
Losthaven:  Trixie < 41
Sseraka: Sscantha
Valathyr: Lothuial < 33
Yathryn: Miss Chalosia <24
Association required:
Kazarak/Kazarzeth: Urdo Wanders
Haruspices: Jylarl
Guild required:
Aisenshi: Musashi
Coven: Halea
Shapeshifters: Maramar
Verynvelyrae: Sirinil
Zetesai: Gwale < 189
Quest required:
At'lordrith's Cave: At'lordrith < 112
Faith required:
Axa worship: Coelwin
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