Melody (Aligned Form Type)

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Knowledge Requirement

stringed instruments skill of 75 or higher, wind instruments skill of 75 or higher or singing skill of 75 or higher; and attunement level of 175 or higher

Actualization Requirement

telesma skill of 175 or higher

Facility Formula

25% of charisma plus 20% of intelligence plus 20% of telesma skill plus 15% of leximancy skill plus (30% of stringed instruments skill, 30% of wind instruments skill, or 30% of singing skill, whichever is highest), with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of seven

Energy Costs

one hundred points of spiritual energy

Process to Actualize Form

subvocalize a melody to match my normal locomotive rhythm

Actualization of this form manifests itself as a telesmatic field of sonic vibrations surrounding and interpenetrating one's body, especially one's nervous system. The result is a tremendously augmented perceptual system. How this works is not entirely clear, but it at least involves the transmission of information about the ambient environment carried in sonic vibrations being ampliatively embedded in one's sense organs. This sensory augmentation has a number of effects, not all of them positive. As one might expect, one's perception is augmented. Less expectedly, one's willpower and tenacity are augmented: an apparent side effect of being perceptually joined with one's environment is that one feels less resistance to achieving one's purposes, as though the boundary between one's goals and the indifferent world is blurred or even abrogated. Because a sort of harmonic humming sound surrounds one, stealth is very difficulty with this field up. More seriously is that one becomes far more sensitive to pain and almost all damage types involving direct physical harm. (The effects of this form don't extend to astral perception, and perhaps for that reason mana damage is not exacerbated.) For this reason most Aligned do not use this spell if they are in or are expecting to be in combat -- though some still do, for the trans-modal echolocation is particularly useful for dodging and deflecting attacks. The echoing field manifested by this form will gradually drain one's order energy, though not very quickly, and for a skilled Aligned the increased willpower and channeling capacities granted by it compensate for the drain. One can release the field via the same procedure that one conjures it.

True Colors

Knowledge Requirement

have at least 120 points among musical composition skill, empathy skill and introspection skill

Actualization Requirement

have at least 100 points among telesma skill and 25% of musical composition skill

Facility Formula

25% of charisma plus 45% of telesma skill plus 15% of introspection skill plus 10% of leximancy skill plus 10% of empathy skill plus 10% of musical composition skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of nine

Energy Costs

fifty points of spiritual energy and fifty points of order energy

Process to Actualize Form

subvocalize a tune that resonates with the color <target>

Some Aligned deride this form as cosmetic, while others insist that an element of personal style is essential to an integrated life. This form gives one a degree of control over the color of one's essence. What this means exactly is hard to quantify, but it is known to have some affects on one's visible persona, as well as altering the color of some of the other magickal effects available to one as an Aligned. For reasons poorly understood, some colors are easier to bring to the fore of one's persona than others, and one's facility with this form determines the range of colors available. It is known that, if one has eyes, the color (or colors) of one's eyes is always available through this form. Like many forms dealing in emotional subtlety, this one is actualized via a melody: one must try to find a melody to stir up the right emotional color within oneself.

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