Six (Aligned Form)

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Revision as of 16:46, 14 January 2012

   the form Six

Form Type  : mathematical object
Knowledge Requirement  : have at least 40 points among mathematics skill, cosmology skill, and musical composition skill
Facility Formula  : 15% of charisma plus 15% of intelligence plus 20% of eideturgy skill plus 10% of telesma skill plus 25% of stringed instruments skill plus 25% of cosmology skill
Facility Minimum  : 0
Facility Maximum  : 250
Your Facility  : 230.69
Perfection  : 92%
Energy Costs  : thirty points of spiritual energy and thirty points of order energy
Process to Actualize Form  : think about the relationship between the six strings of a lute and the six basic hylocosms

Six is a highly significant number. Mathematically, it is divisible by three, two, and one, and is the sum of its proper divisors. Musically it is the basis for many stringed instruments, as the frequencies of six strings are versatile for creating harmonies. Cosmologically there are six basic planes that combine in pairs, triplets, and sextets to form the basis of 21 amalgams.

Knowledge of the mathematical properties of these things affords the ability to actualize a lute attuned to cosmological energies. The player of the lute can pluck sequences of six strings to give themselves a temporary resistance to energies of and related to the plane that is picked out by the corresponding sequence of notes.

How much resistance one gets depends upon one's skill at playing stringed instruments on the one hand, and on the other hand one's facility in actualizing the lute.

This manifestation will last either until banished or until one no longer has the order energy to maintain it. To banish a lute, concentrate on returning the form within it to a potential state.

Development Information  : This form was created by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sat Jan 14 15:07:25 2012.

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