Article Creation and Editing Suggestions

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Revision as of 13:29, 8 June 2007

Organizational Suggestions

  • It's highly recommended that you use section headings within your article to provide a table of contents tree. Additionally this will allow you to use anchors within your document, which will greatly aid in further organizational suggestions
  • Avoid simply linking pages by their helpfile word content. This has become a bad habit, and causes some horribly ambiguity within powers, concepts, commands, skills, and other entities which may share a single name. A good example of this occuring would be the word "elf" or "invoke".
  • Try to group content into good complete articles. There's no reason for a guild with 40 helpfiles for various topics to have 40 articles -- instead, simply create a single article, and organize all your content into relevant section structures. A good example of this is the Red Magi Guild Home article.

Formatting Suggestions

  • For the most part, text content from the game is formatted pretty well. Unfortunately this format won't directly translate to the wiki without some minor touch up work. The most simple example I can give of this would be used fairly extensively throughout all the pages you find. When pasting text from the game into an article, simply add a space character before every line. This will do a simple monospaced quoting style which will preserve the formatting well and still allow for wiki linking inline with the text.
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