Byundi chats

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Inspired by a line in the Deep Whisperers page, which states "Byundi kept saying unkind things about not being able to join" I made this page to record those and more chats, idle chats, she may say. She is highly charismatic and interesting. (I will likely forget about this and never EVER update it [it's here in the case I do], I may need a DW character too, to get them all)

[OOC Marcosy]     Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " So some crazed maniac,
[OOC Marcosy] something about how I had ruined his life or something, just
tried to kill me.
[OOC Marcosy] I wasn't hurt, but I can't say the same for that huge stack of
[OOC Marcosy] containing data from Wargotu.  When this sort of thing happens,
I try not to
[OOC Marcosy] let it get me down.  A quick shock to the ol' hippocampus and
I'm right as
[OOC Marcosy] *zzt* ".
[OOC Marcosy] _
[OOC Marcosy]     [21:10] [Byundi lost 1025 units of data from Wargotu]
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