Damage Combos

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acid                                             {{green}stream of acid}                              acid                             
acid / alkaline                                  {{cyan-mottled green}stream of vitriol}                           vitriol                          
acid / alkaline / cold                           {{icy-mottled cyan-streaked green}freezing jet of vitriol}                     freezing_vitriol                 
acid / alkaline / disease                        {{sickly-mottled cyan-streaked green}putrescent jet of vitriol}                   putrescent_vitriol               
acid / alkaline / electrical                     {{lightning-mottled cyan-mottled green}electrified jet of vitriol}                  electrified_vitriol              
acid / alkaline / electrical / fire              {{red-orange-green-cyan-white-green-orange-yellow-cyan-green-white-orange-red sequence}burning jet of electrified vitriol}          burning_electrified_vitriol      
acid / alkaline / electrical / magickal          {{blue-streaked cyan-streaked shimmering green}electrified stream of sorcerous vitriol}     sorcerous_electrified_vitriol    
acid / alkaline / entropic                       {{dark green-streaked dark cyan-streaked black}jet of necrovitriol}                         necrovitriol                     
acid / alkaline / eskaric                        {{green-dark cyan-cyan-dark green-cyan-dark green-green-dark cyan sequence}stream of eskaric vitriol}                   eskaric_vitriol                  
acid / alkaline / fire                           {{red-orange-green-cyan-green-orange-yellow-cyan-green-orange-red sequence}jet of burning vitriol}                      burning_vitriol                  
acid / alkaline / fire / chaos                   {{random-streaked green-streaked cyan fire}ravening blast of burning vitriol}           ravening_burning_vitriol         
acid / alkaline / force / photonic               {{white-shimmering cyan-mottled green}explosive glob of radiant vitriol}           explosive_radiant_vitriol        
acid / alkaline / heat                           {{orange-streaked cyan-mottled green}boiling jet of vitriol}                      boiling_vitriol                  
acid / alkaline / holy                           {{green-cyan-white-cyan-green-white-cyan-green-white sequence}stream of holy vitriol}                      holy_vitriol                     
acid / alkaline / magickal                       {{shimmering cyan, shimmering green, shimmering cyan, and shimmering green}stream of sorcerous vitriol}                 sorcerous_vitriol                
acid / alkaline / photonic                       {{white-shimmering cyan-mottled green}stream of radiant vitriol}                   radiant_vitriol                  
acid / alkaline / poison                         {{green-dark green-cyan-green-green-cyan-dark green-green sequence}stream of vitriolic venom}                   vitriolic_venom                  
acid / alkaline / poison / magickal              {{shimmering cyan, shimmering green, shimmering cyan, and shimmering green}stream of sorcerous vitriolic venom}         sorcerous_vitriolic_venom        
acid / alkaline / unholy                         {{green-cyan-black-cyan-green-black-cyan-green-black sequence}stream of foul vitriol}                      foul_vitriol                     
acid / chaos                                     {{green-green-random-green-random-random-green-green-random-green-green-green-random-random sequence}disintegrating jet of acid}                  disintegrating_acid              
acid / cold                                      {{icy-mottled green}freezing jet of acid}                        freezing_acid                    
acid / disease                                   {{sickly-mottled green}putrescent jet of acid}                      putrescent_acid                  
acid / electrical                                {{lightning-mottled green}electrified jet of acid}                     electrified_acid                 
acid / electrical / fire                         {{red-orange-green-green-white-green-orange-yellow-green-white-orange-red sequence}burning jet of electrified acid}             burning_electrified_acid         
acid / electrical / magickal                     {{blue-streaked shimmering green}electrified stream of sorcerous acid}        sorcerous_electrified_acid       
acid / entropic                                  {{dark green-streaked black}jet of thanatacid}                           thanatacid                       
acid / eskaric                                   {{green-dark cyan-green-dark green sequence}stream of eskaric acid}                      eskaric_acid                     
acid / fire                                      {{red-orange-green-green-green-orange-yellow-green-green-orange-red sequence}burning jet of acid}                         burning_acid                     
acid / fire / chaos                              {{random-streaked green fire}ravening blast of burning acid}              ravening_burning_acid            
acid / force                                     {{green}explosive glob of acid}                      explosive_acid                   
acid / force / photonic                          {{white-shimmering green}explosive glob of radiant acid}              explosive_radiant_acid           
acid / heat                                      {{orange-streaked green}boiling jet of acid}                         boiling_acid                     
acid / holy                                      {{green-pale green-white-green-green-white-pale green-green-white sequence}stream of holy acid}                         holy_acid                        
acid / magickal                                  {{shimmering green}stream of sorcerous acid}                    sorcerous_acid                   
acid / photonic                                  {{white-shimmering green}stream of radiant acid}                      radiant_acid                     
acid / poison                                    {{mottled green}stream of acidic venom}                      acidic_venom                     
acid / unholy                                    {{green-dark green-black-green-green-black-dark green-green-black sequence}stream of foul acid}                         foul_acid                        
air                                              {{airy}stream of elemental air}                     air                              
air / force                                      {{airy}blast of reified elemental air}              reified_elemental_air            
air / sonic                                      {{white-mottled airy}gale of shrieking wind}                      shrieking_wind                   
alkaline                                         {{cyan}stream of alkali}                            alkaline                         
alkaline / chaos                                 {{cyan-cyan-random-cyan-random-random-cyan-cyan-random-cyan-cyan-cyan-random-random sequence}disintegrating jet of alkali}                disintegrating_alkali            
alkaline / cold                                  {{icy-mottled cyan}freezing jet of alkali}                      freezing_alkali                  
alkaline / disease                               {{sickly-mottled cyan}putrescent jet of alkali}                    putrescent_alkali                
alkaline / electrical                            {{lightning-mottled cyan}electrified jet of alkali}                   electrified_alkali               
alkaline / electrical / fire                     {{red-orange-cyan-cyan-white-cyan-orange-yellow-cyan-white-orange-red sequence}burning jet of electrified alkali}           burning_electrified_alkali       
alkaline / electrical / magickal                 {{blue-streaked shimmering cyan}electrified stream of sorcerous alkali}      sorcerous_electrified_alkali     
alkaline / entropic                              {{dark cyan-streaked black}jet of thanatalkali}                         thanatalkali                     
alkaline / eskaric                               {{cyan-dark cyan-cyan-dark green sequence}stream of eskaric alkali}                    eskaric_alkali                   
alkaline / fire                                  {{red-orange-cyan-cyan-cyan-orange-yellow-cyan-cyan-orange-red sequence}burning jet of alkali}                       burning_alkali                   
alkaline / fire / chaos                          {{random-streaked cyan fire}ravening blast of burning alkali}            ravening_burning_alkali          
alkaline / force                                 {{cyan}explosive glob of alkali}                    explosive_alkali                 
alkaline / force / photonic                      {{white-shimmering cyan}explosive glob of radiant alkali}            explosive_radiant_alkali         
alkaline / heat                                  {{orange-streaked cyan}boiling jet of alkali}                       boiling_alkali                   
alkaline / holy                                  {{cyan-pale cyan-white-cyan-cyan-white-pale cyan-cyan-white sequence}stream of holy alkali}                       holy_alkali                      
alkaline / magickal                              {{shimmering cyan}stream of sorcerous alkali}                  sorcerous_alkali                 
alkaline / photonic                              {{white-shimmering cyan}stream of radiant alkali}                    radiant_alkali                   
alkaline / poison                                {{mottled cyan}stream of alkaline venom}                    alkaline_venom                   
alkaline / unholy                                {{cyan-dark cyan-black-cyan-cyan-black-dark cyan-cyan-black sequence}stream of foul alkali}                       foul_alkali                      
beak                                             {{gray}beak}                                        beak                             
bite                                             {{gray}bite}                                        bite                             
blender                                          {{gray}blender}                                     blender                          
chaos                                            {{chaotic}blast of chaos}                              chaos                            
chaos / acid / alkaline                          {{random-random-cyan-cyan-green-green-random-random-green-green-cyan-cyan sequence}stream of azoth}                             azoth                            
chaos / air                                      {{chaotic-mottled airy}puff of chaoswind}                           chaoswind                        
chaos / cold                                     {{white-random-white-cyan-cyan-random-blue-blue-cyan-cyan-random-white sequence}cone of chaosfrost}                          chaosfrost                       
chaos / cold / entropic                          {{cyan-cyan-random-cyan-cyan-random-cyan-cyan-cyan-random sequence}beam of exthalpy}                            exthalpy                         
chaos / cold / fire                              {{blue-blue-random-cyan-cyan-random-white-white-white-random-cyan-cyan-random-blue-blue sequence}coruscating gout of iceflame}                coruscating_iceflame             
chaos / cold / holy                              {{white-random-white-white-cyan-random-blue-blue-cyan-white-white-random-white sequence}cone of holy chaosfrost}                     holy_chaosfrost                  
chaos / electrical                               {{chaotic lightning}arc of polychromatic lightning}              polychromatic_lightning          
chaos / entropic                                 {{random-mottled black}bolt of magick}                              disintegration                   
chaos / entropic / vacuum                        {{silvery-mottled black}bolt of annihilation}                        annihilation                     
chaos / fire                                     {{random fire}gout of chaosfire}                           chaosfire                        
chaos / fire / holy                              {{white, random, red, random, orange, yellow, white, white, yellow, orange, random, red, random, and white}gout of holy chaosfire}                      holy_chaosfire                   
chaos / force / temporal                         {{random-random-gray-black-random-random-random-gray-gray-black-random-gray-black sequence}wave of reality disruption}                  reality_disruption               
chaos / heat                                     {{orange-orange-random-orange-orange-random-orange-orange-orange-random sequence}beam of chaosheat}                           chaosheat                        
chaos / heat / cold                              {{orange-cyan-random-cyan-orange-random-orange-random-cyan-random-orange-cyan-random sequence}beam of thermodynamism}                      thermodynamism                   
chaos / heat / entropic                          {{orange-orange-random-orange-orange-random-orange-orange-orange-random sequence}beam of enthalpy}                            enthalpy                         
chaos / magickal                                 {{violet, pink, chaotic, white, chaotic, pink, and violet}bolt of chaos magick}                        chaos_magick                     
chaos / photonic                                 {{white-streaked chaotic}ray of polychromatic light}                  polychromatic_light              
chaos / poison                                   {{green-green-random-green-random-green-green-random-random-green-random sequence}stream of chaosvenom}                        chaosvenom                       
chaos / temporal / vacuum                        {{gray-gray-gray-black-black-black sequence}haze of aftermath}                           aftermath                        
chaos / water                                    {{random-flecked random-dotted watery}flood of riptide}                            riptide                          
claw                                             {{gray}claw}                                        claw                             
cold                                             {{icy}cone of frost}                               cold                             
cold / entropic / holy                           {{black, blue, cyan, gray, white, gray, cyan, blue, and black}cone of soulfrost}                           soulfrost                        
cold / entropic / holy / chaos                   {{random-black-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-black-random-black-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-black-random-black-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-black sequence}ravening cone of soulfrost}                  ravening_soulfrost               
cold / entropic / holy / force                   {{black, blue, cyan, gray, white, gray, cyan, blue, and black}explosive blast of soulfrost}                explosive_soulfrost              
cold / entropic / unholy                         {{black, violet, blue, cyan, white, cyan, blue, violet, and black}cone of hellfrost}                           hellfrost                        
cold / entropic / unholy / chaos                 {{random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black-random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black-random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black sequence}ravening cone of hellfrost}                  ravening_hellfrost               
cold / entropic / unholy / force                 {{black, violet, blue, cyan, white, cyan, blue, violet, and black}explosive blast of hellfrost}                explosive_hellfrost              
cold / extropic                                  {{violet-blue-cyan-blue-cyan-white-cyan-white-white-black-gray-black-white-white-cyan-white-cyan-blue-cyan-blue-violet sequence}extropic jet of frost}                       extropic_frost                   
cold / fire                                      {{blue fire}gout of iceflame}                            iceflame                         
cold / fire / magickal                           {{green-dark green-blue-cyan-white-cyan-dark green-green-white sequence}gout of sorcerous iceflame}                  sorcerous_iceflame               
cold / magickal                                  {{green-green-cyan-green-cyan-white sequence}cone of sorcerous frost}                     sorcerous_frost                  
cold / magickal / poison                         {{green-green-cyan-green-cyan-white sequence}gust of witchfrost}                          witchfrost                       
cold / order                                     {{dark blue-dark blue-silver-silver-light cyan-dark blue-silver-silver sequence}cone of polarized frost}                     polarized_frost                  
cold / water                                     {{icy}cone of freezing elemental water}            freezing_elemental_water         
crushing                                         storm of spheres                            crushing                         
crushing / entropic / magickal                   {{shadowy}burst of shadowy forms}                      shadowy_forms                    
disease                                          {{sickly}stream of putrescence}                       disease                          
disease / entropic                               {{sickly-sickly-black-sickly-sickly-black-black-sickly-black sequence}blob of black plague}                        black_plague                     
disease / eskaric                                {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-dark cyan-dark cyan-dark green-dark green sequence}stream of eskaric putrescence}               eskaric_putrescence              
disease / poison                                 {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-green-green-dark green-green sequence}stream of toxic putrescence}                 toxic_putrescence                
earth                                            {{earthy}bolt of elemental earth}                     earth                            
earth / chaos                                    {{random-mottled earthy}blast of earthfury}                          earthfury                        
earth / crushing                                 {{earthy}chunk of reified elemental earth}            reified_elemental_earth          
electrical                                       {{lightning}bolt of lightning}                           electrical                       
electrical / chaos / entropic                    {{black-black-blue-white-black-blue-blue-black-white-white-black-blue sequence}bolt of sturmdrang}                          sturmdrang                       
electrical / cold                                {{cyan-cyan-white-white-cyan-cyan-white-cyan-white-cyan-cyan-white-white sequence}arc of cold lightning}                       cold_lightning                   
electrical / fire                                {{red-orange-white-white-orange-yellow-white-yellow-white-orange-orange-white-white-red sequence}burning arc of lightning}                    burning_lightning                
electrical / fire / entropic / unholy            {{black-black-violet-violet-white-white-red-red-orange-orange-yellow-yellow-white-white sequence}arc of infernal lightning}                   infernal_lightning               
electrical / fire / magickal                     {{red-orange-green-white-orange-yellow-green-yellow-white-orange-orange-green-white-red-green sequence}burning arc of sorcerous lightning}          burning_sorcerous_lightning      
electrical / fire / unholy                       {{black-black-violet-violet-orange-orange-black-black-red-red sequence}arc of hellshock}                            hellshock                        
electrical / heat                                {{orange-orange-white-white-orange-orange-white-orange-white-orange-orange-white-white sequence}arc of heat lightning}                       heat_lightning                   
electrical / order / unholy                      {{black-black-violet-violet-silver-silver-black sequence}arc of diabolic lightning}                   diabolic_lightning               
electrical / order / unholy / fire               {{black-black-red-orange-violet-violet-silver-silver-black sequence}burning arc of diabolic lightning}           burning_diabolic_lightning       
electrical / psionic                             {{violet lightning}arc of mind-lightning}                       mind-lightning                   
electrical / unholy                              {{violet lightning}arc of unholy lightning}                     unholy_lightning                 
entropic                                         {{black}gout of darkness}                            entropic                         
entropic / chaos / photonic                      {{violet-runed tarnished}blob of necroplasm}                          necroplasm                       
entropic / cold                                  {{black-mottled dark blue}jet of black frost}                          black_frost                      
entropic / cold / slashing                       {{black-black-dark blue-dark-cyan-black-dark blue-black-dark cyan sequence}jet of black ice}                            black_ice                        
entropic / electrical                            {{black lightning}arc of black lightning}                      black_lightning                  
entropic / electrical / cold                     {{black-black-dark blue-white-black-black-white-dark blue-black-black-black-white sequence}arc of cold black lightning}                 cold_black_lightning             
entropic / electrical / cold / chaos             {{black-black-dark blue-random-white-black-black-white-dark blue-random-black-black-black-white sequence}arc of exthalpic lightning}                  exthalpic_lightning              
entropic / electrical / heat                     {{black-black-orange-white-black-black-white-orange-black-black-black-white sequence}arc of hot black lightning}                  hot_black_lightning              
entropic / electrical / heat / chaos             {{black-black-orange-white-random-black-black-white-orange-random-black-black-black-white sequence}arc of enthalpic lightning}                  enthalpic_lightning              
entropic / fire                                  {{darkfire}gout of darkfire}                            darkfire                         
entropic / holy / sonic                          {{black-black-blue-blue-cyan-cyan-gray-gray-black sequence}wave of soulsong}                            soulsong                         
entropic / magickal                              {{shadowy}haze of shadow}                              shadow                           
entropic / magickal / electrical                 {{dark gray lightning}arc of umbral lightning}                     umbral_lightning                 
entropic / magickal / fire                       {{dark gray fire}gout of umbral flame}                        umbral_flame                     
entropic / order                                 {{white}ray of sterility}                            sterility                        
entropic / photonic                              {{black}ray of black radiance}                       black_radiance                   
entropic / plasma                                {{darkfire}gout of black plasma}                        black_plasma                     
entropic / poison                                {{dark green-mottled black}jet of necrovenom}                           necrovenom                       
entropic / poison / air / water                  {{black-black-green-black-gray-black-green-green-black-gray-black sequence}cloud of death fog}                          death_fog                        
entropic / sonic                                 {{gray-streaked black}wave of deathsong}                           deathsong                        
entropic / temporal / order                      {{silver-streaked black}wave of inevitable doom}                     inevitable_doom                  
entropic / unholy / photonic                     {{shimmering black}ray of deadlight}                            deadlight                        
entropic / unholy / sonic                        {{black-black-violet-violet-red-red-gray-gray-black sequence}wave of hellsong}                            hellsong                         
eskaric                                          {{dark cyan-dark cyan-dark cyan-dark green-dark green-dark green sequence}pulse of weird energy}                       eskaric                          
eskaric / chaos                                  {{random-dark cyan-random-dark green sequence}stream of quanta}                            quanta                           
eskaric / chaos / entropic                       {{random-dark cyan-black-random-dark green-black sequence}wave of quantum instability}                 quantum_instability              
eskaric / chaos / water                          {{random-dark cyan-blue-random-dark green-white sequence}stream of quantum foam}                      quantum_foam                     
eskaric / entropic                               {{black-black-dark cyan-dark cyan-black-black-dark green-dark green sequence}ray of dark eskaris}                         dark_eskaris                     
eskaric / fire                                   {{cyan fire}gout of eskaric flame}                       eskaric_flame                    
eskaric / order                                  {{dark cyan-dark cyan-silver-silver-dark green-dark green-gray-gray sequence}beam of polarizing eskaris}                  polarizing_eskaris               
eskaric / photonic                               {{white-white-cyan-white-green-white sequence}ray of spectrum eskaris}                     spectrum_eskaris                 
eskaric / photonic / entropic                    {{white-cyan-black-white-green-black sequence}ray of death-radiance}                       death-radiance                   
eskaric / plasma                                 {{cyan fire}gout of eskaric plasma}                      eskaric_plasma                   
eskaric / temporal                               {{bright blue}beam of tachyons}                            tachyons                         
extropic                                         {{white}pulse of radiance}                           extropic                         
extropic / chaos / photonic                      {{rainbow}blob of ectoplasm}                           ectoplasm                        
fire                                             {{fiery}gout of fire}                                fire                             
fire / air                                       {{cyan fire}gout of airflame}                            airflame                         
fire / air / vacuum                              {{red-orange-white-cyan-green-orange-yellow-cyan-white-orange-red sequence}sheet of burning sky}                        burning_sky                      
fire / earth                                     {{brown fire}gout of earthflame}                          earthflame                       
fire / entropic / holy                           {{soulfire}gout of soulfire}                            soulfire                         
fire / entropic / holy / chaos                   {{random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black-random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black-random-black-violet-blue-cyan-white-cyan-blue-violet-black sequence}ravening gout of soulfire}                   ravening_soulfire                
fire / entropic / holy / force                   {{soulfire}explosive blast of soulfire}                 explosive_soulfire               
fire / entropic / unholy                         {{hellfire}gout of hellfire}                            hellfire                         
fire / entropic / unholy / chaos                 {{random-black-violet-red-orange-yellow-orange-red-violet-black-random-black-violet-red-orange-yellow-orange-red-violet-black-random-black-violet-red-orange-yellow-orange-red-violet-black sequence}ravening gout of hellfire}                   ravening_hellfire                
fire / entropic / unholy / force                 {{hellfire}explosive blast of hellfire}                 explosive_hellfire               
fire / extropic                                  {{violet-red-orange-red-orange-yellow-orange-yellow-yellow-white-gray-white-yellow-yellow-orange-yellow-orange-red-orange-red-violet sequence}extropic gout of flame}                      extropic_flame                   
fire / heat                                      {{bright fire}gout of white-hot flame}                     white-hot_flame                  
fire / heat / earth / acid                       {{white fire}blob of white phosphorus}                    white_phosphorus                 
fire / magickal / poison                         {{green fire}tongue of witchfire}                         witchfire                        
fire / order / unholy                            {{black, violet, red, yellow, gray, silvery, gray, yellow, red, violet, and black}gout of diabolic flame}                      diabolic_flame                   
fire / photonic / plasma / vacuum                {{starry}spark of starlight}                          starlight                        
fire / poison                                    {{green fire}gout of toxic flame}                         toxic_flame                      
fire / poison / chaos                            {{random-streaked green fire}ravening blast of toxic flame}               ravening_toxic_flame             
fire / psionic                                   {{violet fire}tongue of mindfire}                          mindfire                         
fire / sonic                                     {{shimmering cyan flame}tongue of wailing flame}                     wailing_flame                    
fire / water                                     {{orange, yellow, cyan, white, cyan, yellow, and orange}gout of waterflame}                          waterflame                       
force                                            bolt of force                               force                            
force / chaos                                    {{clear-clear-clear-random-random-clear-clear-random-clear-random sequence}bolt of space disruption}                    space_disruption                 
force / cold                                     {{icy}explosive blast of frost}                    explosive_frost                  
force / cold / fire                              {{blue fire}explosive blast of iceflame}                 explosive_iceflame               
force / entropic / cold                          {{black-mottled dark blue}explosive blast of black frost}              explosive_black_frost            
force / entropic / fire                          {{darkfire}explosive blast of darkfire}                 explosive_darkfire               
force / fire                                     {{fiery}explosive blast of fire}                     explosive_fire                   
force / fire / holy                              {{lightfire}explosive blast of holy fire}                explosive_holy_fire              
force / fire / unholy                            {{unholy fire}explosive blast of unholy fire}              explosive_unholy_fire            
force / magickal                                 {{sparkling}explosive bolt of magick}                    explosive_magick                 
force / order                                    {{white-lined gray}pulse of structure}                          structure                        
force / plasma                                   {{bright fire}explosive blast of plasma}                   explosive_plasma                 
force / plasma / cold                            {{blue fire}explosive blast of cold plasma}              explosive_cold_plasma            
force / plasma / entropic                        {{darkfire}explosive blast of black plasma}             explosive_black_plasma           
force / psionic                                  {{sparkling}bolt of psychic force}                       psychic_force                    
force / sonic                                    {{chiaroscuro}blast of thunder}                            thunder                          
force / temporal                                 {{gray-lined black}beam of fractured spacetime}                 fractured_spacetime              
force / vacuum                                   {{gray, black, gray, black, gray, and black}wave of overpressure}                        overpressure                     
heat                                             {{orange}blast of heat}                               heat                             
heat / earth                                     {{black-black-red-red-orange-black-red sequence}jet of magma}                                magma                            
heat / earth / eskaric                           {{black-black-dark cyan-red-red-orange-dark green-black-red sequence}jet of eskaric magma}                        eskaric_magma                    
heat / photonic                                  {{orange-orange-white-orange-orange-white-orange-orange-orange-white sequence}beam of searing radiance}                    searing_radiance                 
heat / water                                     {{gray-mottled white}gout of steam}                               steam                            
heat / water / poison                            {{green-mottled white}gout of toxic steam}                         toxic_steam                      
holy                                             {{white}torrent of holy power}                       holy                             
holy / chaos                                     {{white, chaotic, white, chaotic, and white}ray of holy chaos}                           holy_chaos                       
holy / disease                                   {{olive-flecked bright fire}torrent of divine affliction}                divine_affliction                
holy / electrical                                {{white lightning}arc of holy lightning}                       holy_lightning                   
holy / electrical / magickal                     {{golden lightning}angelic bolt of lightning}                   angelic_lightning                
holy / fire                                      {{lightfire}gout of holy fire}                           holy_fire                        
holy / fire / magickal                           {{golden fire}blast of angelfire}                          angelfire                        
holy / magickal / chaos                          {{chaotic, white, and chaotic}ray of khokhmah}                             khokhmah                         
holy / magickal / force                          {{blue-flecked white lightning}blast of angelic power}                      angelic_power                    
holy / magickal / photonic                       {{gold-copper-white-gray sequence}halo of angelic radiance}                    angelic_radiance                 
holy / order                                     {{shimmering silvery}wave of righteousness}                       righteousness                    
holy / order / electrical                        {{silvery lightning}arc of righteous lightning}                  righteous_lightning              
holy / order / fire                              {{silvery fire}gout of righteous flame}                     righteous_flame                  
holy / order / photonic                          {{shimmering silvery}ray of righteous radiance}                   righteous_radiance               
holy / order / water / force                     {{silvery-streaked shimmering blue}sheet of righteous waves}                    righteous_waves                  
holy / photonic                                  {{white}ray of holy light}                           holy_light                       
holy / sonic / magickal                          {{cyan-streaked silvery fire}wave of angelic song}                        angelic_song                     
horn                                             {{gray}horn}                                        horn                             
magickal                                         {{sparkling}burst of magick}                             magickal                         
magickal / air                                   {{green-runed airy}gust of sorcerous wind}                      sorcerous_wind                   
magickal / disease                               {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-green-green-dark green-green sequence}stream of sorcerous putrescence}             sorcerous_putrescence            
magickal / electrical                            {{green lightning}arc of sorcerous lightning}                  sorcerous_lightning              
magickal / eskaric                               {{shimmering green, shimmering cyan, shimmering green, and shimmering cyan}wave of sorcerous eskaris}                   sorcerous_eskaris                
magickal / fire                                  {{green fire}tongue of sorcerous flame}                   sorcerous_flame                  
magickal / fire / sonic                          {{green-streaked shimmering cyan flame}wailing tongue of sorcerous flame}           sorcerous_wailing_flame          
magickal / heat                                  {{green-green-orange-orange-green sequence}beam of sorcerous heat}                      sorcerous_heat                   
magickal / plasma                                {{bright green fire}gout of sorcerous plasma}                    sorcerous_plasma                 
magickal / sonic                                 {{green-streaked white}wave of sorcerous wailing}                   sorcerous_wailing                
magickal / viral                                 {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-green-green-dark green-green sequence}stream of sorcerous pestilence}              sorcerous_pestilence             
order                                            {{silvery}pulse of order}                              order                            
order / acid                                     {{silvery-flecked bright green}shard of crystallized acid}                  crystallized_acid                
order / air                                      {{silvery-dotted airy}cloud of pattern-streaked air}               pattern-streaked_air             
order / alkaline                                 {{silvery-flecked bright teal}shard of crystallized alkali}                crystallized_alkali              
order / alkaline / acid                          {{silvery-striped cyan-mottled green}jet of harmonized vitriol}                   harmonized_vitriol               
order / chaos                                    {{shimmering gold}pulse of metasynthesis}                      metasynthesis                    
order / chaos / force / temporal                 {{black-mottled random-flecked random-dotted white}mass of apeiron}                             apeiron                          
order / chaos / vacuum                           {{random-flecked random-flecked random-flecked random-flecked night-black}field of atoms and void}                     atoms_and_void                   
order / disease                                  {{silvery-banded sickly}streamer of systemic putrescence}            systemic_putrescence             
order / earth                                    {{shimmering white}wave of crystallization}                     crystallization                  
order / electrical                               {{silvery lightning}arc of silvery lightning}                    silvery_lightning                
order / fire                                     {{silvery fire}gout of silvery flame}                       silvery_flame                    
order / fire / earth / air / water               {{sparkling silvery-runed prismatic}wheel of isomorphism}                        isomorphism                      
order / fire / entropic / holy                   {{sparkling silvery-runed soulfire}stream of abstract soulfire}                 abstract_soulfire                
order / fire / photonic / plasma / vacuum        {{sparkling silvery-dotted starry}spark of sublime starlight}                  sublime_starlight                
order / fire / plasma                            {{opalescent-striped midnight blue fire}blast of ur-fire}                            ur-fire                          
order / fire / plasma / heat                     {{silvery-banded violet-flecked yellow-striped orange fire}pulse of kinesis}                            kinesis                          
order / force / electrical                       {{silvery-striped prismatic lightning}hypermorphic skein of lightning}             hypermorphic_lightning           
order / force / eskaric                          {{silvery-flecked dark teal and silvery-flecked dark green}lance of stabilizing hadrons}                stabilizing_hadrons              
order / force / photonic                         {{black-flecked silvery}blinding ray of geometric structure}         blinding_geometric_structure     
order / heat                                     {{silvery-flecked sparkling bright orange}beam of protoheat}                           protoheat                        
order / magickal                                 {{shimmering white}wave of ordainment}                          ordainment                       
order / magickal / air / vacuum                  {{opalescent}gust of aether}                              aether                           
order / magickal / entropic                      {{sparkling silvery-flecked green fire}halo of organic energy}                      organic_energy                   
order / photonic                                 {{white}ray of monochromatic light}                  monochromatic_light              
order / photonic / magickal                      {{teal-flecked white-streaked shimmering green}hypnotic wave of sorcerous radiance}         hypnotic_sorcerous_radiance      
order / plasma                                   {{bright orange-bright orange-silvery-bright orange-bright yellow-silvery-bright yellow-bright yellow-bright white-silvery-bright white-bright yellow-bright yellow-silvery-bright orange-silvery-bright orange-bright orange sequence}storm of archeplasma}                        archeplasma                      
order / poison                                   {{silvery-silvery-green-silvery-green-silvery-silvery-green-green-silvery-green sequence}wave of toxic stasis}                        toxic_stasis                     
order / psionic                                  {{silvery-flecked sparkling blue, silvery-flecked sparkling violet, silvery-flecked sparkling blue, and silvery-flecked sparkling violet}web of eidos}                                eidos                            
order / slashing                                 {{sparkling silvery}wheel of geometric blades}                   geometric_blades                 
order / sonic                                    {{shimmering teal-mottled shimmering silvery}wave of harmonic vibration}                  harmonic_vibration               
order / stabbing                                 {{sparkling silvery}burst of geometric needles}                  geometric_needles                
order / temporal                                 {{black-silvery sequence}ripple of discrete time}                     discrete_time                    
order / unholy                                   {{silvery, black, silvery, and black}bolt of diabolic power}                      diabolic_power                   
order / unholy / entropic                        {{silvery, black, dark red, silvery, and black}lash of tyranny}                             tyranny                          
order / vacuum                                   {{night-black}field of void}                               void                             
order / vacuum / sonic                           {{white-dark white-dark white-white-dark white-black-white-black-black-white-black-dark white-white-dark white-dark white-white-white sequence}resonating pulse of harmonic lacuna}         resonating_harmonic_lacuna       
order / viral                                    {{silvery-banded sickly}streamer of systemic pestilence}             systemic_pestilence              
order / water                                    {{silvery-flecked watery}jet of pattern-streaked water}               pattern-streaked_water           
order / water / force                            {{dark yellow-yellow-white-teal-dark teal-dark blue-blue-dark blue-dark teal-teal-white-yellow-dark yellow sequence}flood of tidal resonance}                    tidal_resonance                  
photonic                                         {{white}beam of intense light}                       photonic                         
photonic / electrical                            {{white lightning}arc of radiant lightning}                    radiant_lightning                
photonic / fire                                  {{lightfire}luminous gout of flame}                      luminous_flame                   
photonic / magickal                              {{white-streaked shimmering green}beam of sorcerous radiance}                  sorcerous_radiance               
photonic / magickal / poison                     {{white-streaked shimmering green}ray of witchlight}                           witchlight                       
plasma                                           {{bright fire}gout of plasma}                              plasma                           
plasma / acid                                    {{green fire}gout of acidic plasma}                       acidic_plasma                    
plasma / acid / alkaline                         {{green fire, cyan fire, green fire, and cyan fire}gout of vitriolic plasma}                    vitriolic_plasma                 
plasma / alkaline                                {{cyan fire}gout of alkaline plasma}                     alkaline_plasma                  
plasma / chaos                                   {{violet, orange, yellow, white, orange, yellow, and violet}gout of stellar plasma}                      stellar_plasma                   
plasma / chaos / fire                            {{random-streaked bright fire}ravening gout of plasma}                     ravening_plasma                  
plasma / chaos / fire / entropic                 {{random-streaked darkfire}ravening gout of black plasma}               ravening_black_plasma            
plasma / chaos / fire / entropic / poison        {{green-spotted random-streaked darkfire}ravening gout of toxic black plasma}         toxic_ravening_black_plasma      
plasma / chaos / fire / poison                   {{green-spotted random-streaked bright fire}ravening gout of toxic plasma}               toxic_ravening_plasma            
plasma / cold                                    {{blue fire}gout of cold plasma}                         cold_plasma                      
plasma / electrical                              {{orange lightning}gout of supercharged plasma}                 supercharged_plasma              
plasma / entropic / holy                         {{pink, blue, cyan, gray, white, gray, cyan, blue, and pink}gout of soulplasma}                          soulplasma                       
plasma / entropic / holy / chaos                 {{random-pink-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-pink-random-pink-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-pink-random-pink-blue-cyan-gray-white-gray-cyan-blue-pink sequence}ravening gout of soulplasma}                 ravening_soulplasma              
plasma / entropic / holy / force                 {{violet, blue, cyan, gray, white, gray, cyan, blue, and violet}explosive blast of soulplasma}               explosive_soulplasma             
plasma / entropic / unholy                       {{violet, pink, orange, yellow, white, yellow, orange, pink, and violet}gout of hellplasma}                          hellplasma                       
plasma / entropic / unholy / chaos               {{random-violet-pink-orange-yellow-white-yellow-orange-pink-violet-random-violet-pink-orange-yellow-white-yellow-orange-pink-violet-random-violet-pink-orange-yellow-white-yellow-orange-pink-violet sequence}ravening gout of hellplasma}                 ravening_hellplasma              
plasma / entropic / unholy / force               {{violet, pink, orange, yellow, white, yellow, orange, pink, and violet}explosive blast of hellplasma}               explosive_hellplasma             
plasma / fire                                    {{bright fire}gout of smoldering plasma}                   smoldering_plasma                
plasma / fire / magickal                         {{bright green fire}gout of sorcerous smoldering plasma}         sorcerous_smoldering_plasma      
plasma / fire / poison                           {{green fire}gout of toxic smoldering plasma}             toxic_smoldering_plasma          
plasma / heat                                    {{bright fire}gout of hot plasma}                          hot_plasma                       
plasma / heat / fire / eskaric / chaos           {{violet, orange, yellow, white, orange, and yellow}bolt of starfire}                            starfire                         
plasma / heat / fire / eskaric / photonic        {{golden fire}bolt of sunfire}                             sunfire                          
plasma / photonic                                {{golden fire}gout of solar plasma}                        solar_plasma                     
plasma / poison                                  {{green fire}gout of toxic plasma}                        toxic_plasma                     
poison                                           {{bright green}stream of venom}                             poison                           
poison / air                                     {{sickly-airy sequence}cloud of poisoned air}                       poisoned_air                     
poison / cold                                    {{icy-mottled green}freezing jet of venom}                       freezing_venom                   
poison / electrical                              {{lightning-mottled green}electrified jet of venom}                    electrified_venom                
poison / electrical / fire                       {{red-orange-green-green-white-green-orange-yellow-green-white-orange-red sequence}burning jet of electrified venom}            burning_electrified_venom        
poison / electrical / magickal                   {{blue-streaked shimmering green}electrified stream of sorcerous venom}       sorcerous_electrified_venom      
poison / eskaric                                 {{green-dark cyan-green-dark green sequence}stream of eskaric venom}                     eskaric_venom                    
poison / force                                   {{green}explosive glob of venom}                     explosive_venom                  
poison / force / photonic                        {{white-shimmering green}explosive glob of radiant venom}             explosive_radiant_venom          
poison / heat                                    {{orange-streaked green}boiling jet of venom}                        boiling_venom                    
poison / holy                                    {{green-pale green-white-green-green-white-pale green-green-white sequence}stream of holy venom}                        holy_venom                       
poison / magickal                                {{shimmering green}stream of sorcerous venom}                   sorcerous_venom                  
poison / photonic                                {{white-shimmering green}stream of radiant venom}                     radiant_venom                    
poison / unholy                                  {{green-dark green-black-green-green-black-dark green-green-black sequence}stream of foul venom}                        foul_venom                       
psionic                                          pulse of psychic energy                     psionic                          
psionic / chaos                                  {{random-random-silvery-gray-random-silvery-random-gray-random-gray-random-random-silvery-random-gray sequence}pulse of confusion}                          confusion                        
psionic / chaos / photonic                       {{rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-rainbow-shimmering-shimmering-shimmering-shimmering sequence}blob of psychoplasm}                         psychoplasm                      
shock                                            {{red}beam of silvery light}                       shock                            
slashing                                         storm of disks                              slashing                         
slashing / acid / cold                           {{white, green, white, cyan, blue, cyan, white, green, and white}shard of acidic ice}                         acidic_ice                       
slashing / alkaline / cold                       {{white, cyan, white, cyan, blue, cyan, white, cyan, and white}shard of alkaline ice}                       alkaline_ice                     
slashing / cold                                  {{icy}shard of ice}                                ice                              
slashing / cold / magickal                       {{green-white-cyan-green-cyan-white sequence}cone of sorcerous ice}                       sorcerous_ice                    
slashing / entropic / magickal                   {{shadowy}burst of shadowy blades}                     shadowy_blades                   
slashing / fire                                  {{fiery}burst of fireknives}                         fireknives                       
slashing / heat                                  {{orange}burst of heatknives}                         heatknives                       
slashing / plasma                                {{bright fire}burst of plasma knives}                      plasma_knives                    
slashing / plasma / heat / fire / eskaric        {{bright fire}burst of starknives}                         starknives                       
sonic                                            {{white}cone of horrible screeching}                 sonic                            
sonic / chaos                                    {{random-random-cyan-gray-random-cyan-random-gray-random-gray-random-random-cyan-random-gray sequence}wave of discord}                             discord                          
sonic / psionic                                  {{white}mind-destroying wave of screeching}          mind-destroying_screeching       
stabbing                                         storm of spikes                             stabbing                         
stabbing / fire                                  {{fiery}swarm of firedarts}                          firedarts                        
stabbing / heat                                  {{orange}swarm of heatdarts}                          heatdarts                        
stabbing / plasma                                {{bright fire}swarm of plasma darts}                       plasma_darts                     
stabbing / plasma / heat / fire / eskaric        {{bright fire}swarm of stardarts}                          stardarts                        
stomp                                            {{gray}stomp}                                       stomp                            
tail                                             {{gray}tail}                                        tail                             
temporal                                         {{dark gray}beam of gray light}                          temporal                         
temporal / chaos                                 {{dark gray-dark gray-dark gray-random-random-dark gray-dark gray-random-dark gray-random sequence}ray of time disruption}                      time_disruption                  
temporal / chaos / order / entropic / slashing   {{gray-gray-black-black-gray-gray-white-white sequence}tangle of bureaucracy}                       bureaucracy                      
tongue                                           tongue of                                   tongue                           
unholy                                           {{violet-mottled black}torrent of unholy power}                     unholy                           
unholy / chaos                                   {{black, chaotic, black, chaotic, and black}wave of blasphemy}                           blasphemy                        
unholy / chaos / cold                            {{random-black-cyan-blue-cyan-black-random-black-cyan-blue-cyan-black sequence}gust of blasphemous frost}                   blasphemous_frost                
unholy / chaos / fire                            {{chaotic-streaked unholy fire}gout of blasphemous flame}                   blasphemous_flame                
unholy / chaos / photonic                        {{violet-tinged opalescent}ray of sinlight}                             sinlight                         
unholy / cold                                    {{black, cyan, blue, cyan, and black}cone of unholy frost}                        unholy_frost                     
unholy / entropic                                {{dark-violet-splotched black}bolt of foul darkness}                       foul_darkness                    
unholy / entropic / chaos                        {{chaotic, black, and chaotic}cloud of malevolence}                        malevolence                      
unholy / fire                                    {{unholy fire}gout of unholy fire}                         unholy_fire                      
unholy / photonic                                {{violet-tinged opalescent}ray of unholy radiance}                      unholy_radiance                  
vacuum                                           {{black}cone of emptiness}                           vacuum                           
vacuum / sonic                                   {{white-dark white-dark white-dark white-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-black-dark white-dark white-dark white-white sequence}wave of harmonic lacuna}                     harmonic_lacuna                  
vacuum / water                                   {{blue-blue-dark blue-dark blue-dark blue-black-black-black-dark blue-dark blue-dark blue-blue-blue sequence}torrent of tidal lacuna}                     tidal_lacuna                     
viral                                            {{sickly}stream of pestilence}                        viral                            
viral / eskaric                                  {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-dark cyan-dark cyan-dark green-dark green sequence}stream of eskaric pestilence}                eskaric_pestilence               
viral / poison                                   {{sickly-sickly-sickly-sickly-green-green-dark green-green sequence}stream of toxic pestilence}                  toxic_pestilence                 
water                                            {{watery}stream of elemental water}                   water                            
water / crushing                                 {{watery}geyser of reified elemental water}           reified_elemental_water
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