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(o the Travelers o)

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Guild Main Helpfile

        You are a Traveler, a wandering priest of priest of Ganesha, lord of
    gateways, places and remover of obstacles, guide to enlightenment,
    protector to freedom. 

        A Traveler's primary task is overcoming obstacles: overcoming them
    himself, and helping others overcome them.  As he does so, he will find
    himself rewarded by Ganesha in many ways.  These rewards are called
    bestowals, and they are primarily of two types: recurring boons, most of
    which can be acquired by anyone, and more permanent boons that can be
    acquired only by Travelers.  You have acquired twenty permanent bestowals.

        Travelers spend their lives spreading freedom and enlightenment,
    journeying across the world and doing good deeds, in a never-ending quest
    to better their understanding of kharma and dharma.  Doing so brings them
    closer to Ganesha, makes their invocations and powers more effective,
    enables them to discover hidden energy stores in themselves in the form of
    chakras, allowed them to live longer -- and has other, still stranger

        As a Traveler you are able to invoke Ganesha to various effects.  See
    'help invocations' for more details.


    You are able to invoke Ganesha by reciting certain mantras to him in
Archaen.  More invocations will be revealed to you the more obstacles you
overcome.  Each invocation has its own help file.  You must be in a fairly
calm state to invoke Ganesha; you cannot invoke him while moving around or

    The invocations known to you are as follows:

      Gajakarnikaya         Gam Ganapataye        Ganadhyakshaya
      Kadantaya             Kapilaya              Kshipra Prasadaya
      Lambodaraya           Shree Ganesh          Vighna Nashanaya


the invocation Gajakarnikaya

Ability Determinants      : 50% of ergimancy skill plus 50% of invocation
    skill plus 75% of charisma plus 25% of intelligence
Energy Costs              : one hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, elephant god whose ears are
    constantly fanning, who hears all seven chakras and all seventy two
    thousand nadis, listen to Brahman, listen to Shakti, and find me <"a"/"an"
    enhancement type> principle

    Once one has a formaxian one can learn to enhance it with cosmic energies
such as one needs in various circumstances.

    The enhancements you currently know are: acid, aether, air, airflame, alkaline, 
angelfire, apeiron, burning sky, cold, cold plasma, earth, earthflame, essential mud, 
exaltation, extropic, fire, force, fractured spacetime, heat, holy, hot plasma, iceflame, 
khokhmah, kinesis, magickal, monochromatic light, order, organic energy, overpressure, 
photonic, polarized frost, polychromatic light, protoheat, rainbow, sky-lightning, 
solar plasma, starfire, starlight, stellar plasma, structure, sublime starlight, sunfire, 
temporal, vacuum, void, water and waterflame.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.

Gam Ganapataye

the invocation Gam Ganapataye

Ability Determinants      : 50% of ergimancy skill plus 50% of invocation
    skill plus 25% of intelligence plus 75% of charisma
Energy Costs              : one hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o Ganesha, lord of all journeys and travel, who
    wanders and gathers knowledge into his great belly, let me mark the
    significance of this place for my own journeys; count it as the <nth>
    landmark to guide me on my road

    This invocation lets one mark a passage in the cosmos symbolically, as one
that one desires to return to or use as a landmark on one's future journeys.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:46:25 2009.


the invocation Ganadhyakshaya

Ability Determinants      : invocation skill plus charisma
Energy Costs              : one hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, he who is the elephant and the
    serpent and the lion and the mouse and the peacocke and the horse, placer
    of obstacles, <target> requests enlightenment and challenge

    Ganesha can place an obstacle for one who requests it, even if he is not a
Traveler himself.  For this invocation to work, the target must explicitly
trust you; Ganesha will not inflict these challenges upon those that do not
desire them.  If the target completes this challenge, it will be partly by
your action that this result came about, and your karma phala will perforce

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    17:58:34 2009.


the invocation Kadantaya

Ability Determinants      : invocation skill plus charisma
Energy Costs              : one hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced who is like the
    sun to the lotus-faced Parvati, placer of obstacles, grant me a challenge
    so that I might find wisdom

    Ganesha not only removes but places obstacles.  The primary mode of
adoration of a Traveler is to request one deliberately in obsecration.  By
reciting this mantra, one entreats Ganesha to both show one a path, and to bar
it.  Finding one's way to the end of the path in spite of the obstacle will
remove the obstacle, bring a direct divine reward from Ganesha, and increasing
one's karma phala, enlightenment, and freedom.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.


the invocation Kapilaya

Ability Determinants      : 50% of invocation skill plus 40% of ergimancy
    skill plus 10% of weapon lore skill plus 35% of intelligence plus 65% of
Energy Costs              : fifty points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, god of molten gold and master of
    all colors, I offer you obeisance and ask for <"a"/"an" weapon type>

    Once one has summoned a formaxian, this invocation requests of Ganesha to
serve as a divine intermediary between one and one's formaxian, to communicate
to the formaxian the shape that one is envisioning.  The shapes that one knows
are dependent on one's weapon lore.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.

Kshipra Prasadaya

the invocation Kshipra Prasadaya

Ability Determinants      : 50% of invocation skill plus 25% of conjuration
    skill plus 25% of ergimancy skill plus 75% of charisma plus 25% of
Energy Costs              : one hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, master of all obstacles, for whom
    chaos never was and never will be, in my time of need help me see the path
    that I walk, the path starting when the world hatched from its egg, ending
    in eternity

    This invocation entreats Ganesha for a brahmanda-prakasa, a world-egg, a
reflection of the cosmos at its birth.  The brahmanda-brakasa manifests itself
as an aura of starry, cosmic energy.  The aura will protect one in innumerable
ways.  The higher one's karma phala, and ability with this invocation, the
more effective its protection will be.  To release the brahmanda-prakasa,
repeat the invocation.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.


the invocation Lambodaraya

Ability Determinants      : 50% of conjuration skill plus 50% of invocation
    skill plus 25% of intelligence plus 75% of charisma
Energy Costs              : five hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o leader of the pramada ganas, one who is the
    color of vermillion, with an elephant's visage and a hanging belly, I
    offer obeisance to you first, and ask that you grant me a tool with which
    I may seek more knowledge

    This invocation requests of Ganesha that he offer you a divinely mediated
bond with a formaxian, a sessile, extraplanar, metamorphic creature made of
beautiful crystal.  Formaxians are said to universally worship Ganesha and
enjoy great favor with him, though the details of how and why, or even what
exactly formaxians are or where they live, are obscure.

    A formaxian conjured in this manner will remain with one permanently.  If
it is ever lost or destroyed for some reason, performing this mantra again
will conjure another.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.

Shree Ganesh

the invocation Shree Ganesh

Ability Determinants      : invocation skill plus charisma
Energy Costs              : five points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o lord Ganesha, radiant as millions of suns,
    remove your obstacles from <my/target's> path

    The Shree Ganesh mantra allows the Traveler to entreat Ganesha to remove
one of his obstacles from those who have been unable to overcome it
themselves.  For one to perform this on a person besides oneself, that person
must explicitly trust the Traveler.

    An obstacle removed in this way is tantamount to forfeiting a challenge.
Ganesha is kind enough to remove an obstacle from any who need it, but firm
enough to show no charity beyond mercy for the forfeiter.  The challenger will
receive none of the benefits for overcoming it, other than the removable of
the obstacle, and the challenger will not be able to receive a new challenge
from Ganesha for another day.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:40:09 2009.

Vighna Nashanaya

the invocation Vighna Nashanaya

Ability Determinants      : invocation skill plus charisma
Energy Costs              : ten points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o Ganesha, lord of hosts, who dwells at the base
    of my spine, who tastes the kapitta and the jamboophala and remembers all
    things, reveal the paths you have opened to me

    This invocation requests of Ganesha that he reminds you of the locations
that you have designated as landmarks on your journey.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    18:14:37 2009.


the invocation Vikataya

Ability Determinants      : 40% of invocation skill plus 30% of conjuration
    skill plus 30% of ergimancy skill plus 45% of intelligence plus 55% of
Energy Costs              : two hundred points of spiritual energy
Invocation Mantra         : o greatest Ganesha, whose single tusk overcomes
    the duplicity of appearance, help me see this world as a dream and a
    drama, and let me dance across the texts that give everyone a role, and
    let me find myself in the <nth> passage I have marked

    This invocation allows one to use the power of Ganesha to skip across the
symbolic space that is the foundation for all cosmoi, and traverse the
universe conceptually rather than physically.  The frequency with which one
can use this invocation depends upon one's ability in it.

Development Information   : This invocation was created by Den and is
    maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jun 07
    12:48:21 2009.



Note: At 80% quests and 85% exploration possible, it stops giving them, also at max level you stop getting experience.

  • Experience - You will need to obtain a certain amount of experience to complete the challenge. Potentially 50% of a level with diminishing returns as level goes up.
  • Exploration - You will need to obtain a certain amount of exploration points to complete this challenge. Unknown amount, potentially ~200-400 points (originally ~600)
  • Quest - Complete a quest to complete this challenge.
  • Skill experience - You need to learn skills to complete the challenge. (NOTE: the skill does NOT have to increase in order to get "skill experience")


  • Frailty and Weakness - You will have -90% to strength and constitution, and your relevant skills to endurance/carrying capacity/hardiness/etc will take a very significant penalty.
  • Blindness - You will be completely blind.
  • Deafness - You will be deaf.
  • No serious armour of any sort
  • "You feel strange, almost as if the cosmos were frowning upon you." (-30 luck)
  • Tremendous disorientation - Massive penalty to dex, per
  • Unarmed - You cannot wield weapons of any type
  • No Psionics (closes all psychic contacts and location links)
  • Spiritual Disjunction
  • "You feel a void opening within your body." (Unregenerativity)


Note: I didn't document about the first 20 of these that I did, so someone will need to fill in the blanks where possible.


I believe all of these can be gotten by anyone

  • You sense yourself being bestowed with chakra energy. (Charges all non-prestige Chakra)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a bit of experience.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with some experience.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with much experience. (This was significant, about 1 level worth)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with wealth.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a ring of greater power. (This one gave me nothing, maybe bugged?) - Confirmed that it was bugged, should be fixed now.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a potion of greater power.


  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to entreat Ganesha for a brahmanda-prakasa.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with longevity. (You are now a first-degree specialist in aging retardation.)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with chaos resistance. (You are now a first-degree specialist in chaos resistance.)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with holy fortitude. (+1 bonus spec in holy fortitude)
Attribute Adjustments
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a small, permanent increase in intelligence.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a small, permanent increase in constitution.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a permanent increase in willpower.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a permanent increase in charisma.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a permanent increase in intelligence.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with a permanent increase in strength.

=Skill Specialty Bonuses

  • You sense yourself being bestowed with marginally increased psychic potential. (+1 spec access to psionic skills)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with moderately increased psychic potential. (+2 spec access to psionic skills?)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with increased psychic potential. (+4 spec access to psionic skills)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with marginally increased mobility. (+1 spec access to speed and flight)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with greatly increased mobility. (+1 bonus spec in armour adaptation, load bearing, break fall, flight, quickness, elude pursuit, riding and +3 to spec access in those skills)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with marginally increased sociability.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with greatly increased sociability. (+1 bonus specs in carousing, diplomacy, empathy, fast talk, leadership, ownership and rhetoric.)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with greatly increased combat potential. You are now a first-degree specialist in archery, axe, bludgeon, dagger, eructant weapon, find weakness, flail, gaze weapon, hammer, instant stand, lack of weakness, mounted combat, pole arm, resilience, shield, sling, spear, staff, steadiness, throwing and unarmed combat. You are now a fourth-degree specialist in combat reflexes, dodge, precision strike and telesmatic weapon. You are now a fifth-degree specialist in massive blow and sword.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with moderately increased combat potential. (Seems like +2 spec access in the 'combat potential' specs listed above)
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with supernal durability. (+2 bonus spec in SD)
Formaxian Infusions
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with hot and cold principles.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with light principles.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with esoteric combinations of raw cosmic forces.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with esoteric principles of cold and ice.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with elemental energies.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with the powers of the sun.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with blessed energies.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with esoteric principles of heat.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with life energy.
  • You sense yourself being bestowed with the ability to enhance your formaxian with esoteric complexes of blessed energies.

Potential Temple Locations

  • Kentaur Isle Mountains
  • Aegeas Rocky Mountains
  • Andala Snowy Mountains
  • Andala Rocky Mountains
  • Celydon Rocky Mountains
  • Castigon Rocky Mountains
  • Calais Rocky Mountains
  • Calais Snowy Mountains
  • Korindim Rocky Mountains
  • Cimbra Rocky Mountains
  • Northlands Desolate Mountains
  • Northlands Snowy Mountains
  • Mordo Grey Mountains
  • Gardagh Rocky Mountains
  • Gardagh Snowy Mountains
  • Quetlatl Grey Mountains
  • Tetlacana Grey Mountains

Last Known Temple Location

  1. Tetlacana, 17,32,4

Historical References

Travelers (Lacantius Era)