Miss Cleo's House of Mystical Objects

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Miss Cleo's House of Mystical Objects

    This is the legendary Miss Cleo's House of Mystical Objects.  Numerous
rarities and oddities are here for any adventurer to own, if they can afford
it.  The room is small for a normal shop, and the windows are covered in
numerous silk scarves to dim the outside light.  Numerous candles light the
room and the smell of burning incense is everywhere.  The area is reasonably

    Miss Cleo is here.

  • Business sign:
Opal of protection from impact  .........................................    42
Clear glass lens of analysis  ...........................................   401
Clear glass lens of insight  ............................................   401
Piece of malachite of protection from lightning  ........................   454
Silver minor ring of runic knowledge  ...................................  1663
Cork ring of water breathing  ...........................................  1697
Mottled-jasper-set brass minor ring of cold tolerance  ..................  1798
Sequoia wand of piercing  ...............................................  1843
Piece of aventurine of entrapment  ......................................  2002
Panoramicon  ............................................................  3915
Tiger-eye-set zinc minor ring of order warding  ......................... 10424

NOTE: I think it's safe to assume that most of the items in Miss Cleo's shop are random load. Ralnos whispers: I'm pretty sure the lenses are not random load, because this is where I used to go when Lucanius was sold out. The panoramicons might be static load as well, but don't quote me on that until someone tests it.