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Chaos Imps:

The imp species is easy to describe. They are diminutive humanoids, between about eight to eleven dimins tall, entirely hairless, with bat-like wings, clawed hands, cute little horns, and skin whose possible range of coloration covers everything in the rainbow and then some. They are native to the chaos plane of the Exoma, and seem temperamentally suited to it; imps are by and large somewhere between mischievous and rampagingly destructive -- the latter generally in some manner reflecting a low sense of humor.

Even the most hilariously dangerous imp is hard to dislike, however; the species is as irrepressibly likable as it is outrageously lucky. These traits are sometimes thought to be the only thing keeping chaos imps from being hunted down and eradicated from the planes. At other times, their quite remarkable speed and ability to hide are credited as well.

Imps are quite long-lived, generally between four and five hundred years, but unlike many peoples with such lifespans, do not seem to suffer from a slow learning process; perhaps their natural enthusiasm for new experiences provides a counterbalance. They possess nightvision and are ambidextrous; their native language is the Fromageb tongue, a bizarre, squeaking speech which few others bother to learn since imps generally also speak the much more accessible Exomic trade language of Nilasnai.

       Handle with care.  This end up.  Do not feed after midnight.
/------------------------------- The Imp Race --------------------------------\
| Attributes                Strength                   20 to  60              |
|                           Intelligence               50 to 100              |
|                           Constitution               30 to  70              |
|                           Dexterity                  70 to 120              |
|                           Willpower                  30 to  90              |
|                           Charisma                  100 to 150              |
|                           Perception                 20 to 100              |
|                           Size                       20 to  30              |
| Typical Sexes                                       Male                    |
|                                                     Female                  |
|                                                     Hermaphrodite           |
| Sex Variation in          Male                      Strength Min +5         |
| Attributes                                                                  |
|                                                     Strength Max +5         |
|                                                     Intelligence Min -5     |
|                                                     Intelligence Max -5     |
|                           Female                    Constitution Min -5     |
|                                                     Constitution Max -5     |
|                                                     Willpower Min +10       |
|                                                     Willpower Max +10       |
|                                                     Perception Min -5       |
|                                                     Perception Max -5       |
|                           Hermaphrodite             Intelligence Min +5     |
|                                                     Intelligence Max +5     |
|                                                     Constitution Min +5     |
|                                                     Constitution Max +5     |
|                                                     Dexterity Min -5        |
|                                                     Dexterity Max -5        |
|                                                     Charisma Min -5         |
|                                                     Charisma Max -5         |
| Languages                 Native                    Fromageb                |
| Innate Skills             Acid Resistance           5                       |
|                           Alkaline Resistance       5                       |
|                           Chaos Affinity            30                      |
|                           Cold Tolerance            10                      |
|                           Electrical Resistance     5                       |
|                           Flight                    10                      |
|                           Heat Tolerance            10                      |
| Specialty Access          Chaos Affinity            available: degree VI,   |
|                                                     required: degree II     |
|                           Cold Tolerance and Heat   available: degree V     |
|                           Tolerance                                         |
|                           Flight                    available: degree II    |
| Resistances               Temporal                  very strong resistance  |
| Traits                    Ambidexterity             Yes                     |
|                           Assimilativity            -5                      |
|                           Chaos Favour              2                       |
|                           Limb Regenerativity       2                       |
|                           Luck                      8                       |
|                           Night Vision              1                       |
|                           Sentience                 Anthropic               |
|                           Speech Pattern            Urban                   |
| Cultures and Homelands    Freeholder                Freehold                |
|                           Imptropolitan             Imptropolis             |
|                           Exomka                   the Exoma               |
|                           Losthavener               Losthaven               |
|                           Lowlander                 Halfmoon Bay            |
|                                                     Sanctuary               |
| Physical Characteristics  Anatomy                   Clawed Winged Tailed    |
|                                                     Anthropoid              |
|                           Natural Weaponry          Excellent               |
|                           Innate Speed              +10                     |