Gelatinous Cube

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Revision as of 22:45, 6 October 2023; Reden (Talk | contribs)
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   Rarity: Very Rare
   Plural: Gelatinous Cubes
   Anatomy: Cubic
   Sexes: Neuter
   Harm Skills:
       Garbology 100%
   No specific help is available for this race.
   Development Information: The gelatinous cube race was created by Sahra and
Chaos; the source code was last updated Tue Mar 15 02:22:20 2016.


  • One of Iaocia's laboratories ("sealed area") has a tank with a valve you can turn to splush/squergle (insert slimey noise here) a Gelatinous Cube. It's behind a tough adamantite door, however.
   This is a quivering, slimy cube of glistening clear jelly.  Its
translucent mass is nearly uniform save for some streamers of cyan mucus
suspended in it.  You know monstrosities like this one to be mindless
collections of gunk notorious for their ability to absorb nearly anything and
use it as food, much to the dismay of many adventurers.  
   It looks about thirty and a half dimins on a side.  
   It is in good shape.
   Its limb is named body.  The gelatinous cube was created by Lull; the
source code was last updated Thu Jan 24 01:06:12 2019.  The gelatinous cube
race was created by Sahra and Chaos; the source code was last updated Tue Mar
15 02:22:20 2016.
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