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Sean and (some) of his angels.

Been around under various atman's since late '94 coming and going for years at a time. Best known as Aragorn l'Elfstone and Elrohir during the mid-to-late nineties. Since the database rewrite more commonly known as Gavadel. A big fan of Zelazny, Tolkien and Jordan and would dearly love to see the at least 14 year promised Amber on the grid someday. :)

RL, teach english on and off and working (allegedly) on a book.

Likes The Losthaven Guard, the Honor system for those guys, new content, rewrites, the Rangers and the familiar system (one of the simplest and most elegant guild rewrites I've ever seen), Knights and looking forward to their rewrite, Avalon, Gardagh, Princes of Amber. Renaming because it encourage originality, thematic information

Dislikes Grinding for levelling, bad sportsmanship, not being understood due to limits of text-based communication, renaming because I miss the 'Almerian' twist on other material (GLC background is a good example) and coders having to spend time on maintenance rather than doing fun stuffs, coders having RLs rather than coding my fun stuffs. Fezzik not being fully intelligent, because I look forward to a world under his harsh but fair rule.

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