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[ Alignment ]

Every living thing has an alignment, an attribute which reflects its outlook on life. Alignment is measured on two scales, the good-evil scale and the order-chaos scale. One becomes good by killing evil things, and vice versa; one becomes orderly by killing chaotic things, and vice versa.

One who is perfectly balanced between good and evil or order and chaos is described as neutral on that scale. Otherwise, various descriptive titles apply to them. These are, in increasing order of extremeness:

        [ Good ]        [ Evil ]        [ Order ]       [ Chaos ]
       charitable      apathetic       disciplined     undisciplined
       kind            selfish         honorable       carefree
       empathic        cruel           responsible     uninhibited
       caring          malicious       trustworthy     free-spirited
       compassionate   despicable      scrupulous      anarchistic
       unsullied       corrupt         lawful          individualistic
       purehearted     wicked          structured      innovative
       beatific        demonic         patterned       spontaneous
       saintly         diabolical      ordered         chaotic

See also 'ethics'.

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