Paragon of Scyros

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~/-\~ The Paragon of Scyros ~/-\~

The Paragon of Scyros is a dim echo of some long-lost glory, the champion of a dead god, possessed of a tenuous link to the last faded remnants of the deity's power. Having assumed the station of the Paragon, you must presumably have access to the obscure knowledge of the rites of Scyros. You should look to them for further information on the capabilities of the Paragon; you will find no further help here.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


How to initiate a challenge

First, get yourself to the Plane of Scyros. The plane floats around somewhere in the Exoma.

Then, you need to get to the center of Scyros. This is a room inside the large mass of obsidian. The room has a blue point of light inside it. Once there, recite the following verse (in Graecan):

O lord Scyros of the Blades
I come before you, worthy
I come before you, blooded
I will carry your knives within my heart
I will show the people your glory
O accept me, your servant

After reciting the verse, you must remain and challenge the current Paragon to combat to wrest the office away.

You sense that some sort of challenge has begun, and that you must remain here in order to complete it.
The point of blue light pulses.
You sense that a challenge has been mounted for the station of Paragon of Scyros, and that ABC has x minutes to engage the challenger in battle, or the office will be lost.

Good luck.

Stairs whispers, "There may be other criteria as well: I've had characters recite the verses with no effect.

Using the powers

>believe in Scyros
Focusing on believing in Scyros, you feel spiritual energy flowing forth from you, and can dimly sense it falling into a 
tremendous emptiness that is somehow overwhelmingly, excruciatingly hungry.


You squawk, _ scyros succor _ in lugubriously-accented Graecan.
You are momentarily surrounded by swirling shards of prismatic radiance.
A titanium scyrotos pyrrheas appears.


You sez, - scyros removal - in whistling, shrieking, austerely-accented Graecan.
Hundreds of gleaming blades appear in the air around you and swirl outward from you.
The steel scyrotos skolexis's right fore upper tentacle, fore lower midtentacle and left lower hindtentacle are carved up,
  though it resists the attack.
Killingsworth's head is mutilated, though he resists the attack slightly.
Killingsworth has been stunned.
Killingsworth attacks you.
The black-armoured figure's head, chest, right hand, right leg and left foot are mutilated.
The black-armoured figure has been stunned.
The black-armoured figure attacks you.


Corvynna purports, -* I have not gotten this Key to work successfully (nor any of the others, for that matter), but I document it here for completeness. *-

You assert, -* scyros cleansing... *- in lyrically-accented Graecan.
You feel a vast sensation of failure and helplessness wash through you.


You drone, -= scyros honing =- in lugubriously-accented Graecan.
You are momentarily surrounded by swirling shards of prismatic radiance.
You feel power flood into your body, filling you with euphoria as you grow stronger and faster and your senses become keener.


You echo, |- scyrooos returning -| in lugubriously-accented Graecan.
The air around you shatters into hundreds of whirling fragments.

(conceptual navigation stuff omitted)

a forest of trees and shrubs [n, s, e, w, u, ne, nw, se, sw]

(unsure if the random result involved a failure of the faculty of some sort, or if the returning power is simply a random teleport)

The one time I had it work I was returned to the center of Cis, this was before the implementation of CN. Jensendied 17:08, 17 February 2009 (EST)

Many helpful hints on this office are contained in the Biblia Scyros.

End of spoiler information.
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