Blossom (Aligned Form)

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the form Blossom

Form Type

organic structure

Knowledge Requirement

have at least 200 points among plant lore skill and biology skill

Facility Formula

20% of attunement level plus 25% of leximancy skill plus 25% of telesma skill plus 25% of plant lore skill plus 25% of enchantment skill

Facility Minimum


Facility Maximum


Energy Costs

two hundred points of spiritual energy

Process to Actualize Form

visualize my bodily form as composed of a series of calyces from which corolle will emerge


This form was most famously used by Lacrimae Rerum, a group of Aligned who became reclusive and monk-like, running an abbey of sorts, where their main scholary and meditative pursuit was botany. The form manifests a chrysanthemum that serves as a focus and an amplifier for the energy centers known as chakras. Touching it to one's chakras will cause it to drain some of that chakra's energy into itself, which then serves as a spiritual resonator that increases one's overall ability to hold energy in that type of chakra. This can be used to leverage chakras to levels normally unreachable and achieve such wonderous effects as flight or extrasensory vision. The more chakra energy one channels into one of these flowers, the more effective it is at serving as a spiritual resonator. Be warned that changing the type of chakra the flower is attuned to will disappate its energy reserves; the energy of one chakra is not suitable for resonance with another.

Additionally, and even more strangely, these flowers can be incorporated into martial arts. While they make poor weapons, their spiritual properties allow them to inflict a variety of more esoteric harms upon an opponent. This can be useful when faced with creatures that resist more normal forms of attack. Moreover, having one held will enable one to manifest halos of energy around one's opponent, though doing so drains it of chakra energy. It is in this manner that the Lacrimae Rerum defended themselves from the undead of the lich Kamubo.

All of a blossom's effects are dependent upon holding it (it is not sufficient to merely have it in one's inventory).

Keeping the blossom manifest gradually drains one's order energy. To dispel the blossom, execute the same procedure required to manifest it.

Development Information  : This form was created by Twilight; the source code was last updated Wed Nov 05 17:14:59 2008.

Chakra/Flower/Damage Types

manipura/sunflower/luminous flame
kalila/chaotic rose/starfire
padme/blue star morning glory/tidal resonance
anahata/green crocus/sky-lightning
vishuddha/blue lotus/soulfrost
muladhara/red poppy/elemental earth
svadhisthana/orange cherry blossom/wailing flame
sahasrara/violet lotus/khokhmah
ajna/indigo orchid/polychromatic lightning