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Here is my profile on the main LS page.



Hi, I've only been playing Lost Souls for about a year, regardless of what my atman creation date might say. SO yes, I'm still a newbie; I refuse to believe I will ever be anything else. Contributing to the wiki is great for everyone, though I wish I were better about finding useful things. Um, I like being helpful? Being helpful is nice. I prefer theme to mechanics, lore to ratings, and hugs should be more common everywhere.


She is and will forever be my main character. Friendliest Aligned Ninja ever. :)

  • Description:

You are a female Gezuuni with white skin, shimmering hair, and intense golden eyes. You are a Legendary Hero of Lost Souls. Many motes of ocean blue light hover around you. A tail of articulated ocean blue amber extends from the lower back of your chest. A large sphere of translucent scarlet energy encircles you, keeping centered around your body as you move. You seem to slide constantly from your visual focus. Tiny motes of radiant ocean blue light dance on the surface of your forehead. A resonant echo lingers around you, sending harmonic hums through the surrounding air in time with your movements. Afterimages of shifting ocean blue energy trail after you as you move. You are permeated by a dim green radiance, a dim silvery light, and a sparkling light. You have a few thin streamers of billowing swirling smoke, a few thin streamers of billowing whiteness, a few thin streamers of brownish haze, a few thin streamers of wavering orange radiance, a few thin streamers of churning sickly haze, a few thin wisps of blue-white radiance, a few thin wisps of blackness, a few thin wisps of pulsing blue radiance, a few thin wisps of turquoise radiance, a few thin wisps of surging radiance, a tracery of darkness, a tracery of emptiness, a tracery of lurid cyan haze, a tracery of lurid greenness, a tracery of pulsing chaotic glow, a tracery of shuddering grayness, a tracery of dark gray vapor, a tracery of umber radiance, a tracery of red-orange radiance, a tracery of pulsing green glow, a tracery of golden light, a tracery of dead grayness, a tracery of icy blueness, a tracery of blue haze, a tracery of lightning, a tracery of shimmering haze, a tracery of reddish haze, a tracery of opalescent radiance, a tracery of shadow, a tracery of shimmering violet radiance, a tracery of shimmering radiance, a tracery of glinting pattern, a tracery of starry radiance, and a tracery of light within and around you. Convoluted skeins and whorls of runic verse crisscross the Gezuuni's body, notes of viscous twilight and turbulent claret stark against ashen flesh and wiry muscle. Framed in heavy locks of blue-black hair--each strand reflective and shimmering, as if spun from glass--the hard angles and sharp lines of her face intensify the gold-flecked violet of her eyes. She is Zathalae, an enchantress and lexiturge of considerable skill, whose elusiveness boarders on the legendary. The most scurrilous of rumours declare her an assassin or spy for the island of Hanoma; her unofficial, less reputable title is The Aligned Shadow. Less speculative and more scholastic hearsay paints a rather different picture, however: most of the Gezuuni's research and innovation revolves around hyperspatial mathematics and arcane models, from the attempt at lexiturgically mapping Gezuun, to the more controversial animaphrastic preservation and analysis of the sapient soul. An ioun coruscar of chaos favour, a piece of ioun malachite of defense, and a piece of ioun amber of order favour float around your head in elliptical orbits. You have a kalila chakra on your left palm, a padme chakra on your right palm, a muladhara chakra between your legs, a vishuddha chakra on your throat, a svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen, an anahata chakra on your chest, a sahasrara chakra above your head, an ajna chakra on your forehead, a manipura chakra on your solar plexus and a coruscating blood-red Gezuuni name rune dubbing you Zathalae tattooed over your heart. You are giving off light.

   You are about fourteen and a half dimins tall, four and nine twentieths dimins wide, and one and a tenth dimins front to back.  
   You are in good shape.  
   You are engaging in meditative combat.  
   You wield Variabilis in your left hand and a mirror misericorde in your right hand.  You wear a dark blue cotton hoodie on your upper body, a pair of gray leather yubokumin pants on your legs, a pair of gold-filigreed leather sandals on your feet, a leather scabbard horizontally across the back of your thighs, a linen shirt on your upper body, a white osprey feather eolian anklet on your right ankle, a black crow feather eolian anklet on your left ankle, a black leather phylactery of theosophy around your tail, a form-fitting ocean blue steel left glove on your left hand, a golden leather dactid on your right hand, an ocean blue diamond manifold stone on your forehead, and a gold tiara on your head.  You hold a blue star morning glory with your tail.


Hey, he's important too. My first ever hero, a kobold and sunfish consort with visions of grandeur and dreams of someday achieving greatness. Maybe I will pick him back up again and finish his long and arduous path to bezhuldaardom. :D

Character Concepts

A dreamer will dream. These are character ideas--builds, if you want to be all game-terminological about it--that I want to try out some day, or would love to see someone attempt with me. :D

  • ovg inducted: An initiate into the ways of ordered ice magic who embraces the cold harsh truth--the universe will someday be nothing by a cold perfectly ordered void. Very edgy, but very thematic and interesting!
  • Kedeth Oneirheton Bond: Aren't dreams just another aspect of the mind, after all? :)
  • Shovel Knight: I actually started work on this one! A silly reference--fomor Aristeia who wields shovels and wears full plate. I've yet to find blue metal, though... :(
  • Kedeth Spearmaiden: And a Coyote consort, or some friendly desert animal. I like to think she'd pop firestarter and gain a reputation for being a fearsome fighter, being all scary and intimidating with a flux spear and a hush shemagh. It would need lux, but Aristeia could work beautifully, as ever.
  • Something with the mantid race: Poor insectoid races, always so under appreciated. </3 An Aisenshi, with many sharp weapons? Or maybe something more chaotic, like a Brute.
  • Giant Traveler: And and and use a giant crystal lance from astride his flying snaky friend! And of course otherwise be a gentle giant, handing out challenges to those in need. :D

Adventuring Company

Shhh, it's top secret. Mostly because it doesn't exist yet. But if you see this and are interested, feel free to ask me in-game. :) I have several hopefully-not-so-horrible prerequisites in mind, already, but if you think you might be a good fit despite not meeting all of them, I'm entirely open to talking with you about it.

  • Legend: Sorry, but the way adventuring companies work, it's important that all members have at least roughly equal levels. SO this one technically isn't mine. :( This means that the character you want to join with should be a legend, not that you have a legend on your atman.
  • Ordered: Evil might be a little harder to reason, but talk with me! We should hopefully get to know each other, anyway.
  • Attuned: It's mostly for thematic flavor. I reasoned most ordered characters would be attuned regardless, so it shouldn't exclude too many people?

Aaand that's it! What follows is only a short lore blurb. :)

The Folded Mirror

“We are the countless refractions of a single folded mirror.” Proponents—refractions—of an organization calling themselves the Folded Mirror are scholars, artists, storytellers, and wanderers who believe universal attunement involves nafush unity but ruakhut individuality; that order and chaos are not distinct existences, but rather parts of a greater fractal set comprised of and containing each infinitely. Their mission statement, if there is one, appears to be as nebulous and obscure as their philosophy. Their projects and movements often seem to involve promoting cooperation between opposing groups and collective enlightenment through individualistic pursuits. As a Refraction of the Folded Mirror, there is a certain code of conduct you should strive to uphold:

  • To be a teacher is to be a student. Teach others to provide their own lessons, rather than as a means to an end. Specifically, do your best to enable others who seek aid, rather than taking the agency from their hands. Explain and reason with them before directly assisting, so that they might feel better informed and more accomplished in the future. Promote unity through individuality, as is our school of thought.
  • Branches have their trunk. And though the trunk has roots, the roots hold the soil. And though the soil has rocks, the rocks preside on Aedaris. We strive to understand both chaos and order, but as we are an organization, some measure of justice and cordiality between members and affiliates is expected. IN particular, attempt to limit acts of undiscussed violence or harm. If you intend to cause conflict, intend to warn fellow fold members to prevent unforeseen circumstances. Confer with the target before acting, if at all possible.
  • Finally, share information. Be unique in self-expression, but proliferate knowledge, so that others may as well. We are all similar in the patterns that comprise us, but not in the way we express those patterns. This is why we are refractions, rather than reflections. Knowledge is our ink, help to generate it, especially amongst fellow refractions.