Amon Tyrice

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  • Location: Wandering
  • Occupation: Traveler Badass
  • Look
Amon Tyrice, known as the Traveler, has crossed all the planes of existence and 
has visited most of the known worlds -- and many unknown -- in his quest for 
atonement.  Very few know exactly what he seeks atonement for.  His insatiable
hatred of the Rajan may offer the clues.  Thought to have perished in a cataclysmic 
battle in the southern jungles against the Rajan, Amon Tyrice has returned to the 
realm of Lost Souls once more.  Having just recently returned, he has shocked the 
denizens of this world by assuming control over, and changing the nature of the 
Phantasian Astromancers. Lacantius Magnus has relinquished his authority over 
this cabal of mages without question and continues to stand beside his oldest 
friend -- despite recognizing an alien intelligence hiding just below the surface 
of Amon Tyrice's consciousness.


 Amon Tyrice is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Amon Tyrice, what do you teach?
   Cost inquiry:         Amon Tyrice, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Amon Tyrice, teach me <subject(s)>.


Star-filled-blue-skinned male human says, (o I can provide instruction in

abjuration      Archaen
awareness       conjuration
cosmology       ergimancy
holy purity     invocation
magick affinity metaphysics
navigation      order affinity
orienteering    philosophy
symbology       theology
              o) to you in Archaen.
  • Notes
    • Won't teach you if you're chaotic alignment?