Beasty vs Vetallas round 2

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Beasty vs Vetallas Round 2

The deal was that Beasty was going alone without Bill or Smiz...

Vetallas says - Beasty was at such a huge disadvantage, if you read Round 1, you'll see how powerful VV can i had gained about 20 levels between this fight, and the first fight

  The black-armoured dark figure echoes, |- here goooes -| in sibilant Anglic.

The black-armoured dark figure calls a foul curse upon you causing your body to twist violently with a hideous disfigurement.

Your bright red plate pteratectum is torn from you.

FireRing is torn from you.

LuckRing is torn from you.

Your golden-plasma-haloed hyperium sai is torn from your grasp.

Your golden-plasma-haloed hyperium sai is torn from your grasp.

[ Spirit: 1123.4/1427 Endurance: 2581 Speed: 69 Head: 148.7 Chest: 327.2 ]

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your left wing off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects quite skillfully, but it warms the the helm and the breastplate of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour harmlessly.

You barely connect and scorch a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

You try to strike a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right wing, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

As the black-armoured dark figure slashes your chest with its black entropy scythe, rivulets of alcohol stream from your wound into its black entropy scythe. The blade seems to absorb the alcohol eerily.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is drained.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is drained.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is drained.

Your chest is withered, though you resist the attack slightly.

Your body goes numb.

You feel sluggish.

The black-armoured dark figure connects adequately and carves your chest up with its black entropy scythe, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack slightly.

You feel more sluggish.

The black-armoured dark figure resounds, |- Looord Thanatooos, claim this soooul! -| in sibilant Anglic.

Sensation returns to your body.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's diminutive red leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

You are now unencumbered.

You interlock your fingers to form a Five-Fingered Hand, palms pointing outward toward the black-armoured dark figure, and channel a stream of shifting cyan chaos into it.

It fails to perturb its small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

> [ Spirit: 881.4/1427 Endurance: 2559.1/2581 Speed: 67 Head: 148.7 Chest: 274.2/327.2 ]

You feel sick.

The poison has worked itself out of your system.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

Chaos energy from your chaos aura surges into a black-armoured dark figure's hands as its black entropy scythe passes through it.

It fails to perturb the the right gauntlet and the left gauntlet of its small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure connects reasonably well and slashes your chest, right arm, right hand, and left leg with its black entropy scythe, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack slightly

You feel more sluggish.

You have been poisoned!

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

[ Spirit: 881.4/1427 Endurance: 2548/2581 Speed: 67 Head: 148.7 Chest: 235.1/327.2 ]

The poison has worked itself out of your system.

You jab your right arm at the black-armoured dark figure, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting indifferently despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the left legging of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting well despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You connect fairly well and singe a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure extends its fingers murmuring an invocation which causes green-black claws to appear and slash you.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is weakened.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is weakened.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is weakened.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is enervated.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is weakened.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is weakened.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is weakened.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is weakened.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is withered.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is withered.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is withered.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is weakened.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is withered.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is weakened.

You resist being stunned by the pain and trauma.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

You breathe a gout of chaosfire at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with supreme precision and catabolize a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to dodge, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure has been stunned.

> [ Spirit: 866.4/1427 Endurance: 2482.5/2575 Speed: 67 Head: 141.3/148.5 Chest: 198.6/326.7 ]

You throw an uppercut at the black-armoured dark figure with your left hand, connect precisely and pound a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your right hand off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects fairly well, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure recovers from being stunned.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's diminutive black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

You breathe a gout of chaosfire at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with supreme precision and catabolize a black-armoured dark figure's head and chest, despite its attempt to dodge, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

> > [ Spirit: 851.4/1427 Endurance: 2443.1/2575 Speed: 67 Head: 141.3/148.5 Chest: 198.6/326.7 ]

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your left hand off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects well, but it glances off the the left sleeve of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your right hand off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects skillfully, but it glances off the the left boot of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You interlock your fingers to form a Five-Fingered Hand, palms pointing outward toward the black-armoured dark figure, and channel a stream of shifting bright red chaos into it.

It fails to perturb its small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

Chaos energy from your chaos aura surges into a black-armoured dark figure's right arm as its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade passes through it.

It fails to perturb the the right sleeve of its small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure connects well and perforates your head and chest with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The area goes dark.

Chaos energy from your something surges into something's hands as its something passes through it.

You hear a thud.

Something connects adequately and cleaves your chest and right arm with its something, though you resist the attack slightly.

You feel more sluggish.

You have been poisoned!

Chaos energy from your something surges into something's left arm as its something passes through it.

You hear a crackle.

The thing on your upper chest is destabilized and is zorched.

The thing on your solar plexus is destabilized and is zorched.

The thing on your lower abdomen is destabilized and is zorched.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from something's something toward you, connects indifferently and destabilizes your chest and left

leg, though you resist the attack somewhat.

You hear something pass through the air nearby.

You hear something pass through the air nearby.

The world comes back into focus.

The black-armoured dark figure casts a faint black pall upon you which fades into nothingness upon striking you.

> [ Spirit: 652.9/1427 Endurance: 2472.1/2575 Speed: 67 Head: 136.2/148.5 Chest: 138.3/326.7 ]

The poison has worked itself out of your system.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting skillfully despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

You breathe a gout of chaosfire at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with supreme precision and deconstruct a black-armoured dark figure's head and chest, despite its attempt to dodge, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure has been stunned.

> [ Spirit: 637.9/1427 Endurance: 2431.2/2575 Speed: 67 Head: 136.2/148.5 Chest: 138.2/326.7 ]

You try to strike a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right hand, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your left hand, connect quite skillfully and bash a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure is stunned.

A bolt of mortal sin leaps from a black-armoured dark figure's small lzarawn-set obsidian ring toward you, but you dodge.

You breathe a gout of chaosfire at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with supreme precision and destabilize a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to dodge, though it resists the attack.

> [ Spirit: 622.9/1427 Endurance: 2391.7/2575 Speed: 67 Head: 136.2/148.5 Chest: 138.2/326.7 ]

You try to strike a black-armoured dark figure's head with your left wing, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

You try to strike a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right wing, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure recovers from being stunned.

The black-armoured dark figure laughs gutturally as slash wounds appear on you as if created internally.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is enervated.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is enervated.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is enervated.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is enervated.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is weakened.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is drained.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is drained.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is withered.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is weakened.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is drained.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is weakened.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

[ Spirit: 622.9/1427 Endurance: 2379.6/2571 Speed: 66 Head: 134.6/148.2 Chest: 103.8/326.1 ]

You find a weakness in a black-armoured dark figure's chest.

You connect adequately and singe a black-armoured dark figure's left leg with your left wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

You kick at the black-armoured dark figure with your right foot, connecting quite skillfully despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You connect adequately and singe a black-armoured dark figure's chest and right arm with your right wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting reasonably well despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the left sleeve of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

You breathe a gout of chaosfire at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with supreme precision and destabilize a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to dodge, though it resists the attack.

> [ Spirit: 607.9/1427 Endurance: 2323/2571 Speed: 66 Head: 134.6/148.2 Chest: 103.8/326.1 ]

You jab your right arm at the black-armoured dark figure, connect with remarkable precision and bash a black-armoured dark figure's right leg with your right elbow, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting skillfully despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its black entropy scythe, but you dodge.

You interlock your fingers to form a Five-Fingered Hand, palms pointing outward toward the black-armoured dark figure, and channel a stream of shifting bright red chaos into it.

The black-armoured dark figure is dissociated, though it resists the attack.

A black-armoured dark figure's left hand is ripped apart.

A black-armoured dark figure's black entropy scythe is torn from its grasp.

The black-armoured dark figure has been stunned.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

> [ Spirit: 371.9/1427 Endurance: 2293.3/2571 Speed: 66 Head: 134.6/148.2 Chest: 103.8/326.1 ]

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure is stunned.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's diminutive black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

[ Spirit: 371.9/1427 Endurance: 2274.7/2571 Speed: 66 Head: 134.6/148.2 Chest: 103.8/326.1 ]

You connect skillfully and singe a black-armoured dark figure's head and chest with your left wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your left wing off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects precisely, but it warms the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour harmlessly.

You connect fairly well and thump a black-armoured dark figure's head with your left hand, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure is stunned.

[ Spirit: 388.5/1427 Endurance: 2290.2/2571 Speed: 66 Head: 134.7/148.2 Chest: 110.1/326.1 ]

You connect fairly well and singe a black-armoured dark figure's chest with your right wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your right hand off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects precisely, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You connect well and scorch a black-armoured dark figure's head and chest with your right wing, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure resists being stunned.

The black-armoured dark figure barely connects and stabs your left arm with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The black-armoured dark figure connects indifferently and maligns your right wing with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure recovers from being stunned.

The black-armoured dark figure gestures causing a ripple in space around you to form and then charge at you striking you firmly.

[ Spirit: 357 Endurance: 2197 Speed: 59 Head: 124.5/136.9 Chest: 101.7/301.2 ]

You kick at the black-armoured dark figure with your right foot, connect well and bash a black-armoured dark figure's left arm, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to fend your right wing off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, and it connects adequately, but it warms the the helm and the breastplate of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour harmlessly.

You attempt to gouge a black-armoured dark figure's eyes with your right hand, connecting adequately despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it tickles the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour harmlessly.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connecting well despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the helm of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

You are now slightly encumbered.

[ Spirit: 357 Endurance: 2153.3/2197 Speed: 59 Head: 124.5/136.9 Chest: 101.7/301.2 ]

You kick at the black-armoured dark figure with your left foot, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

You slam your head forward at the black-armoured dark figure, connect fairly well and pound a black-armoured dark figure's head, despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure connects indifferently and stabs your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

You resist being stunned by the pain and trauma.

The world goes silent.

You feel more sluggish.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure gestures causing a ripple in space around you to form and then charge at you striking you firmly.

You take the bright red pibrit from wandPack with your left hand.

You squeeze your bright red pibrit with your left hand.

Your bright red pibrit compresses, then quickly returns to its original pyramidal shape.

A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.

You resist being stunned by the pleasure.

You feel a tremendous, overpowering rush of energy flow into you.

You put a bright red pibrit in wandPack with your left hand.

> [ Spirit: 317 Endurance: 1301 Speed: 58 Head: 30.5/34.8 Chest: 48.6/76.6 ]

You kick at the black-armoured dark figure with your right foot, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

You slam your head forward at the black-armoured dark figure, connecting adequately despite its attempt to fend it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, but it glances off the the breastplate of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

You attempt to gouge a black-armoured dark figure's eyes with your left hand, but it fends it off with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

The black-armoured dark figure connects fairly well and pokes your left arm and left hand with its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure connects adequately and jinxes your right foot with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

You are now lightly encumbered.

Your hearing returns.

The black-armoured dark figure puts away its glowing-blue-haloed runed hyperium armblade.

[ Spirit: 317 Endurance: 1245.3/1301 Speed: 58 Head: 30.5/34.8 Chest: 48.6/76.6 ]

You try to strike a black-armoured dark figure's head with your left wing, but it dodges.

You throw an uppercut at the black-armoured dark figure with your right hand, connect well and thump a black-armoured dark figure's right hand, despite its attempt to block it with its right hand, though it resists the attack.

You punch at the black-armoured dark figure with your left hand, but it blocks it with its right hand.

The black-armoured dark figure connects reasonably well and maligns your right wing with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

To the east, Annette yowls, \| Lord Thanatos, piss on your unworthy servant's dirty, fowl face! |/

The black-armoured dark figure gestures causing a ripple in space around you to form and then charge at you striking you firmly.

You interlock your fingers to form a Five-Fingered Hand, palms pointing outward toward the black-armoured dark figure, and channel a stream of shifting bright blue chaos into it.

It fails to perturb its small suit of black plate armour.

> [ Spirit: 126/317 Endurance: 1219.7/1301 Speed: 58 Head: 30.5/34.8 Chest: 48.6/76.6 ]

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's diminutive bright blue leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

You open yourself to the primal chaos within your being, but immediately perceive that there is too much energy flowing to control with your current spiritual reserves. You cut off the flow immediately.

> [ Spirit: 126/317 Endurance: 1204.8/1301 Speed: 58 Head: 30.5/34.8 Chest: 48.6/76.6 ]

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's diminutive bright blue leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure laughs gutturally as slash wounds appear on you as if created internally.

Chaos energy from your chaos aura surges into a black-armoured dark figure's head as it passes through it.

It fails to perturb the the helm of its small suit of black plate armour.

You believe that the black-armoured dark figure has found a weakness in your left wing.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is weakened.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is weakened.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is enervated.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is weakened.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

You believe that the black-armoured dark figure has found a weakness in your left wing.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is enervated.

The anahata chakra on your upper chest is drained.

The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is drained.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is withered.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is enervated.

The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is drained.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is enervated.

Your right wing is cleft through.

Your left wing is cleft through.

You feel more sluggish.

You resist the attack somewhat.

[ Spirit: 126/316 Endurance: 1193.7/1295 Speed: 54 Head: 20.7/34.5 Chest: 15.9/75.9 ]

Your wounds are too severe to fight.

You cannot fly.

You attempt to flee westward and upward, but cannot.

You kick at the black-armoured dark figure with your right foot, connecting skillfully despite its attempt to block it with its right hand, but it glances off the the left sleeve of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour

You connect fairly well and pound a black-armoured dark figure's head with your right hand, despite its attempt to block it with its right hand, though it resists the attack.

The black-armoured dark figure fails to dodge your left hand, which connects fairly well but glances off the the right legging of the black-armoured dark figure's small suit of black plate armour.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

The black-armoured dark figure tries to strike your head with its right hand, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

A glob of chaos magick spurts from a black-armoured dark figure's black leather phylactery of the stars toward you, but you dodge.

[ Spirit: 136/316 Endurance: 1176.2/1295 Speed: 54 Head: 20.8/34.5 Chest: 16.3/75.9 ]

Your wounds are too severe to fight.

You walk eastward.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is weakened and is jinxed.

The power swelling from within the roots of your being, while still strong, is not as immense as it once was.

The black-armoured dark figure connects fairly well and maligns your left leg with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The ajna chakra on your forehead is weakened and is jinxed.

The sahasrara chakra above your head is weakened and is jinxed.

The vishuddha chakra on your throat is weakened and is jinxed.

The black-armoured dark figure connects adequately and jinxes your head with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

The black-armoured dark figure connects adequately and blasts your left hand with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

Your left hand is fouled beyond usability.

Chaos energy from your chaos aura surges into a black-armoured dark figure's right hand as it passes through it.

It fails to perturb the the right gauntlet of its small suit of black plate armour.

The muladhara chakra between your legs is weakened and is jinxed.

The black-armoured dark figure connects fairly well and jinxes your left leg with its right hand, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.

You call upon your reserves of Illumination and reflect upon the fact that all the universe is one, and perhaps being carried on the back of a giant turtle, and feel your form changing into pure chaos and seeping into the structure of reality... after a moment of null consciousness, you reform.

The area is now brightly lit.

a sandy beach [n, e, u]