Jack's Farm

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Jack is one of the wealthiest landowners around Losthaven, with enough money to stamp his mark on the ground he farms. His farm is west of Stillwater, and southwest of Losthaven. Entry to the farm is from the south, via a road from ____. The entryway is flanked by the small houses of those that work on the farm and it opens out into the barn, the barley field and the pasture.

The barn is larger then it first appears, with the attic used for storage, and the general space containing a well, milking areas, and a series of stalls. 2 of Jack's prize animals are kept in here, in separate stalls. Around the rear of the barn is a side path, that gives access to a chicken coop, further storerooms and a pigpen. It also leads north into the pastures.

The pastures north of the farm contain most of the animals, and the pastures are fenced to keep them in. On the eastern side is a pond, that waters all the animals kept here and any others that can make it inside the fence. The water in this pond is deeper then it first appears.

West of the main path is taken up by a barley field, covering as much space as the rest of the farm. Other then the scarecrows, nothing stirs in this field outside of planting and harvest seasons.


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X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X        |    X--X     X  X
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                    X--E--X X--X              X  X  X

Map Key

↑ = Up Exit
↓ = Down Exit
~ = Connects Up and Down Exits
E = Entrance

Wychwethyl 15:11, 4 January 2011 (EST)