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Scrying (aka "praxis metaskopia") is the method used to divine a being's location in the world, whether it is an NPC or another incarnos.

  1. You need `stare' at an object to focus your scrying. Common objects include crystal spheres, mirrors and flames. You can easily purchase a sphere from Luc's, or find them littered near Discordia.
  2. After you have focused your attention, you need concentration to fall into a trance. The higher your skill, the better your ability to enter very deep trances.
  3. Once you have fallen into a trance, you need imagination to `imagine' the being you are trying to scry.
  1. You start off either almost falling into a trance or falling into a light trance.
  2. You will then feel yourself sinking deeper into a light trance.
  3. You will then feel yourself sinking into a medium trance.
  4. At this point, scrying works most of the time.
  5. Beware that you may slip out of your trance if you are not practiced (in what? Not sure.) enough.


  • Document how different objects affect scrying.
  • Document how trance level (light, moderate, deep, etc.) affects scrying.
  • Document what determines distance and/or accuracy of the scry.

Insomniac's Note
As a Sparrow bonded Coven I've eventually gotten to scry with coordinates. It took 3 specs in Orienteering 
(Roughly around 130 orienteering) to get general coordinates. Around 150 I got more accurate. Granted Sparrow
bonds are easy at raising the Divination skill and get a few bonus points into it. Although with less orienteering
a seer seemed to be more accurate.
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