Player Xato

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Xato can be described as the consumate melange junkie. His affection for the spice is such that group members have warned him to check into a twelve step program. The side effects are so intense that not only are his eyes bright blue, but his hair has turned bright blue as well. Other than his distinct colourations, he has a very non-distinct look about him, carrying the humility of religion very well....almost. He stands an average height for a advenus, with average physical attributes, and nothing exceptional about any of his physical skills. At first impressions, he seems rather meek, and this is the source of most of his frustrations.

Xato has a slight complex about himself. Most clerics resign themselves to being the walking first aid kit of an adventuring party. This does not settle well with Xato. He has a grudge to prove that he is a worthy combatant and is capable of holding his own in combat. He usually dismisses his own usefulness to a group due to his competetive nature with the more combat oriented guild. He finds it frustrating to not do as much damage in melee as a Battlerager, or to not be able to rip limbs off like a Brute, or to not demolish things with a temporal aura, or to not walk among the stars. As such, he tends to overcompansate with his Flame Strikes, Spiritual Hammers, Turning Undead, and gratuitous smack-talking during combat. To try to keep up with the various types of damage wielded by the likes of Elflords and Travelers, he has joined the Wandslingers and sports a wide barrage of damage types ready to be thrown around.

He is among the most sought after non-Legends on the mud. Many have noted the amazing boon of his Bless spells, and many battles have gone much easier due to his use of Protection magicks. Numerous denizens of Lost Souls have also benefitted from his ability to Cure Disease, Regenerate limbs, Cure Curses, Cure Critical Wounds, and Neutralize deadly Poisons.

In addition to his clerical magicks, he is also a Mindshielder and a Psychic Healer, further adding to his varied methods of healing and protection.