Drake (Empathic Bond)

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Drakes are large reptilian creatures, wild cousins of the dragons. They can be found roaming the wilderness in many different terrains. There are several types, each with a different type of breath attack.

Some amount of courage and intimidation, approximately 60 in each, is required to bond a drake.

Attribute Bonuses

A drake familiar grants its consort bonuses to their Strength and Vitality.

Skill Effects

Skill Access Bonus
Hardiness 16 75 + 10% base
Load Bearing 12 60
Massive Blow 12 60
Massive Exertion 12 60
Recuperation 12 60
Resilience 12 60
Stamina 12 60
Steadiness 12 60
Killer Instinct 8 40
Eructation 4 20
Intimidation 4 20
Pain Tolerance 4 20
Sky Fieldcraft 4 20
Flight 3 none


 Initially on bonding:
 Shortly after:
 Midway into Very Frail:

Special Abilities

Provides phlogiston glands at resilient.