Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spells

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Common Spells

Area Attack


Common Name: Chill
Summary: lingering atmospheric chill

Manifest a sphere of pure cold that will linger and deeply chill all nearby, both damaging them and rendering them more vulnerable to the effects of cold.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: None

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) divining nearby thermal wells
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: divination (moderate), klimaphrasty (moderate), prestidigitation (moderate), and 
           thaumaturgy (small)
   4) creating the cryomer sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: conjuration, cryoturgy, and prestidigitation
   5) creating space for the thermal wells
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: klimaphrasty, prestidigitation, and thaumaturgy
   6) conjuring the cryomer sphere
       Type: Thought
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), conjuration (small), cryoturgy (small), concentration (tiny),
           and discipline (tiny)

Frigida Tempestate

Common Name: Frozen Storm
Summary: ice-based area attack

One of the most deadly spells known by the Order, this is a fearsome enchantment of the local atmosphere which causes giant chunks of ice to rain down from the sky.  This spell requires a great deal of time to cast and can exert a heavy drain upon the caster's energy reserves.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 500 points among metaphysics skill, ergiphrasty skill, arcane lore skill, and klimaphrasty skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) conjuring a flurry of snow
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), klimaphrasty (moderate), glaciaturgy (small), conjuration (tiny), 
           and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) intensifying the flurry
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), conjuration (moderate), klimaphrasty (small), enchantment (tiny), 
           and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) manifesting ice within the snow flurry
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), evocation (small), klimaphrasty (small), enchantment (small), 
           conjuration (tiny), and prestidigitation (miniscule)

Frigus Arcus

Common Name: Cold Arc
Summary: cold based-slowing area attack

By having a fundamental knowledge of Magickal and Cryoturgic energies and their reactions with one another, a proficient student of the White Order can create a localized blast of extreme cold, harming those engaged in combat with or near the caster that can freeze or slow their movements.  Ones' skill in Klimaphrasty, Thaumaturgy, and Cryotrugy are vital to the performance of this spell, Conjuration and Enchantment are also used to a lesser degree.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 360 points among bellerophrasty skill, metaphysics skill, arcane lore skill, and klimaphrasty skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and Vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Thaumaturgy, Evocation, and Ergiphrasty
   3) expending a degree of cold energy into the local atmosphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: Cryoturgy (moderate), Klimaphrasty (moderate), Thaumaturgy (small), and Prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) visualizing nodes of magick around oneself
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Concentration and Introspection
   5) infusing the local atmosphere with magickal principles
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: Thaumaturgy (moderate), Klimaphrasty (moderate), Enchantment (small), and Prestidigitation (tiny)
   6) manifesting a inner chill
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: Cryoturgy (moderate), Conjuration (small), Enchantment (small), and Prestidigitation (tiny)
   7) expanding a chill into the local area
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: Cryoturgy (moderate), Klimaphrasty (moderate), Thaumaturgy (small), Conjuration (tiny), Enchantment (tiny), and Prestidigitation (miniscule)

Frigus Ventus

Common Name: Frozen Breath
Summary: cold exhale attack

Through intense study and frustration with the mind of Aristides, a student known only as Veto discovered the ability that members of the Order have in which one can inhale local atmosphere and then exhale a cloud of frost around their opponents.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: be at least level 50

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) breathing in the local atmosphere
       Type: Passive Event
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: trivial
       Skills: none
   4) infusing atmosphere with the essence of ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), evocation (moderate), equilibrium (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   5) releasing the infused atmosphere
       Type: Passive Event
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: trivial
       Skills: none


Gelu Ligabis

Common Name: Frozen Bind
Summary: offensive debuff attack

Utilizing the entropic nature of cold itself, the caster is able to slow and blind their opponent by using a flurry of snow directed at their target.  Ones' skill in Cryoturgy, Thanaturgy, Glaciaturgy, and Enchantment are vital to this offensive arctic manipulation.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 250 points among 100% of having the arcane lore skill, 100% of having the bellerophrasty skill, and 50% of having the glaciaturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) conjuring a sphere of cold energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), glaciaturgy (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) transmuting cold energy into snow
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), conjuration (moderate), enchantment (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the snow with entropic energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: thanaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)

Glacialis Globus

Common Name: Frozen Ball
Summary: elemental ice attack

This spell is an offensive staple for any Order member.  Through arcane gestures, the caster is able to create a sphere of pure ice and launch it towards the target at high velocity.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 80 points among bellerophrasty skill and arcane lore skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) directing the orb of ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: evocation (moderate), cryoturgy (small), conjuration (small), and prestidigitation (small)

Ignis Glacies Testa

Common Name: Iceflame Shard
Summary: fire and ice based attack

Students of the White Order who have had previous experience with manipulating fire have been able to replicate similar effects with this spell but mixed with ice, at an extra cost of magickal resorces.  Ones' ability in Pyraturgy and Conjuration are vital to the performance of this spell.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have the pyraturgy skill of 20 or higher

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) weaving the sigil of the mysterium of iceflame
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   6) the manifestation of the mysterium of iceflame
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: pyraturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Iussit Glacies Testa

Common Name: Ordered Ice Shard
Summary: ordered-ice based attack

This spell conjures a mass of tangible frost into the caster's hands.  The caster then uses trace amounts of order energy to structure and shape this mass into a deadly razor-edged shard of ice to launch at their target.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: ???

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) delineating the sigil of eidetization
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   6) the eidetization of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: lexiturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Magicae Telum

Common Name: Magick Dart
Summary: magickal dart attack

One of the first manipulations an initate of the White Order learns, this spell is an easy conjuration of magickal energy one directs at an opponent to cause a minor amount of damage or injury.  Perhaps the most versatile aspect of this spell is that it only requires one hand to cast.  One's skill in Evocation and Conjuration are most important in performing this magickal attack.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 80 points among having the bellerophrasty skill, having the arcane lore skill, and having the metaphysics skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) gathering magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: evocation (moderate), conjuration (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)

Magicis Glacies Testa

Common Name: Magickal Ice Shard
Summary: sorcerous ice shard

This spell conjures a mass of tangible frost into the caster's hands.  The caster then uses trace amounts of magickal energy to structure and shape this mass into a deadly razor-edged shard of ice to launch at their target.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: ???

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) weaving the sigil of the mysterium of Thaumos
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   6) the manifestation of the mysterium of Thaumos
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Novaculata Glaciem

Common Name: Ice Shard
Summary: ice shard attack

This spell conjures a mass of tangible frost into the caster's hands.  The caster then uses trace amounts of amalgamal cold energy to structure and shape this mass into a deadly razor-edged shard to launch at their target.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 150 points among 100% of having the bellerophrasty skill, 100% of having the arcane lore skill, and 25% of having the glaciaturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) performing the passes of rimewyrding
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the rimewyrding of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Pulsus Mortem

Common Name: Death Pulse
Summary: Soul Removal

One of the more deadly spells able to be accessed by a student is the ability to end the life of a mortally wounded target.  Ones' skill in Thanaturgy is most vital to this entropic manipulation. 

Player Notes: Recharges Deadly Embrace

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 80 points among 100% of thanaturgy skill and 25% of evocation skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) extracting the essence of death
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy (dominant), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Tenebaraum Glacies Testa

Common Name: Chaotic Ice Shard
Summary: chaotic-ice based attack

Students of the White Order who have had previous experience with manipulating chaotic energies have been able to recreate similar results with this spell, at an extra cost of magickal resorces. Ones' ability in Chaoturgy and Conjuration are vital to the performance of this manipulation, Enchantment and Eqilibrium are also used to a lesser extent.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have the chaoturgy skill of 20 or higher

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) performing the passes of addlewyrding
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the addlewyrding of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: chaoturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty


Construere Glaciem

Common Name: Construct Ice
Summary: ice amalgamal manifestation

The ability to create a manifestation of ice is directly traceable back to when the White Order first came to be. Unfortunately, most of those abilities have been long forgotten; however, members are still able to manifest impressive amalgamals using this method.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 350 points among 100% spatiophrasty, 100% archane lore, 100% metaphysics, 25% summoning, and 25% conjuration

Casting Cost: 250 Ice, 80 Magickal, 75 Cold *lower than this now

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) transmuting cold energy into a tangible frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), conjuration (moderate), summoning (small), and prestidigitation (small)
   4) manifesting a portion of ice from frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), summoning (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   5) forming a bond with the manifested ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), evocation (tiny), summoning (tiny), and prestidigitation (miniscule)


Common Name: recall
Summary: conjuration recall

By sending out magickal pulses of energy, a Student is able to detect and recall any summons they may have lost along the way.

Player Notes: Only recalls entities conjured via guild spells, not your entire loyal entourage

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 120 points among having the spatiophrasty skill, having the summoning skill, and having the thaumaturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) sending out a magickal pulse
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), evocation (moderate), conjuration (small), equilibrium (tiny), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) awaiting the pulse to discover manifestations
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: equilibrium (moderate), evocation (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)
   5) visualizing the summons in ones presence
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   6) conjuring the manifested summons to ones location
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), summoning (moderate), evocation (small), equilibrium (tiny), and prestidigitation (tiny)


Gelida Pugione

   Common Name: Frozen Dagger
   Summary: cryomer dagger manifestation
    Some members of the White Order will prefer to utilize other, smaller and more compact forms of
personal weaponry over the normative use of the quarter-staff.  This spell allows the caster to
manifest a dagger composed of solid cryomer and must be cast using the specification of a
cristallum gem containing the esoteric essence of ice.

Knowledge Requirement: have at least 150 points among 100% of hylophrasty skill, 50% of metaphysics skill, 50% of arcane lore skill, and 25% of glaciaturgy skill

Casting Cost: ??? + ice-infused gem

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the extraction
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) expansion of the flurry
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty
   5) capturing the essence of the seventh blizzard
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) visualizing energy surrounding the ice
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   7) connection of the drifts
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Glaciem Securis (Removed with #7393)

Ice Axe (cryomer axe manifestation)

Knowledge Requirement: be a Hellwalker

By having extensive knowledge of frost and its inner workings, a Hellwalker is able to manifest a axe of solid cryomer in which they can perform their various offesnive abilities with. One should note that this spell requires a gem with the esoteric energy of ice stored within it to cast.

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) extracting ice from the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small),
           prestidigitation (tiny), and thaumaturgy (tiny)
   4) solidifying the ice with arctic properties
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)
   5) creating the capacity to use the axe as a extension of ones' self
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (small), glaciaturgy (small), enchantment (small), evocation (small), 
           lexiturgy (small), and prestidigitation (small)

Uirgae Constringitur

Common Name: Frozen Wand Summary: wand manifestation

Students of sufficent mastery over the powers of cold and ice are able to manifest a magickal wand which can be used to direct said energies at a target. One may specify using 'ordered', 'magickal', or 'entropic' principles as a spell argument at the time of casting to alter the damage style of the wand itself.

Player Notes: Requires a gem infused with ice

Knowledge Requirements: be a wandslinger or have at least 250 points among 50% ergiphrasty, 50% hylophrasty, 50% metaphysics, and 50% arcane lore

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) extracting ice from the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), enchantment (small), prestidigitation (tiny), and thaumaturgy (tiny)
   4) manifesting cold energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), conjuration (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (tiny), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) inducting magickal currents throughout the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), evocation (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   6) infusing the cold energy to contain the essence of ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy (dominant), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
    To change damage types use the syntax 'Cast frozen wand with <gem> using <damage> principles'
    To activate if you are not a wandslinger you "visualize frost"

Virgam Glaciem

Common Name: Ice Staff Summary: icy staff manifestation

Through having moderate knowledge of maniuplating arctic energy, some Students can manifest a staff constructed of solid cryomer. One should note that casting this spell will require a gem that has been infused with ice from the spell Glaciem Cristallum, and has a limit on how long the staff will exist based upon the amount of energy residing inside the gem at time of casting. </pre>

Player Notes: Requires a Ice Crystal created with Glaciem Cristallum

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 150 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill, 50% of having the metaphysics skill, 50% of having the arcane lore skill, and 25% of having the glaciaturgy skill or Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of sceptrum

   Summary: ice staff manifestation

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) preparing the extraction
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   4) release of the avalanche
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: one and a quarter points of magickal energy
   5) solidifying the ice with arctic properties
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   6) visualizing energy surrounding the ice
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: one point of magickal energy
   7) creating the capacity for the ice to channel esoteric energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   8) connection of the drifts
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: one and a quarter points of amalgamal ice energy


Algus Praesidium

Common Name: Cold Ward
Summary: protection from cold

This spell creates a powerful ward against the harmful effects of cold.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: None

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) finding low-energy thermal channels
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), evocation (small), symbology (small), and prestidigitation (small)
   4) awaiting resonance from local thermal channels
       Type: Passive Event
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: trivial
       Skills: none
   5) manifesting the resonance as a rune
       Type: Thought
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, enchantment, and imagination

Anima Nivis

Common Name: Snowy Soul
Summary: snow spirit

One of the more common enchantments from the time of the orignal White Order was to shift the very essence of one's spirit to the fundamental qualities of snow.  Doing so results in various physical side effects for the student, most notably the ability to pass through ones enviornment at will, and also introduces a form of weakness to several magickal manipulations.

Player Notes: Grants wingless flight, intangibility, thanatogalvanism, ametabolic, internal breathing. Boosts intellect, willpower, and perception. Mutually exclusive with Ice Soul, only one can be active at a time.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 300 points among 100% of aretophrasty skill, 100% of arcane lore skill, 100% of metaphysics skill, 25% of evocation skill, and 25% of cryoturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) calling upon the white circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) understanding the essence of the fallen
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and aretophrasty
   5) visualizing a flurry of snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   6) beckoning the chill of the frozen word
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   7) the sensations of a white out
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and aretophrasty
   8) calling upon the beyond
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   9) imbuement of frost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, enchantment, and aretophrasty

Animi Gelidusque

Common Name: Icy Resolve
Summary: body numb

This spell channels numbing cold throughout the target's body, deadening their nervous sytem and causing them to become numbed to all pain.  This spell can have its uses on enemies, allies, and even oneself; when one knows one will need to cast spells under distracting circumstances, this spell can be a great boon.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 350 points among 100% of aretophrasty, 100% of arcane lore, 100% of metaphysics, 25% of enchantment, and 25% of glaciaturgy

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) producing an inner chill
       Type: Thought
       Importance: lesser, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: cryoturgy and glaciaturgy
   4) extending the chill throughout
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: evocation (moderate), enchantment (moderate), cryoturgy (small), and prestidigitation (small)

Frigus Calori

Common Name: Warmth
Summary: arctic enchantment melting

Requiring knowledge of methods for dispersing ice and cold energies, this spell allows the caster to remove any form of arctic enchantment nearby. This process is typically much easier than manifesting such enchantments, and requires virtually no energy or physical effort to enact.

Player Notes: This DISPELS existing enchantments, there now you can search for dispel and find this. Huzzah!

Knowledge Requirements: None

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) terminating the enchantment
       Type: Thought
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration (moderate), enchantment (moderate), and evocation (small)

Frigus Infundite

Common Name: Cold Infuse
Summary: cryomer infusing

Through channeling cold energy through a flower manifested from pure ice a student of the White Order is able to manifest and infuse a portion cryomer into mundane objects, making them stronger and altering their apperance.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 120 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill and 25% of having the cryoturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) establishing a connection between oneself and the old frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) embracing the cold of a lost realm
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Frigus Manus

Common Name:Frost Fists
Summary: icy martial enhancement

Members of the Order have often favored this spell due to is undeniable value in physical altercations.  Those who cast it find their hands to be infused with the power of ice itself, causing severe harm to those who come in contact with them.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 250 points among 100% of having the aretophrasty skill, 50% of having the enchantment skill, and 25% of having the cryoturgy skill

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) conjuring frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)
   4) sealing the frost within
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)

Glaciem Anima

Common Name: Ice Soul
Summary: ice-based aura

A notable spell unique to the more recent generations of the Order, this spell directly infuses the essence of ice into the caster's soul, thereby improving their attunment to the principles of cold and order.  This spell takes a moderate amount of time to prepare and can be quite taxing upon the body.

Player Notes: Gives anhumouricity, ametabolism, at least one astral perception (probably scales), removes your need to breathe if you have one. Seems to give bonuses ice, cold and entropy affinities. Mutually exclusive with Snowy Soul, only one can be active at a time.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 300 points among 100% of aretophrasty, 100% of arcane lore, 100% of metaphysics, 25% of evocation, and 25% of glaciaturgy

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) translation of the white circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) visualizing webs of ice
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   5) manifestation of the white bind
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) seal of the white realm
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty
   7) preperation for the sphere of blizzards
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   8) gift of the frosted coven
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty
   9) visualizing ice fusing to ones soul
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   10) replication of fresh snow-drifts
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   11) release of falling snow
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Before and after casting (OLD):

   [ Head: 47  Chest: 103.3  Ice: 142.5/279.3  Void: 167.8/168  Spirit: 1169/1625  Order: 139.8/276.9  Endurance: 1236  Magick: 206.5/371.2  Entropic: 89.3  Cold: 211.9/400.3  Speed: 54 ]
   cast glaciem anima on me
   You have begun casting glaciem anima.
   You state, *) ice soul (* in flowingly-accented Enochian.
   Your casting performance in speaking the incantation was superb.
   You swirl the palm of your right hand around the your left hand in a circular motion.
   Your casting performance in conjuring a small portion of ice was perfect.
   You cross the first two fingers of your right hand and raise it above your left hand as you clench it into a fist as a glowing cerulean aura begins to form around you.
   Your casting performance in expanding the ice within was excellent.
   You rapidly bring your hands apart as a bright cyan orb of ice appears in the air before you.
   Your casting performance in extracting the essence of ice from within was somewhat poor.
   You bring your hands in toward your body sharply, causing the bright cyan orb of ice to surge into you, then pause briefly as you flash with blue light icy for a moment before returning to your normal coloration.
   You feel the elements of your body crystallize and subtly blend with one another as they become rigid and solidified.
   Flakes of snow forms around and partially obscure your features.
   Your eyes turn pure white-speckled cyan.
   Your casting performance in infusing one's soul with the essence of ice was good.
   You have completed casting glaciem anima.
   Your overall casting performance was very good.
   [ Head: 76.1  Chest: 167.4  Ice: 142.5/296.3  Void: 167.8/170.3  Spirit: 1168.9/1667  Order: 139.8/276.9  Endurance: 1550  Magick: 206.5/371.2  Entropic: 89.3/95.9  Cold: 211.9/424.1  Speed: 54 ]

Industria Volu

Common Name: Energy Swirl
Summary: atmospheric swirl

In the moments leading up to the fall of the Tower of Gelida with the founding White Order, secret knowledge of a method to manipulate the Lapis Obelisk was revealed in a effort to aid the Order in the ensuing battle.  The spell itself manifests a cloud of extreme energy in the surrounding area, and will disperse over time.  Singularly, these clouds have no real effect, however when two seperate individuals of the Order enhances it by also casting this spell in the presence of a Lapis Obelisk, it absorbs the energy swirl, causing it to send out pulses of energy regularly for a moderate amount of time to all members of the Order who can sense them.  It should be noted that this spell requires five cristallum gems infused with each of the esoteric energies manipulated by members of the Order, along with an extreme amount of personal energy, allowing the obelisk to use the combined energy from the casters and disperse it across the Order collectively. Although there appears to be a direct limit on how long this process can remain active, once activated any single member of the Order can refresh the obelisk by themselves through the repeated use of this spell.

Player Notes: Hardest spell in the game. Effective is active once two players have successfully cast the spell, or once the Magus Gelidus has cast it.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 350 points among 100% of klimaphrasty, 100% of arcane lore, 100% of metaphysics, and 25% of evocation

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) empowering the Frozen Word
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) the magickal possibilities of a snowflake
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and klimaphrasty
   5) fortification of the White Circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) grasp of the last dawn before winter
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   7) jurisdiction of the glacier
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   8) excitement of the freshly fallen snow
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   9) calling upon the seventh circle of the White Order
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   10) continuation of a crystallized helix
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: lexiturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty
   11) recanting the fall of the Tower of Gelida
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
   12) sensing the dismay caused by a whiteout
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and animaphrasty
   13) preparing the energy of the five points of snow
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   14) gratification of the old word
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thaumaturgy, abjuration, and ergiphrasty

Lex Glaciei

Common Name: Law of Ice
Summary: order-infused ice crystal

This spell conjures a sphere of ice infused with the principles of order.  This ice crystal can be directed in combat to harm one's opponents, and its mere presence will harmonize one with the forces of order in the universe.

Player Notes: Gives order favour (obviously) and chaos favour which probably scale based on casting skill.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points in having the lexiturgy skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) conjuring ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)
   4) manifesting and enchanting the ice with principles of order
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), conjuration (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Mortiferum Amplexionem

Common Name: Deadly Embrace
Summary: entropic aura

This spell seeks to emulate the entropic relationship a student of the White Order has with ice, wrapping the caster in a swirling aura of entropic energy which can have a multitude of different effects.  An interesting property of this spell is that it utilizes the original language of the White Order, Caladan.

Player Notes: Recharges Health, Spirit Energy, or Endurance occasionally. Consumes corpses to recharge energy. During combat will grant paravision, haste, will attack enemies. On death there is a chance this will save and teleport your character to the lapis obelisk.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 200 points among 100% of having the ergiphrasty skill, 50% of having the arcane lore skill, 50% of having the metaphysics skill, 25% of having the cryoturgy skill, and 25% of having the thanaturgy skill

Casting Cost: ~53 Magickal, 20 Entropic, 30 Cold

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) wrap of the snowstorm
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   4) cooling touch of the arctic
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) sealing the passage
       Type: Speech
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant), vocalization (small), and linguistics (small)
   6) visualizing the essence of death
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   7) call of the departed
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   8) reaction of the departed
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   9) binding the circle
       Type: Speech
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant), vocalization (small), and linguistics (small)
   10) the expansion of the white frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   11) imbuement of frost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty
   12) visualizing cold in harmony with entropy
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   13) revival of the deadly ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   14) direction of the departed
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thanaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty
   15) overwhelming force of a wandering soul
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   16) cocoon of the departed
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: glaciaturgy, enchantment, and ergiphrasty



   You feel an intense rush of energy from your swirl of gloomy energy infuse your form. - Speed buff
   You sense your swirl of gloomy energy empower your vision with the essence of death itself. - Paravision
   A cone of cold erupts from your swirl of gloomy energy toward the green male frog and chills it somewhat, despite its attempt to dodge. -Semirandomized damage type


   You feel your swirl of gloomy energy infusing you with a portion of spiritual energy. -Spirit restoration
   You sense your swirl of gloomy energy revitalize you slightly. -Endurance restoration

More to be listed.

Check your evil cloak with "visualize the status of my mortem nemorosus"


Common Name: Charge
Summary: wand recharge

Students who actively use a cryomer wand often use this spell to recharge the amount of energy inside it.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 250 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill, 100% of having the arcane lore skill, 100% of having the metaphysics skill, and 50% of having the evocation skill or be a Wandslinger

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) manifesting magickal and cold energies around the wand
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   4) infusing the energies into the wand
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), cryoturgy (small), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), thaumaturgy (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)

Scutum Nix

Common Name: Snow Shield
Summary: defensive snow enchantment

This spell takes advantage of the natural properties of winter to create an ablative shield of soft snow around the target.  One's skill in Glaciaturgy, Cryoturgy, Klimaphrasty, and Enchantment are vital to conjure the snow required for the spell.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 250 points among 100% of having the klimaphrasty skill, 75% of having the arcane lore skill, 75% of having the metaphysics skill, 50% of having the enchantment skill, and 25% of having the conjuration skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) imagining freshly fallen snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration, imagination, and introspection
   4) conjuring snow
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), klimaphrasty (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   5) visualizing the power of frost around snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
   6) infusing arctic principles into the snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: major, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   7) hardening the snow with ice
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), enchantment (small), klimaphrasty (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)

Tenebris Generationem

Common Name: Darkness Generation
Summary: darkness aura enhancement

Nylocs that become members of the White Order find themselves able to use a portion of their entropic energy as a catalyst for their natural darkness emission.  This spell also has a added benifit of reducing ones' senistivity to light as well.

Player Notes: Answer to Nyloc heliocausticity

Knowledge Requirements: be a nyloc

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) channeling entropic energy around oneself
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thanaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Energy Channeling

Industria Congregatione

Common Name: Gathering of Energy
Summary: energy collection

This spell excels at extracting the essence of ice, and by proxy a lesser degree of that amalgam's component energies, from the inner magickal wells of the caster.  However, this spell is extraordinarily taxing on one's magickal and possibly, spiritual, reserves.

Player Notes: Channeling spell that recharges Ice, Cold, Entropic, and Order energies.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 120 points among having the arcane lore skill, having the metaphysics skill, and having the ergiphrasty skill

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) sensations of the arctic
       Type: Thought
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the call of the frozen word
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) induction of the frozen word
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   6) ridgidity of the ordained permafrost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: lexiturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   7) creeping tide of the frozen abyss
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Magicae Accumulatio

Common Name: Magickal Accumulation
Summary: magickal energy collection

Often times members of Ordo Verbus Glacialis will find time to slowly convert their spiritual reserves into magickal energy over a extended period of time.  Doing so results in a much more effective and less intensive conversion of energy, however due to the general duration of the process this spell offers little help in situations where not readily having energy could result in life or death situations.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 80 points among having the arcane lore skill, having the metaphysics skill, and having the ergiphrasty skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) visualizing the essence of pure magickal energy
       Type: Thought
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration, ergiphrasty, evocation, and thaumaturgy

Energy Condensing

Note: You need to re-save a gem after infusing it. OVG gem infusion technique is flawed so gems gradually bleed energy stored in them until they fail approximately three hours later.

Frigus Cristallum

Common Name: Cold Crystal
Knowledge Requirement: have at least 150 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill, 50% of having the arcane lore skill, 25% of having the metaphysics skill, and 25% of having the cryoturgy skill
Summary: Cold Energy Storage

With a higher understanding of how the fundamental essence of cold operates, a student can inject some cold energy into a common gemstone
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the gem for energy infusion
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) channeling cold energy into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the essence of cold into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Glaciem Cristallum

Common Name: Ice Crystal
Summary: Ice Energy Storage

By having a moderate understanding of how to manipulate arctic energy, a student is able to infuse a common gemstone with ice energy.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the gem for energy infusion
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) channeling ice energy into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the essence of ice into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Magicae Cristallum

Common Name: Magic Crystal
Knowledge Requirement: have at least 150 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill, 50% of having the arcane lore skill, 25% of having the metaphysics skill, and 25% of having the thaumaturgy skill
Summary: Magickal Energy Storage

From having a precise knowledge of magickal energy and how it flows in reality, a Student is able to use a ordinary gem stone to store a moderate amount of magickal energy.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the gem for energy infusion
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) channeling magickal energy into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the essence of magick into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Mortem Cristallum

Common Name: Death Crystal
Summary: Entropic Energy Storage

From having a precise knowledge of entropic energy and how it flows in reality, a student is able to use a ordinary gem stone to store a moderate amount of entropic energy.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the gem for energy infusion
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) channeling entropic energy into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the essence of death into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Structura Cristallum

Common Name: Order Crystal
Summary: Order Energy Storage

From having a fundamental understanding of how the rigidity of order operates in the physical world, a Student is able to store a degree of ordered energy in a common gemstone. 
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the gem for energy infusion
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: lexiturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), conjuration (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   4) channeling order energy into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: lexiturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
   5) infusing the essence of order into the gem
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: lexiturgy (moderate), enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Energy Conversion

Frigora Intensa

Common Name: Intense Frost
Summary: intense channeling of cold energy

By having a higher knowledge of how the essence of cold operates within ones' core, students are able to convert a more intense quantity of magickal reserves into cold energy.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 200 points among 100% of having the cryoturgy skill and 75% of having the evocation skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Frigus Evoco

Common Name: Evocation of Cold
Summary: gathering of cold energy

Another important evocation, this spell extracts a portion of magickal energy from the caster and transmutes it into cold which can be used as a fuel for almost all of the White Order's spells.

Player Notes: Gain 20-25 Cold Energy

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points among having the evocation skill and having the cryoturgy skill

Casting Cost: 15-25? Magickal

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: cryoturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Glaciem Evoco

Common Name: Evocation of Ice
Summary: gathering of ice energy

One of the first evocations a Frater Verbus Glacialis becomes familar, this spell functions to channel a measure of magickal energy into the structured ice energy that the White Order's spells are built from.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points among having the evocation skill and having the glaciaturgy skill

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Imperium Evoco

Common Name: Evocation of Order
Summary: gathering of order energy

Seeking to emulate the ordered rigidity of ice, this spell allows the caster to convert a portion of ones' magickal energy into order to later be used for arctic manipulations.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points among having the evocation skill and having the lexiturgy skill

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: lexiturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Magicae Evoco

Common Name: Evocation of Magick
Summary: channeling of magickal energy

Typically the first evocation a Frater Verbus Glacialis learns, this spell serves simply to channel a measure of spiritual energy into the refined magickal energy that most of the White Order's spells rely upon.

Player Notes: Gain 20-25 Magickal Energy

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points among having the evocation skill and having the thaumaturgy skill

Casting Cost: 100-150 Spiritual

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Mortem Evoco

Common Name: Evocation of Entropy
Summary: gathering of entropic energy

Where there is frost and cold, death is soon to follow. Many members of the White Order understand the need to deal with this type of magick, and emulate its transformation from magickal energy with this spell.

Player Notes: Gain ~20-25 Entropic Energy

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 20 points among having the evocation skill and having the thanaturgy skill

Casting Cost: 60-70 Magickal

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Redundantia Frigus

Common Name: Extreme Cold Evocation
Summary: extreme channeling of cold energy

One who aligns themselves with the biting forces of cold itself are able to perform a manipulation of magickal energy to manifest a quite extreme amount of cold energy.

Note: This consumes an immense amount of magic/spirit.

(Steps Need Update)

Summa Glacies

Common Name: Intense Ice
Summary: intense channeling of ice energy

By having expert attunment to the elemental properties of ice, one is able to use a increased amount of magickal energy for the manifestation of it.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 200 points among 100% of having the glaciaturgy skill and 75% of having the evocation skill

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Vehementi Magicae

Common Name: Intense Magick Evocation
Summary: intense channeling of magickal energy

By having a greater understanding of how magickal energy reacts within oneself, a student of the White Order is able to convert a more potent amount of spiritual reserves into magickal energy.

Player Notes: Outputs roughly 95-97 magickal energy with superb casts.

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 200 points among 100% of having the thaumaturgy skill and 75% of having the evocation skill

Casting Cost: Roughly 400-431 spell points.

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty

Energy Extraction

Industriae Extractionem

Common Name: Energy Extraction
Summary: Crystal Energy Removal

Once one stores an amount of energy into a gem, a student may wish to extract that energy and realign it to their spiritual esoteric reserves.  This spell has a notable feat of being extremely quick as one may need these energies in dire situations.

Knowledge Requirement: have at least 80 points among 100% of having the hylophrasty skill and 50% of having the evocation skill

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) extracting the energy from the crystal
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)


Iter Gelidas

Common Name: Frozen Travels
Summary: teleportation to Lapis Obilisk

Orginal constructs of the White Order have a distinct eideturgic signature in which current students can tap into to create a magickal channel with.  One can then pull themselves through this open current by the manipulation of several ordered principles and be transported to said signature.  Only students who have traveled a fair amount of distance from where the Order resides these constructs find this spell notable.  Ones' skill in Eideturgy, Thaumaturgy, and Conjuration are critical to performing this spell, Enchantment is used in a lesser form.

Player Notes: The Lapis Obelisk is at -1, 22, 4 in the Northlands (global (-1, 184, 4)).

Knowledge Requirements: have at least 250 points among 100% of having the spatiophrasty skill, 100% of having the metaphysics skill, 50% of having the arcane lore skill, and 25% of having the lexiturgy skill and global exploration percentage of 35 or higher; or be member of the Explorers Association

Casting Cost:

   1) speaking the incantation - Optional Step
         Skills: Enochian and vocalization
   2) preparing a eideturgic node 
         Skills: eideturgy, enchantment, and conjuration
   3) manifesting a eideturgic node around a current of magickal energy 
         Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, eideturgy, and enchantment
   4) connecting a magickal current through the manifested node to the eideturgic signature of a lapis construct 
         Skills: thaumaturgy, prestidigitation, eideturgy, and enchantment
   5) pulling oneself through the magickal current 
         Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, eideturgy, and enchantment

Focus Magicae

Students who seek to hone their skills in direct magickal manipulations are granted with a wide range of utility based spells.

Level 1

Sciatis Prudentiam

Common Name: Gain Insight
Summary: magickal identification

By having a closer attunment to the forces of magic, a student of the White Order can gain knowledge of a item by conjuring a portion of magickal essence around it.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements:

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) conjuring a portion of magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy (dominant), conjuration (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Level 2

Magicae Texebtium

Common Name: Magick Beam
Summary: magickal beam attack

By focusing a portion of magickal energy through ones' hand, a Student is able to project a deadly concentration of energy towards a target.

Player Notes: Seemingly one-handed damaging beam of magick

Knowledge req:

Casting Cost:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) gathering a small amount of magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), conjuration (moderate), and prestidigitation (small)
   4) channeling the magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (tiny)

Level 3

Magicis Noctis

Common Name: Magickal Alignment
Summary: passive energy conversion

Students that have deeply dedicated themselves to the art of manipulating magickal energy are able to
perform an extraordinary feat of passively converting their spiritual reserves into magickal energy.  This
spell is unique to Students of the magicae focus and will deactive when ones' magickal reserves are at
capacity or when ones' spiritual energy is unable to maintain the enchantment.

Knowledge requirement: Focus level 3

Casting Cost: 15 Magickal

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
   3) manifesting magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy (moderate), enchantment (small), equilibrium (small), concentration (tiny), and prestidigitation (tiny)
   4) enchanting the aura of magickal energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: enchantment (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), concentration (small), prestidigitation (tiny), and symbology (tiny)

Additional notes: Sets your diet trait to Manavore (check by dispelling glaciem anima from oneself). Sizable boost to magick affinity as well. About +124 with an excellent casting.

Focus Frigidum

Students who undergo aligning their spirit to the essence of frost gain considerable control over manipulating Cryoturgic energires, most usually demonstrated in the form of offensive area based attack spells.

Level 1

Frigus Inspiratione

Common Name: Cold Blast
Summary: localized cold cloud

Students of the Frigidum focus are able to project a instant blast of cold to their surroundings.
   1) speaking the incantation - Optional Step
   Skills: Enochian and vocalization
   2) creating a swirl of cold energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, evocation, and equilibrium
   3) amplifying the swirl of cold energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, klimaphrasty, prestidigitation, evocation, equilibrium, and enchantment

Level 2

Lentum Frigida

Common Name: Lingering Cold
Summary: slowing cold cloud

Students that align themselves to the biting power of cold are able to dramatically slow, blind, and stun beings around them. 
But, as a offset this spell does realtively low amounts of direct harm.
   speaking the incantation - Optional Step
   Skills: Enochian and vocalization
   2) manifesting cold energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, evocation, and equilibrium
   3) expanding the cold energy - Optional Step
   Skills: cryoturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, and evocation
   4) releasing the cold energy 
   Skills: prestidigitation, evocation, and cryoturgy

Redundantia Frigus

Common Name: Extreme Cold Evocation
Summary: extreme channeling of cold energy

One who aligns themselves with the biting forces of cold itself is able to perform a manipulation of magickal energy to manifest quite extreme amount of cold energy.
   1) speaking the incantation - Optional Step
   Skills: Enochian and vocalization
   2) visualizing the desired energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, introspection, telesma, evocation, and concentration
   3) gathering the necessary energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, prestidigitation, evocation, and equilibrium
   4) aplifying cold energy 
   Skills: cryoturgy, conjuration, prestidigitation, and equilibrium
   5) manifesting cold energy 
   Skills: prestidigitation, evocation, and cryoturgy

Note: Since telesma no longer exists, this spell's requirements need to be updated...

Focus Amicus

Some members of the White Order pursue a path of spiritual and emotional connection to a familiar in the classic hermetic tradition, establishing and nuturing an astral bond with an animal. In addition to the normal animals bondable by hermetic magicians, members of Ordo Verbus Glacialis may also bond animals of the arctic persuasion, a capability unique to them. This bonding mechanism is known as praxis algus amicus, which can be loosely translated into the common tongue as 'the process of companionship through frost'.

Focus Incantamentum

Students who focus themselves upon manifesting their various esoteric energies into reality gain the ability to conjure a wide array of summons, and maintain more manifestations at once than any other focus type of the White Order.

Level 1

   Vocare Industria
    Common Name: Summon Energy
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
    Summary: summon willwisp
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: fifteen points of magickal energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), summoning (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: ten points of magickal energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), summoning (moderate), thaumaturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of magickal energy

Level 2

    Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell: Vocare Frigus

    Common Name: Summon Cold
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
incantamentum and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 2 or higher
    Summary: cold amalgamal manifestation

    By increasing ones prowess in manifesting energy into reality, a Student
is able to conjure a cold amalgamal.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), evocation (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: fifteen points of amalgamal cold energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: ten points of amalgamal cold energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of amalgamal cold energy
Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Sat Apr 29 17:42:19 2017.

Level 3

    Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell: Accersiri Iussit Glaciem

    Common Name: Summon Ordered Ice
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
incantamentum and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 3 or higher or
Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of structura
    Summary: order based ice amalgamal

    As one progresses in their ability to manifest energies as summoned
beings, a Student is able to use a gem enchantment with the essence of
structure to create a being of ordered ice.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture 
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: fifteen points of amalgamal ice energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: ten points of amalgamal ice energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), lexiturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of amalgamal ice energy

Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the sourcecode was last updated Fri Dec 21 17:12:49 2018.

    Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell: Vocare Mortiferum Gelu

    Common Name: Summon Deadly Ice
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
incantamentum and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 3 or higher
    Summary: entropic based ice amalgamal

    As one progresses in their ability to manifest energies as summoned
beings, a Student is able to use a gem enchantment with the essence of entropy
to create a being of tainted ice.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), thanaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), thanaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: fifteen points of amalgamal ice energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), summoning (moderate), thanaturgy (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: ten points of amalgamal ice energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), summoning (moderate), thanaturgy (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of amalgamal ice energy

Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Sat Apr 29 17:42:19 2017.

Level 4

    Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell: Vocare Magis Frigus

    Common Name: Summon Greater Cold
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
incantamentum and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 4 or higher
    Summary: greater cold amalgamal

    From having a advanced understanding of energy manipulation, a Student can
manifest a greater version of their cold amalgamal.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech 
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: cryoturgy (moderate), evocation (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of amalgamal cold energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: thirty points of amalgamal cold energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), cryoturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: fifty points of amalgamal cold energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Wed Dec 12 23:48:08 2018.
    Ordo Verbus Glacialis Spell: Vocare Maiori Gelu

    Common Name: Summon Greater Ice
    Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of
incantamentum and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 4 or higher
    Summary: greater ice amalgamal

    From understanding the principals to manifesting ice at a extreme degree,
a Student is able to summon a greater version of their ice amalgamal.
   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) extracting energy from the cristallum
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (small), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: one point of spiritual energy
   4) channeling the extracted energy into a sphere
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: evocation (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), equilibrium (moderate), and prestidigitation (tiny)
       Energy Costs: twenty-five points of amalgamal ice energy
   5) manifesting the energy into reality
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), evocation (small), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: thirty-five points of amalgamal ice energy
   6) solidifying the manifested energy
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: conjuration (moderate), glaciaturgy (moderate), summoning (moderate), and prestidigitation (miniscule)
       Energy Costs: fifty points of amalgamal ice energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Wed Dec 12 23:48:47 2018.

Focus Entropia

Factions of knowledge from a time long past, students of the White Order who belong to the Entropia sect utilize a spectrum of dark spellcraft that can weaken or cripple opponents. It was this sect that is believed to have caused the fall of the Tower Gelida, whos founding members became filled with lust for magickal power and attempted to subvert Aristides' rule of Ordo Verbus Glacialis. There have also been claims from nomadic tribes in the Northlands that these students also conducted horrific experiments on who they deemed lesser beings. Those who study this focus are often times looked down upon by the rest of the new order, or at the very least, met with suspension or distrust.

Level 1

Summa Corruptionem

Common Name: Intense Entropy Evocation
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia
Summary: intense channeling of entropic energy

    Students of the White Order who decide to delve into the unknown and
harness the very essence of death and decay are able to convert a greater
amount of magickal energy into entropic energy.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) preparing the way for the psychrokainon
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: concentration and imagination
       Energy Costs: None
   4) the awakening of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   5) beckoning the psychrokainon
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: None
   6) the exallegy of the psychrokainon
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: twenty points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Sat May 13 22:52:22 2017.

Deficiens Glacies Testa

Common Name: Decaying Ice Shard
Summary: entropic ice shard

This spell conjures a mass of tangible frost into the caster's hands.  The caster then uses trace amounts of entropic energy to structure and shape this mass into a deadly razor-edged shard of ice to launch at their target.

Player Notes:

Knowledge Requirements: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia

Casting Cost: ???

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   3) weaving the sigil of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation (dominant) and symbology (moderate)
   4) the manifestation of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: glaciaturgy, conjuration, and bellerophrasty
   5) making the vatic sign of necrification
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: lesser
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
   6) the necrification of the pitiless hoarspike
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, enchantment, and hylophrasty

Level 2

Atra Manus

Common Name: Blackhand
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 2 or higher
Summary: entropic crushing attack

    This spell, practiced by the more entropically-inclined Frater Verbus
Glacialis, manifests a spectral hand which clutches at those it is set to,
applying great force and withering its victim over time.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) the forming the black hand
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: None
   4) the directing of the black hand
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and bellerophrasty
       Energy Costs: one and a half points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Benerius and is maintained by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Jul 12 00:54:28 2019.

Emundabit Maledictum

Common Name: Cleanse Curse
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 2 or higher
Summary: curse removal

    Students of the White Order who become involved in the entropic qualities
of ice often times find the need to have the ability to life a curse as their
research often times can deal with objects or beings with powerful magickal
effects and abilities.  This spell allows the caster to lift curses from any
trusting target with sufficient performance.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) call of the banished circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   4) processing the dark burden
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) understanding of lost knowledge
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   6) conduction of the hidden veil
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, abjuration, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: six points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Jul 12 01:00:58 2019.

Vitam Exhaurire

Common Name: Life Drain
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 2 or higher
Summary: targeted life essence removal

    Students of Ordo Verbus Glacialis who have begun their journey into the
darker realm of the power they possess often find use in this spell to restore
their own bodily health from a target.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) gesture of malicious praise
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   4) engagement of the dark ones
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) direction of necrotic will
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   6) realization of the end
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: six points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Apr 06 11:01:28 2018.

Level 3

Frigus Infirmitatem

Common Name: Cold Weakness 
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 3 or higher
Summary: inducing cold weakness

    Rooted within the core of those who align with the powers of Entropia is
the ability to exploit weakness within others.  Some students are able to
manifest this into the ability to cause a dramatic weakness in a target to the
forces of amalgamal cold.  It is rumored that this spell was heavily before
the fall of the tower Gelida, used to prepare living sacrifices by a secret
group of magi that conducted research into the relation of entropy and the
Frozen Word.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) drawing upon the lost storm
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   4) receiving the endless snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) separation of the snow with the Frozen Word
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and aretophrasty
       Energy Costs: ten points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Wed May 22 09:43:42 2019.

Magicae Infirmitatem

Common Name: Magickal Weakness
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 3 or higher
Summary: inducing magickal weakness

    This spell serves as a staple for all Entropia focused members of the Ordo
Verbus Glacialis.  It permits the caster to lessen the defense the target has
to the effects of general magickal qualities.  Often times it was used by
Entropia members when combating other magi from another order, causing
devastating damage to the target by other basic attacks afforded to most users
of arcane arts.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) forming the binding circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   4) sheet of the Seventh Snow
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) last of the Lost Frost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and pathophrasty
       Energy Costs: five points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Tue Sep 17 18:21:44 2019.

Obitus Infirmitatem

Common Name: Entropy Weakness
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 3 or higher
Summary: inducing entropy weakness

    The most critical of all spells utilized by the Entropia of Ordo Verbus
Glacialis, this spell weakens the targets' resistance to the effects of

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) depreciation of the Bound Frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   4) consecration of the Frost
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) clergy of the Seventh Circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   6) seal of the Fozen Bind
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and pathophrasty
       Energy Costs: five points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Tue Sep 17 22:54:42 2019.

Level 4

Corporis Infirmitatem

Common Name: Physical Weakness
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 4 or higher
Summary: inducing physical weakness

    One of the most cruel spells known to those who specialize in Entropia, it
seeks to induce great physical weakness into a target.  Like similar weakness
spells it requires the caster to send an aggressive stream of energy to the
target and is resistible to some degree.  Before the fall of the Tower Gelida,
a secret sect of magi used this spell to weaken test subjects who would be
used for cruel and inhumane magickal experimentation.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) recalling the frozen pact
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   4) forming the way to ice
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) drawing out the true power
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   6) call of the frost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and pathophrasty
       Energy Costs: five points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Mon Jul 29 01:42:43 2019.

Insania Gelida

Common Name: Frozen Madness
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 4 or higher
Summary: insanity inducing cold

    A spell once shunned for ethical concerns from Aristides himself, it
causes several strong afflictions to the targets mind.  Most of the illnesses
inflicted are temporary, however significantly skilled casters have been known
to permanently alter the mental health of a target.  Casted upon a
sufficiently weak mind, this spell will inflict a great deal of pain and fear
to the target.

Player Notes:

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) drawing upon the fears of the White Frost
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: hard
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   4) calling upon the insanity of the forbidden
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: great
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: five points of metabolic energy
   5) setting of the dense snow
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: very hard
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and psychophrasty
       Energy Costs: five points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Fri Jul 12 01:03:28 2019.

Noctis Lacerna

Common Name: Night Wrap
Knowledge Requirement: Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus of entropia and Ordo Verbus Glacialis Current Focus Rank of 4 or higher
Summary: manifest an invisibility effect

    Students of the White Order who begin to devote themselves to the utmost degree regarding the entropic principles of ice 

Player Notes

   1) reciting the frozen word
       Type: Speech
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: Enochian (dominant) and vocalization (small)
       Energy Costs: a twentieth of a point of metabolic energy
   2) the opening of the way
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: thaumaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: a fortieth of a point of magickal energy
   3) drawing upon the endless snow drift
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: easy
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   4) forming the connection
       Type: Thought
       Importance: minor, optional
       Difficulty: very easy
       Skills: concentration and introspection
       Energy Costs: None
   5) embracing the Seventh Circle
       Type: Gesture
       Importance: major
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: prestidigitation
       Energy Costs: a fifth of a point of metabolic energy
   6) complete acceptance of the endless frost
       Type: Praxis
       Importance: greater
       Difficulty: moderate
       Skills: thanaturgy, evocation, and ergiphrasty
       Energy Costs: six points of entropic energy
   Development Information: This spell was created by Starhound; the source code was last updated Tue Sep 17 23:10:05 2019.