Acid Blob

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   The Acid Blob Race
   Rarity: Rare
   Plural: Acid Blobs
   Anatomy: Amorphous
   Sexes: Neuter
   Harm Skills:
       Alchemy    50%
       Garbology  50%
   No specific help is available for this race.
   Development Information: The acid blob race was created by Lost Souls; the
source code was last updated Tue Mar 15 02:22:10 2016.


An acid blob flows in from the east.
   The acid blob pulses and rolls toward a green male frog.
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but it dodges.
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but it dodges.
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but it dodges.
   The green male frog attacks the acid blob with its mouth, but misses.
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but it dodges.
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but it dodges.
   The green male frog attacks the acid blob with its mouth, but misses.
   The green male frog licks the acid blob's body mass, though it is barely
affected by the attack.
   The green male frog's eyes go out of focus.
   The acid clings to the green male frog's head.
   The green male frog's head is blackened by contact with an acid blob's
   The acid blob attacks the green male frog with its touch, but misses.
   The acid blob catches it at the edge of the strike and gives the green
male frog acid burns.
   The acid clings to the green male frog's body.
   The green male frog dies.
   Over the past minute or so, you have gained two hundred seventy-six
experience in two smaller awards.
   The acid blob begins resting.
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