Byundi chats

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Inspired by a line in the Deep Whisperers page, which states "Byundi kept saying unkind things about not being able to join" I made this page to record those and more chats, idle chats, she may say.

She is highly charismatic and interesting.

(I will likely forget about this and never EVER update it [it's here in the case I do], I may need a DW character too, to get them all)

[OOC Marcosy]     Byundi's voice echoes in your mind, " So some crazed maniac,
[OOC Marcosy] something about how I had ruined his life or something, just
tried to kill me.
[OOC Marcosy] I wasn't hurt, but I can't say the same for that huge stack of
[OOC Marcosy] containing data from Wargotu.  When this sort of thing happens,
I try not to
[OOC Marcosy] let it get me down.  A quick shock to the ol' hippocampus and
I'm right as
[OOC Marcosy] *zzt* ".
[OOC Marcosy] _
[OOC Marcosy]     [21:10] [Byundi lost 1025 units of data from Wargotu]
Byundi exclaims, " I love working on my theories, particularly when I get
to work with kitties.  So cah-yooote! " in Nanomi.
Byundi asks Subject 8, " Is it OK if I experiment on your brain, Subject
8? " in Nanomi.
Byundi exclaims, " Want to do some science? You'll probably survive! " to Subject 8 in Nanomi.


If you don't have any telepathy at all, she says:

Byundi says, " You don't seem to possess
any telepathic ability at all!  I'm afraid you would not be at all suitable to
participate in my experiments. " to you in Anglic.


If the join attempt fails, this happens:

You experience a strange sensation within your mind of ebb and flow, a
sort of rhythmic pulse composed not of sensation but rather of modes of
   You suddenly feel something going dreadfully awry, as the pulse of
thoughts within your mind becomes a disordered jumble of chaotic sensation as
a sensation of searing pain erupts through you and you feel your mind becoming
badly damaged by the uncontrolled psychic energy.

You will get a mental disorder.

You might suffer a lot of head damage, to the tune of 73.7 HP, or even more. Probably that's where the "your head might explode" warning comes from. Though as it has been demostrated, you don't necessarily die with such damage. Thereafter, she says:

Byundi exclaims, " Uh oh.  Are you okay? 
I'm afraid it looks like you aren't quite suitable for a psionic bond. 
Perhaps if you were to open your mind a little and be a little more sensitive
and caring towards others?  This process doesn't usually work when the subject
is a stuck-up conceited jerkface.  Not that you are one, I mean! " to you in
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