Avatar of Kali

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  • Location: Temple of Kali inside Jhan in Andala
  • Occupation: Earthly embodiment of destruction; raging slut.
  • Look
This is a female human with brown skin, black hair, and glowing green eyes.  She is lithe, with a long, hawkish nose and 
hollowed-out cheeks.  You recognize this as the sixth of the forms favored by the goddess Kali for her avatars.  She is permeated by
a dim sparkling light.  She looks about seventeen dimins tall, five and a quarter dimins wide, and one and three tenths dimins long.  
She is in good shape.
  • Info
The brown-skinned female human avatar of Kali is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Black mother, what do you teach?
   Instruction request:  Black mother, your child desires instruction in <subject(s)>.
  • Trains
 erotic arts
  • Notes
    • Apparently trains only Hantaka with high enough favor.