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Blue can provide denaturalization services, which is removal of alterations which come by way of spiritual alterations that you can not normally remove. He requires sources of primal energy to perform it, and you can't choose which get removed. See Enas Yorl for a list of primal energy sources.

Denaturalization apparently works in that every artifact given can remove up to ten thousand skillxp worth of affinity skills, but on average favors lower numbers, around a thousand to five thousand. As such, if the affinities you wish to lose were ones you had a very high amount of, you will end up needing to give blue a rather significant amount of items, good luck!

List of Messages with corresponding Artifacts (incomplete):

-+>- This doesn't have primal energies in it. -<+-
Apinpanpupaka Aranal Cirdas Atomizer Blackheart Bloodfire Daemonicus Omega Deathkiss the Demonsword Dragon-helm of Dor-Lomin Dyad Euphoria Kephale Hardin's Gauntlet Harval Illyana's Rage Inquisitor Jerica LLyr's Wrath Meepo's Aegis Mindcleaver Morvern Callar Mournblade Mneme Nessavyn Odal Ossu Pathfinder Padlim's Umbrella Peacemaker Praelyris Rising Dawn Scorch Shatter Snapdragon Snickersnee Snarl Solace Soulshard Starburner Staff of the Lords Stormbringer The Amulet of Tzeen The Circlet of Clarity The Circlet of Command The Crown of Abaddon The Talisman of Kalkin Vigour Xaoloth Yith
-+>- I know this is going to sound picky, but I need a *destructable* object with primal energies. This thing is indestructable. -<+-
Gresjevrek the Nevermelting Jaye's Mithril Staff of Ass-Beating The Ice Blade of Tarn the Shadow Staff
Your body is purged of dispositions which had become natural to it. (lowest skillxp reduction)
Alahamorithil Confabulous Panegyric Thingamabob of Ultamon Zilch Crucifix of Cathrys The Emerald Tablet Flower of Sperm Directed Onto Everything Ever Grayswandir Heavensfire Kamonthept-Ka Nightbringer Pestilent Crown Podgebounce Variabilis Werewindle Whammo Whatnot also: Ringwielder rings
Your body is wrenched from its previous state to an older one. (low-medium skillxp reduction)
Athlasar Cristlun Grey Sickle Kalakridar
Your body is nauseatingly wrenched to a more neutral state. (medium-high skillxp reduction)
The Winged Sandals of Hermes Tirithmangar Malkyr's Shield
Your body is almost destroyed by a flux of massive self-adjustment. (highest skillxp reduction)
Atmadhanura The Avenger Ektharnor Gadel Fallasfang The Red Plate Wassail The Singularity Staff Yehovah's Hammer Yrenasand Hephaestus's Hammer Strangmach Skrukthmurgor