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          [ = Domwrelin = ]
            [ Type                    : ] attack
 []  []     [ Description             : ] mana shunt
  \  /      [ Significance            : ] high
    \/       [ Activity Cost           : ] fifteen
|__/\__|    [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] sixty
|      |    [ Control Skills          : ] five parts power direction, four
              parts channeling, four parts power focusing, four parts
              telesmatic weapon, two parts power generation and two parts
              power tuning
            [ Specialty Access        : ] channeling degree II access and
              telesmatic weapon degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have a total of rune lore skill, 50%
              of arcane lore skill, 50% of metaphysics skill, 50% of
              enchanting skill and 20% of legend lore skill of 100 or higher
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] channeling skill of 150 or higher
            [ Possessed               : ] no
The rune domwrelin functions by manipulating the fabric of magick itself
in the Ringwielder's surroundings, disrupting it and channeling all of the
energy which normally would simply be a part of the spiritual environment into
a powerfully destructive discharge directed at an opponent.  The damage to the
spiritual plane is such that magick itself -- including Rings of Power -- will
not function in the area until the disruption, for lack of a better word,
heals; in addition, everyone in the area will have their normal capacity to
recover spiritual energy from their environment disrupted for a similar span
of time, even if they leave the area where this occurred.  A target for the
coronal discharge itself may be given as a specification, otherwise one's
current opponent will be targeted.  Be aware that channeling the quantities of
energy involved through one's body can be painful, even dangerous, and should
not be attempted when severely wounded.
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