Man properties

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properties - The different properties that items can hold



There is an extensive set of properties, not listed below, which are now mapped to materials. These properties should not be used; the corresponding materials should be used instead. See 'man materials'.

Property Description




There is an extensive set of properties, not listed below, which are now mapped to materials. These properties should not be used; the corresponding materials should be used instead. See man materials.

Property            Description

Prop_Acid           Is chemically acidic.
Prop_Aflame         Is on fire.
Prop_Base           Is chemically basic (alkaline).
Prop_Berry          Is a berry.
Prop_Brittle        Will break rather than bend.
Prop_Broken         Has been broken.
Prop_Chaotic        Is chaotic in nature.
Prop_Cloth          Is made of cloth.
Prop_Cold           Is cold.
Prop_Conductive     Conducts electricity well.
Prop_Construct      Is a psychic construct.
Prop_Cooked         Food that is cooked.
Prop_Corroded       Is corroded.
Prop_Corrodible     Can be corroded.
Prop_Corrosive      Will corrode other items.
Prop_Crystal        Is made of a crystalline material.
Prop_Decaying       Is in the process of decay.
Prop_Energy         Is made of energy.
Prop_Enhanced       Is enhanced in some way.      
Prop_Explosive      Will explode near flames.
Prop_Ferrous        Contains iron, is affected by magnetism.
Prop_Flammable      Can burn.
Prop_Flexible       Bends easily.
Prop_Flower         Is a flower.
Prop_Fragile        Is easily broken.
Prop_Fruit          Is a fruit.
Prop_Fungus         Is a fungus.
Prop_Gas            Is made of gas.
Prop_Gemstone       Is a precious gem.
Prop_Grain          Is a type of grain, as in wheat or maize.
Prop_Heliocaustic   Is damaged by sunlight.
Prop_Herb           Is an herb.
Prop_Holy           Is holy or blessed.
Prop_Hot            Is hot.
Prop_Hyperreactive  Reacts violently with common compounds like air or water.
Prop_Insulating     Is resistant to electricity.
Prop_Liquid         Is made of liquid.
Prop_Liquor         Is an alcoholic beverage.
Prop_Magical        Is enchanted.
Prop_Magnetic       Is magnetic.
Prop_Malleable      Can be shaped and molded.
Prop_Manifestation  Is a magical construct.
Prop_Meltable       Will melt due to heat.
Prop_Metal          Is metal.
Prop_Mineral        Is made of mineral material.
Prop_Nut            Is made of nutmeat, as in acorns, almonds, or walnuts.
Prop_Opaque         Is opaque (will be true unless  Prop_Transparent or
                        Prop_Translucent are true)
Prop_Orderly        Is ordered in nature.
Prop_Ore            Is an ore.
Prop_Organic        Is made of organic material.
Prop_Particulate    Is in a powdered form.
Prop_Plant          Is plant matter.
Prop_Polymer        Is made of a polymer.
Prop_Precious       Is a precious metal or gemstone.
Prop_Psychic        Is psionically active.
Prop_Radioactive    Is radioactive.
Prop_Reflective     Is reflective.
Prop_Runed          Is etched with runes.
Prop_Sacrosanct     Is sacred to a deity.
Prop_Seed           Is a type of plant seed not considered a nut.
Prop_Semiprecious   Is a semiprecious metal or gemstone.
Prop_Slippery       Is slick.
Prop_Soft           Is soft to the touch.
Prop_Soluble        Can be dissolved in liquid.
Prop_Spice          Is a spice.
Prop_Sticky         Is sticky.
Prop_Stone          Is made of stone.
Prop_Sturdy         Is difficult to break.
Prop_Translucent    Partially blocks light.
Prop_Transparent    Does not block light.
Prop_Unholy         Is unholy.
Prop_Vegetable      Is a vegetable (in the nutritional sense).
Prop_Viscous        Thick in consistency.
Prop_Wet            Is coated in liquid.
Prop_Wood           Is wood.
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