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The Narja Race

   Rarity: Rare
   Plural: Narja
   Anatomy: Anthropoid
   Sexes: Male, Female
   Harm Skills:
       Anatomy       31%
       Empathy       20%
       Intimidation  20%
       Politics      12%
       Law            8%
       Torture        8%

Narja are the offspring of the mating of a human and an orc. Blending the traits of their parents in most respects, being generally stronger and tougher than humans, a bit more intelligent than orcs, and so on, they are exceptional in one regard, often displaying willpower and determination exceeding that of either progenitor. This serves them well, as most narja have an exceptionally hard lot in life; with most being conceived in rapes carried out by raiders and soldiers, those not killed outright are frequently abandoned and driven from their birthplaces, with a grudging and distrustful acceptance by their native village usually the best that can be hoped for. Unsurprisingly, many narja turn to violence themselves, which does little to overcome the popular human regard of narja children as devil-spawn, though it has found more than one narja a new home with a raiding band -- orc, human, or otherwise.

/------------------------------ The Narja Race -------------------------------\
| Attributes                 Strength                40 to 100                |
|                            Intelligence            20 to  90                |
|                            Constitution            50 to 110                |
|                            Dexterity               20 to  85                |
|                            Willpower               40 to 110                |
|                            Charisma                20 to  80                |
|                            Perception              25 to  90                |
|                            Size                    54 to  73                |
| Typical Sexes                                      Male                     |
|                                                    Female                   |
| Sex Variation in           Male                    Strength Max +2          |
| Attributes                                                                  |
|                                                    Dexterity Max -2         |
|                                                    Size Min +1              |
|                                                    Size Max +1              |
| Specialty Access           Killer Instinct         available: degree I      |
| Resistances                Temporal                moderate vulnerability   |
| Traits                     Night Vision            1                        |
|                            Sentience               Anthropic                |
|                            Somatic Adaptability    4                        |
| Cultures and Homelands     Almerian Wildling       Almeria                  |
|                            Esarturi Wildling       Esartur                  |
|                            Lowlander               Halfmoon Bay             |
|                                                    Sanctuary                |
|                            Talantonite             the Shadow Tower         |
| Physical Characteristics   Anatomy                 Anthropoid               |
|                            Natural Weaponry        Ordinary                 |
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