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  • Yellow: 32:18 spirit/endurance
  • Black: 22:19 spirit/endurance
  • Violet: 10-15:25-45 spirit/endurance

Intense, massive, gentle, tiny, subtle

[OOC Elronuan] "here's a pibrit, it's not the stuff that pibrit inherits though"
[OOC Elronuan] "void configure() {"
[OOC Elronuan] "    ::configure()%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    alter_identity(Identity_Type, Identity_Type_Unit)%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    add_description(({"
[OOC Elronuan] "        "A small four-sided pyramid of some","
[OOC Elronuan] "        Description(Description_Type_Element_Color),"
[OOC Elronuan] "        Description((["
[OOC Elronuan] "            Description_Type    : Description_Type_Element_Color,"
[OOC Elronuan] "            Description_Content : "colored","
[OOC Elronuan] "            Description_Flags   : Description_Flag_Content_Hyphenate,"
[OOC Elronuan] "        ])),"
[OOC Elronuan] "        ", slightly spongy material, with small bumps all about it.","
[OOC Elronuan] "    }))%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    add_proportion((["
[OOC Elronuan] "        Element_Type            : Material_Pibrit,"
[OOC Elronuan] "        Element_Proportion      : 1.00,"
[OOC Elronuan] "        Element_Color           : "trololol","
[OOC Elronuan] "    ]))%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    add_proportion((["
[OOC Elronuan] "        Element_Type            : Material_Dweomer,"
[OOC Elronuan] "        Element_Proportion      : 0.10,"
[OOC Elronuan] "    ]))%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    set_global_rarity(Rarity_Very_Unusual)%;"
[OOC Elronuan] "    set_pibrit_spirit_proportion(1.5)%;["
[OOC Rarizzera] "Nice color"
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