Red Magi Guild Home

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increase. increase.
</pre> </pre>
 +=== Trainers ===
 +==== Flezra ====
 +Commands to say:
 + Teach me <spell>
 + Rescind <spell>
 + Desuspend me
 +Flezra's limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left
 +leg, right foot and left foot.
 +Flezra is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
 + Availability inquiry: Flezra, what skills can you instruct me in?
 + Cost inquiry: Flezra, what would it cost to instruct me in <subject>?
 + Instruction request: Flezra, instruct me in <subject(s)>.
 +Flezra was created by Fixy; the source code was last updated Fri Mar 02 00:19:22 2007. The human
 +race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sat Mar 17 12:13:22 2007.
 +Flezra intones, =I can instruct you in the Anglic language, the ability to focus one's will in
 +arcane combat, arcane lore, centering, channeling, conjuring, enchanting, the Enochian language,
 +evocation, legend lore, legerdemain, linguistics, literacy, meditation, memory, metaphysics,
 +prestidigitation, pyromancy, rune lore, scholarship, symbology and the use of telesmatic
 +weapons.= to you.
==Casting== ==Casting==

Revision as of 13:51, 27 May 2007


Joining the Red Magi

On the main Almerian map, at coordinates 23, -23 there is an exit downward into the Red Magi guildhall. Presumably the Red Magi live underground as it is close to the primal fire of the world's core -- otherwise I have no clue why they live in a cave.

the Red Magi guildhall [n, u]
    You see a wooden-framed white wooden bulletin board (updated 2 weeks ago) and Askeen the
Master Pyromancer.

If you are not a member of a guild, you may receive information on the Red Magi by typing 'help
red magi'.  If you wish to join the Order of the Red Magi, say 'pledge me to the Red Magi'.  To
leave it, say 'I renounce the Order of the Red Magi'.  Red Magi may say the command 'advance'.
Askeen's limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left
leg, right foot and left foot.  Askeen was created by Fixy; the source code was last updated Wed
Apr 25 21:32:48 2007.  The elf race was created by Lost Souls, who wishes to credit J.R.R.
Tolkien as inspiring this work; the source code was last updated Wed May 16 22:45:34 2007.

At the time of this page writing, 'help red magi' is broken and Askeen's info needs a bit of tweaking, but the important information is there. From testing Askeen speaks Sperethiel and Anglic for understanding joins/advances. I believe he would also understand Enochian and most likely Latin.

You say, "pledge me to the Red Magi" in lyrically-accented Anglic.
Askeen looks you over.

                    ,.   (   .      )        .      "
                   ("     )  )'     ,'        )  . (`     '`
                 .; )  ' (( (" )    ;(,     ((  (  ;)  "  )"
                 _"., ,._'_.,)_(..,( . )_  _' )_') (. _..( '..

                          Order of the Red Magi News

          The spells Summon Fire Spirit, Summon Fire Elemental, Sustain
          Fire Spirit, and Sustain Fire Elemental are now available.

                                              -- Chaos, February 1st 2007

          Changed Flezra's instructor patterns from "teach me" to "instruct me
          in".  Sorry if this screws up your aliases and what not, but got tired
          of spells vs. skills conflicts in her responses to 'Teach me x'.

                                               -- Xekrin, March 1st 2007

                              (  .      )
                          )           (              )
                                .  '   .   '  .  '  .
                       (    , )       (.   )  (   ',    )
                        .' ) ( . )    ,  ( ,     )   ( .
                     ). , ( .   (  ) ( , ')  .' (  ,    )
                    (_,) . ), ) _) _,')  (, ) '. )  ,. (' )
You wear your tiny red linen robe around your body.
You are now a first-degree specialist in arcane focus, arcane lore, Enochian, evocation,
introspection, Latin, legerdemain, memory, prestidigitation, pyromancy, scholarship and
telesmatic weapon.
You are now a second-degree specialist in literacy.
You are now a third-degree specialist in centering and channeling.
Askeen smiles at you warmly.
Askeen gives you the red robe which symbolizes his status as a Red Mage.
Type 'help red magi' to receive information on your new abilities.

Guild Help Files

     You are a member of the Red Magi of Lost Souls, a guild of powerful
pyromancers dedicated to serving neutrality and all it stands for.  The
Red Magi use fire as a medium for their magickal art.
     Red Magi have very powerful spells, but they tend to take a bit
longer to cast than other guilds, due to the fact that it takes time for
that power to build up in the mage.
     Due to the delicate magical field needed for magi to weave their
spells, they may only wear non-encumbering armour and overarmour (rings,
amulets, robes, and so on).  Also, magi may only wield daggers and staves,
as it is unbecoming of a mage to wield any other type of weapon.
     Those of the Red Order also receive a red robe worn to indicate their
membership.  This robe is enchanted to offer greater protection against
mundane damage than an ordinary robe, and has some minor wards against fire.
     A mage may know up to eight spells at any given time.  These spells can
be changed for other spells at the Red Magi Guildhall, for a price.
There are many spells to choose from, for a list of spells type 'help spells'.
     Being a Red Mage, you now have several new skills that affect how well
your spells will function.  Type 'help red magi skills' for more information.
     For detailed information on casting spells, type 'help casting'.
     The Red Magi also have their own channel for communicating with one another.
This channel is accessed via the commands 'redmage' or 'guild'.

Skill List

     As a Red Magi you have been imbued with several new skills.  Each of
  which affects how well you can cast certain spells.  The skills are as

     Pyromancy affects how the mage can affect and manipulate flames of any

     The Conjuring skill affects how well the mage can bring forth the power
          to drive hir spells.

     The skill of Enchanting affects how well the mage can imbue non-magical
          items, such as an ordinary flame, with magical properties.

     The Symbology skill deals with how well the mage understands symbols and
          the thought patterns accompanying them.

     Evocation affects how the mage can bring forth material objects
          where there once were none.

     The importance of each skill varies from spell to spell, while one spell
  may rely heavily on Pyromancy, another may rely mostly on Symbology.  The
  more spells are cast by the mage, the faster the respective skills will



Commands to say:

   Teach me <spell>
   Rescind <spell>
   Desuspend me

Flezra's limbs are named head, chest, right arm, left arm, right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, right foot and left foot. Flezra is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:

   Availability inquiry: Flezra, what skills can you instruct me in?
   Cost inquiry:         Flezra, what would it cost to instruct me in <subject>?
   Instruction request:  Flezra, instruct me in <subject(s)>.

Flezra was created by Fixy; the source code was last updated Fri Mar 02 00:19:22 2007. The human race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated Sat Mar 17 12:13:22 2007.

Flezra intones, =I can instruct you in the Anglic language, the ability to focus one's will in arcane combat, arcane lore, centering, channeling, conjuring, enchanting, the Enochian language, evocation, legend lore, legerdemain, linguistics, literacy, meditation, memory, metaphysics, prestidigitation, pyromancy, rune lore, scholarship, symbology and the use of telesmatic weapons.= to you.


    Casting a spell is fairly simple.  You must have the required
spiritual points, endurance and of course the components.  To find out
how much of these things you need, read the help file on the spell.  For
example, to find out what requirements there are for the spell
"Detect Magic", type 'help detect magic'.

    To cast the spell "Detect Magic", the command would be:
'say detect magic in enochian', as detailed in the help file.  Note that
spells are cast by 'say'ing them; but not only that, saying them in the
Enochian language.

    Enochian is taught by both Raistlin and Flezra.

    To see a list of all the spells available to the Red Magi, type
'help spells'.  To see which spells you know, type 'spells'.  For a
documentation on which skills affect your casting, type
'help red magi skills'.  See also 'help containment fields'.

Spell List

                               -Red Magi Spell Table-
    =          Spell          = Minimum Level Required =      Type     =
    =   Protection from Fire  =           1            =    Utility    =
    =       Detect Magic      =           1            =    Utility    =
    =        Fire Lamp        =           1            =    Utility    =
    =       Fire Sphere       =           1            =    Utility    =
    =          Pearl          =           1            =    Utility    =
    =       Fire Spikes       =           1            =   Offensive   =
    =    Flame Of Knowledge   =           3            =    Utility    =
    =         Tongues         =           3            =    Utility    =
    =   Symbol Of Vengeance   =           4            =    Utility    =
    =        Fire Blood       =           4            =    Utility    =
    =       Flame Shield      =           4            =   Defensive   =
    =      Light Of Flame     =           4            =    Utility    =
    =      Seeking Flame      =           5            =    Utility    =
    =      Ashes To Ashes     =           6            =    Utility    =
    =       Dispel Magic      =           6            =    Utility    =
    =      Fire Platform      =           6            =    Utility    =
    =        Fire Seed        =           7            =    Utility    =
    =        Fire Rain        =           8            =   Offensive   =
    =        Fire Charm       =           9            =    Utility    =
    =           Burn          =          10            =   Offensive   =
    =        Bloodfire        =          10            =    Utility    =
    =        Flame Shot       =          11            =   Offensive   =
    =       Resist Cold       =          12            =   Defensive   =
    =   Protection From Evil  =          13            =   Defensive   =
    =        Mute Area        =          14            =    Utility    =
    =          Smoke          =          14            =    Utility    =
    =      Piercing Flame     =          15            =    Utility    =
    =   Summon Fire Spirit    =          15            =    Utility    =
    =         Fire Web        =          16            =   Offensive   =
    =        Flame Push       =          16            =    Utility    =
    =       Melt Weapons      =          17            =    Utility    =
    =       Melt Armour       =          18            =    Utility    =
    =        Fire Wall        =          20            =    Utility    =
    =         Fireball        =          22            =   Offensive   =
    =      Torrid Tempest     =          24            =   Offensive   =
    =        Life Fire        =          25            =    Utility    =
    =   Sustain Fire Spirit   =          25            =    Utility    =
    =     Incinerate Magic    =          26            =    Utility    =
    =         Inferno         =          29            =   Offensive   =
    =  Summon Fire Elemental  =          30            =    Utility    =
    =     Blazing Twister     =          36            =   Offensive   =
    = Sustain Fire Elemental  =          40            =    Utility    =
    =     Fire of the Gods    =          60            =   Offensive   =

Individual help is available for each spell using the command 'help <spell>'.

You may also type 'spells' to see a list of your current spells. Incidentally, 'spells' command can take an argument of what type of spells you wish to list. For instance, 'spells utility' would list all utility spells which you currently have in use; whereas 'spells offensive' would list all offensive spells. Valid types are: offensive, defensive and utility. If you give no argument, or specify an unknown type, 'spells' will default to listing all spells.

Once a spell has been cast one thousand times, it is burned permanently into the mage's mind, and thus cannot be rescinded. However, the mage may learn a new spell, and may thus have more than the default eight spells.

Protection from Fire

Detect Magic

Fire Lamp

Fire Sphere


Fire Spikes

Flame Of Knowledge


Symbol Of Vengeance

Fire Blood

Flame Shield

Light Of Flame

Seeking Flame

Ashes To Ashes

Dispel Magic

Fire Platform

Fire Seed

Fire Rain

Fire Charm



Flame Sho

Resist Cold

Protection From Evil

Mute Area


Piercing Flame

Summon Fire Spiri

Fire Web

Flame Push

Melt Weapons

Melt Armour

Fire Wall


Torrid Tempes

Life Fire

Sustain Fire Spiri

Incinerate Magic


Summon Fire Elemental

Blazing Twister

Sustain Fire Elemental

Fire of the Gods