The Pzyruxal Sphere Puzzle

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Standard Information

Find the five colored gems and solve the Pzyruxal Sphere. First seek the sage in Devonshire.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Eight
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Seven
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Eight
   This quest was created by Infidel and Ubiquitous and is maintained by Ubiquitous.
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Arnedio Shrine

Arnedio Shrine in Quetlatl holds one of the gems. A miniquest is involved in retrieving the gem, and it requires no killing.

Head north into the maze, towards the top of the maze is a bone stair heading down (-3, 13, 0). You'll need to head down, north, head down into the pit, search the pile of bones at the bottom of the pit.

You'll find a jewel.

Exit the pit upwards and 'put jewel in socket'.

Head east, northwest, down, west, north, then offer a prayer to Ilsidahur, you've got the gem.

Twilight Tower

Twilight Tower is located on the Island of Avalon. There is only a minor amount of miniquest involved with it, though killing is pretty much required to obtain this gem.

The tower has some pretty weak skeletons in it, you'll need to kill them as they will block your way down the tower.

Once you've reached the library you'll see a male Drow.

He is a lich and is very powerful, kill him if you feel the need but you can search the shelves without needing to kill him.

Upon closer inspection you'll find one of the shelves is on wheels and can be pushed.

Go down to the hidden room and claim your prize.


The dragon Bartziluth has one of the gems, and makes her home on the Island of Avalon. This gem is fairly easy to obtain if one is well prepared, either by means of combat vs the dragon, or in the ways of subterfuge.

You'll either need to kill it or have someway to sneak by her or make yourself intangible.

Fort Boastt

Heltu, the captain of Fort Boastt, has one of the gems. He has a miniquest that is required to get his gem.

Here you'll need to kill an ogre at 7,6,1 it will drop a small stone. The gem has been encased.

You'll need to go to -6,-3,0 (not the one at -1,1) and "climb into well" you'll want to drop the stone quick because you'll be taking acid damage.

"Get gem" and go up to get out.


King Vestitus holds one of the gems, and is located in Sounion. He will offer you riddles to prove your worthiness, similar to At'lordrith. When you have answered enough riddles, you can ask him for your reward, which is the purple gem. It has been noted that you can't just kill him and loot the gem off of his corpse.

Say "riddle" when you're next to him and he will ask you a riddle. Most are simple or can be found on google. If you're stuck on one just keep saying "riddle"

Eventually after 7 correct riddles answered i believe, you can say "reward" and he will produce an amethyst gem.


Take all 5 gems to Thrassos the sage in Devonshire. (He's on east Temple street)

He will hand you the sphere.

Push the button on the sphere

pug ruby gem in slot

turn dial

wash rinse repeat based on color of sphere after you push the button.

After you unlock the sphere you will give it back to Thrassos and you will have completed the quest.

End of spoiler information.