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Ryal is the atman of:

Leolla Vetiusson-- fiesty Heroic faerie ELF, often accompanied by a horde of followers. Self-made victim of the Deck of Changes. Kids, don't try giving yourself huge, permanent negative stat penalties at home. She's a whole lot of fun...(Hastuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...)

Vested Interest -- a Shadowmyrker Nyloc Ringwraith who I have retired because I don't feel like going through the alignment switch stuff. It is, however, possibly my most favourite name ev-uh. Relative Morality -- a Shadowmyrker Nyloc Ringwraith replacement for above.

Gwil ont Durad -- a dwarven (or lothar? I can't remember) Battlerage. He's like level 30 or something. He dies, alot. Whole lots. He's just a damage sponge, even with good armour. I obviously haven't figured out "the trick" to this one yet.

And several others, but those are that main ones.

I've been playing for quite some time, around 1995-6 if I had to guess? I take big long spells away. I prefer to just try things out rather than be flat out told...perhaps that makes me stubborn. I'm more than willing to speculate on how something appears to work -- it doesn't mean I have any inside track on knowledge. My main character for the longest time was Ryal, a human who made it to some high level and was in just about every guild and association and had just about every skill I could choke down.

I enjoy trying to find out things for myself, often with mixed results:

[OOC Chaos] fyi leolla, it may possibly strike you as adding insult to injury to tell you this now, but you don't necessarily have to get the acid from tiamat any more [OOC Leolla] ahhh lol [OOC Leolla] nah, that's a good tip [OOC Chaos] kay :) [OOC Incendiary] Hell, i thought you were talking about LSD [OOC Leolla] thanks, I was still cycling through breath weapons [OOC Chaos] hahaha [OOC Fezzik] But she looked good in ribbons... [OOC Leolla] hahaha [OOC Chaos] zomg fezzik [OOC Chaos] incen: i was tipped off by the five or six death notifies

Fezzik rules.

Although I didn't ask for it or had any idea it was coming, one of the Grinning Cat Eatery folks has my real life name, and the description is me. Ooo, trivia!