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(|    /   [ = Aagmyn = ]
 \   /      [ Type                    : ] attack
 |\ /  /    [ Description             : ] chaos bolt
-+-*--/-    [ Significance            : ] minor
 |/ \/      [ Activity Cost           : ] thirty-two
-*--/\      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] twenty-three
/|    \     [ Control Skills          : ] six parts chaoturgy
 \)    \                                  four parts power channeling
                                          four parts power direction
                                          three parts power focusing
                                          two parts power tuning
                                          one part poetry 
                                          one part wyrding
            [ Specialty Access        : ] chaoturgy degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 70 points in rune lore skill
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] have at least 120 points among:
                                          100% of chaoturgy skill
                                          100% of poetry skill
                                          50% of chaos affinity skill
                                          30 points for having completed Hardin's Gauntlet
                                          50 points for having completed Kill the Lord Questor

Activating the rune aagmyn results in a bolt of raw chaos energy being projected from your Ring of Power. A specification of a desired target may be made; otherwise, your current opponent will be targeted.

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