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Arithmomania is a mental disorder that manifests as an obsession with counting. As it appears in Lost Souls, this is limited to counting objects in one's environment.

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Each case of arithmomania may include any combination of the following:

  • Counting inanimate objects
  • Counting people
  • Counting things of a particular type present when the disorder first occurs
  • Counting things of a particular type present at the time of counting
  • Counting one's attackers
  • Counting one's friends

The arithmomaniac may also count in any or all of the following ways:

  • Silently to hirself
  • Aloud
  • Spoken, but quietly to hirself

Further, these are the ways sie may select the language to use for spoken counting:

  • Hir native language
  • Hir primary language
  • A random language from among those sie speaks when the disorder first occurs
  • A random language from among those sie speaks at the time of counting

The possibilities, out of the above sets of options, that are possible are set when the disorder first occurs and last for the duration of the disorder.

While the disorder lasts, one will be forced to count objects as determined by the possibilites described above, using the count command. The more severe the disorder, the more frequent the counting events.

For Discordians, having arithmomania increases the likelihood that the count command will employ the Count Von Count style.

End of spoiler information.