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Must be a thondur-related race: Thondur, Domandan, Lothar, Eolon, & Duergar.

The altar of Clangedin is an octagonal slab of pearly white marble. Etched into its surface in silver threads are caricatures of the Battlelord. A small groove for offerings to Clangedin has been carved into the altar's base.

"offer axe"

This is the sacred hall of Clangedin. Mounted braziers provide warmth while torches illuminate and cast shadows upon the lofty vaulted ceiling. Polished marble flagstones cover the floor. The banners of companies and tapestries, depicting glorious battles, adorn the walls between pillars. Concentric steps lead up to a rune-engraved altar of black granite. There is an open ancient iron door to the east. The area is reasonably well-lit. Borulien the Father of Battleragers is here. Obvious exits are north, east, and out.

You say, [: i wish to join the battleragers :]

You no longer specialize in axe. You are now a first-degree specialist in massive exertion, piety, recuperation, resilience, stamina, and steadiness.

You are now a third-degree specialist in antagonism, axe, and hammer. You are now a fourth-degree specialist in hardiness and massive blow.

Powers of the Battleragers

You are a member of the Battlerager guild.  The Battleragers pay homage
to and are watched over by Clangedin, the dwarven god of war.  As a guild
dedicated towards combat, you have some advantages and disadvantages.  The
defining ability of a Battlerager is the capacity to fight in a berserk rage,
using your fury ability.  Besides the inherent benefits and drawbacks of
berserking, while furied, your constitution, and consequently your hit points,
will increase.  Be aware, however, that even the best warrior cannot sustain
fury for long, and when you come out of it you will lose the extra energy
that was invigorating you, possibly causing death.

The eye of Clangedin being upon a Battlerager means that one gains or
loses favour with him depending on the opponents one fights and defeats.  You
will sense Clangedin's approval or anger in the event itself, but the guide
to follow beforehand is that it is pleasing to Clangedin for you to fight
races who are traditionally enemies of Kolond and the dwarven peoples, and
displeasing to him should you assault members of the dwarven peoples and
their traditional allies.  How powerful the individual opponent is affects
how much favour you receive with Clangedin for fighting and defeating him,
but not the feedback you receive on Clangedin's reaction to that opponent.
Clangedin's favour fades gradually with time, and must be renewed by service.
You can use 'show Clangedin's favour' to receive a sense of how you stand
in Clangedin's eyes.

Being in Clangedin's favour makes many of your abilities more effective,
and is required in order to use others at all.  Clangedin has even been known
to intervene to save the life of his most favoured servants when they are
threatened with immediate extinction.

Clangedin has also made available ancient artifacts to his devoted
followers.  You will find an armoury east of your guildhall where you can
obtain these items.

Following is a listing of the powers available; help is available on each.
         battlecry  behead  charge  frenzy  fury  temper soul  furious charge  furious smite  smash lock  forge soul

The Battlerager communication channel uses the commands 'battlerager', 'guild' and '#'.

You are now a first-degree specialist in massive exertion, piety, recuperation, resilience, stamina, and steadiness. [event logged]
You are now a third-degree specialist in antagonism, axe, and hammer. [event logged]
You are now a fourth-degree specialist in hardiness and massive blow. [event logged]
You focus on your will to become a Battlerager, and feel the will of Clangedin accept you as its own.  In a flood of power throughout
your body, you know that you have become a Battlerager.  Read 'help guild' to review your new abilities.

In order to return to the Battlerager hall, 'turn sconce' or 'pull sconce' when in the Hall of Clangedin or 'pull axe' from the entrance to Kolond.
Gain spec access based on Piety. Includes very high amounts of Supernal Durability access.

Specialty Access

/------------------ Specialty Access of Mountain ont Thoram ------------------\
| Skill                 Max    Min   Asg   Bon   Deg   Sus   Rat   Att   Pts  |
| Anatomy                3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Angrak                 2      0     0     0     0     0     20   Int    6   |
| Arctic Fieldcraft      1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Armour Lore            8      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Armour Use             8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Str    5   |
| Awareness              4      0     0     0     0     0     10   Per    7   |
| Axe                   30      0     0     3     3     0     30   Str    5   |
| Balance                1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Blindfighting          3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Bludgeon               8      0     0     0     0     0     20   Str    5   |
| Brawling               8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Str    5   |
| Carousing              4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Cha    5   |
| Climbing               1      0     0     0     0     0     10   Dex    6   |
| Combat Reflexes        8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Courage                4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Wil    7   |
| Dagger                 4      0     0     0     0     0     10   Dex    6   |
| Dazask                 4      0     0     0     0     0     5    Int    6   |
| Demolition             3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Desert Fieldcraft      1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Dethek                 9      0     0     1     1     0     50   Int    6   | 
| Dirty Fighting         3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Entropy Resistance     3      0     0     1     1     0     10   Con    6   |
| Find Weakness          8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| First Aid              3      0     0     0     0     0     10   Per    7   |
| Flail                  8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Foraging               3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Gem Lore               4      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Hammer                30      0     0     3     3     0     30   Str    5   |
| Hardiness             30      5     1     4     5     0     46   Con    6   |
| Hills Fieldcraft       8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Intimidation           8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Cha    5   |
| Jumping                2      0     0     0     0     0     0    Str    5   |
| Kathdax                4      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Killer Instinct        8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Lack of Weakness       8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Leadership             6      0     0     0     0     0     0    Cha    5   |
| Legend Lore            2      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Literacy               3      0     0     0     0     0     20   Int    6   |
| Load Bearing           8      0     0     0     0     0     7    Str    5   |
| Magick Resistance      3      0     0     1     1     0     10   Wil    7   |
| Massive Blow          30      5     1     4     5     0     0    Str    5   |
| Massive Exertion      20      2     1     1     2     0     0    Str    5   |
| Memory                 4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   | 
| Metallurgy             6      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Mineral Lore           8      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Mountaineering        10      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Nanomi                 2      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Orienteering           1      0     0     0     0     0     40   Per    7   |
| Ownership              3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Cha    5   |
| Pain Tolerance         4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Wil    7   |
| Piety                 10      1     1     0     1     0     0    Wil    7   |
| Poison Resistance      7      0     0     1     1     0     10   Con    6   |
| Pole Arm               4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Practice               4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Wil    7   |
| Recuperation          20      2     1     1     2     0     28   Con    6   |
| Resilience            20      2     1     1     2     0     0    Con    6   |
| Robustness             7      0     0     1     1     0     10   Con    6   |
| Rune Lore              8      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |
| Running                2      0     0     0     0     0     0    Con    6   |
| Shield                 8      0     0     0     0     0     25   Str    5   |
| Smithing               6      0     0     0     0     0     0    Str    5   |
| Spear                  4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Spelunking            10      0     0     0     0     0     20   Int    6   |
| Sperethiel             1      0     0     0     0     0     25   Int    6   |
| Staff                  4      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Stamina               20      2     1     1     2     0     28   Con    6   |
| Steadiness            20      2     1     1     2     0     0    Con    6   |
| Storytelling           3      0     0     0     0     0     0    Cha    5   |
| Streetwise             1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Subordination          8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Supernal Durability    5      0     0     0     0     0     0    Con    6   | 
| Swimming               1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Con    6   |
| Sword                  8      0     0     0     0     0     10   Dex    6   |
| Takargu                2      0     0     0     0     0     20   Int    6   |
| Theology               5      0     0     0     0     0     0    Int    6   |
| Throwing               8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Tracking               1      0     0     0     0     0     10   Per    7   |
| Tumbling               1      0     0     0     0     0     0    Dex    6   |
| Unarmed Combat         8      0     0     0     0     0     20   Dex    6   |
| Vocalization           8      0     0     0     0     0     0    Per    7   |
| Weapon Lore            8      0     0     0     0     0     10   Int    6   |

Clangedin Favour

  • You feel that you are not in Clangedin's favour.
  • You feel that you are barely in Clangedin's favour.
  • You feel that you are somewhat in Clangedin's favour.
  • You feel that you are in Clangedin's favour.
  • You feel that you are well in Clangedin's favour.
  • You feel that you are greatly in Clangedin's favour.

Thond, Domandan, Duergar, Lothar, Gnome, Svirfneblin are favour penalties when killed

Kobolds and Orcs are favour improvements when killed

You can give items to Hadarond for a small favour boost

Recommended Kill Rotation

Halfmoon Bay > Kalinagar (lower Jhan) > Leah's Hill (undercity) > Muspelheim > Shrieking Siren > Sinbyen Catacombs > Syllyac > Tenereth's Rest > Togrek > Vargan > Vasbarghad > Rl'yeh > Evendim

Obviously you can't go mindlessly smashing everything in all of these; for some you will have to be careful with your targets. But it should be a net gain of both favour and experience.

Battlerager Artifacts

Pretty much all artifacts have a general idea of what they do in they're description. This should help with the unknowns. Looks like the arties you can use is based on favour/QP? Old equipment has been removed or changed. Glamdring And Gwinwault's sword are gone and Bloodwake has been changed from one of the only flail arties out there to a sceptre. So no more dex-skill-based arties for us.

Golden drinking horn

Doesn't have a name. Anyone can use. Recharges after a while. Heals some
END and SP when used. Makes you thirsty for some reason.
This horn is made of lustruous red gold carved with scenes of valorous
battle, and contains delicious-looking honey mead.  It was enchanted by a
great thondak smith, his name lost in antiquity, to provide an endless flow of
mead, magickally refilling itself when reduced to a single draught.  It looks
about one dimin on a side.  You estimate its value at about one thousand seven
hundred fifty gold

Thalgan Kor

Specials/Damage : Does periodic Lightning damage. Think it might be only to Fey.

Arcs of lightning erupt from Thalgan Kor into the white-skinned male
kielleth guard.

Unidentified name: Mithril battleaxe

An exquisitely-crafted battleaxe forged of mithril.  This is Thalgan Kor,
an artifact with a history as old as that of the Battleragers themselves. 
During the war with the Mynaecelani danaan, the thondak hero Gim had the
smiths forge a fearsome weapon to use against the foe.  The smiths captured
the fury of storms and put them into this mithril battleaxe to smite the
danaan.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about nine twentieths of a
dimin wide and thirteen dimins long.  You estimate its value at about two
hundred forty gold.


Specials/Damage : Does Magickal damage

Shalbriri strikes with a bright flash.

Unidentified name: yellow crystal, bone, and blue metal mace

This is a mace with a shaft of demon bone and a head made of glowing
yellow sunstones embedded in adamantium.  You recognize it as Shalbriri, an
ancient artifact rumoured to have been crafted and carried by the demon lord
of the same name.  Lord Shalbriri was known as the demon of blindness, and
used this weapon to destroy his enemies during a great rebellion in Hell. 
When Lord Shalbriri was finally vanquished, the mace fell into the oblivion of
time, only recently being discovered deep in the mines of Kolond.  It is in
perfect condition.  It looks about nine tenths of a dimin across and five and
nineteen twentieths dimins long.  It is giving off light.  You estimate that
it is worth something upward of two thousand five hundred gold.

Grel Andarak

Specials/Damage : Does Sonic damage

Unidentified name: Mithril warhammer

This is a warhammer made of mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is
exquisite.  Patterns of angular runes decorate its head.  This is Grel
Andarak, a tremendously ancient device said to predate Kolond itself.  The
enchantments laid upon it invoke ancient sources of power to bring the might
of a thunderstrike to the weapon's blows.  It is in perfect condition.  It
looks about seventeen twentieths of a dimin across and five and a half dimins
long.  You estimate its value at about six hundred gold.


Specials/Etc : Chaos damage.

   A torrent of loam erupts from your warpstone warhammer and crushes its
right hindleg like an avalanche, despite its attempt to dodge.

Unidentified name: warpstone warhammer

This is a warhammer made of warpstone, pure chaos energy compressed into a
solid, dense mass.  The quality of its craftsmanship is unearthly.  You
recognize it as Exarax, an artifact of power said to have been created by the
goddess Eris herself after the Battle of Hedrek Pass -- which Clangedin's
forces lost, but apparently the heroic self-sacrifice of the Battleragers
there struck the goddess as incredibly amusing.  Clangedin's faithful have
never known quite how to take this, but Exarax is indisputably a powerful
boon, so the issue is rarely examined too closely.  It is in perfect
condition.  It looks about eleven twentieths of a dimin across and three and
thirteen twentieths dimins long.  You estimate that it is worth something
upward of two thousand five hundred gold.


Specials/Damage : Slashing electrical

An arc of lightning leaps from Duthinand toward the greenish-skinned male
orc villager, catches him somewhat marginally and shocks a greenish-skinned
male orc villager's chest, right leg, and right foot, despite his attempt to

Unidentified name: crystal-edged adamantite battleaxe

This is a battleaxe made of diamond and adamantite.  The quality of its
craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as Duthinand, the weapon gifted
to the legendary Battlerager Duthin Rockfist  by the dao lord Omod.  It is
known for its power to throw off arcs of lightning in battle -- this power
being said to manifest more readily for a wielder infused with the essence of
elemental earth, making it sought after by those of the lothari who take up
Clangedin's cause.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about nine
twentieths of a dimin wide and thirteen dimins long.  You estimate that it is
worth something upward of two thousand five hundred gold.


Specials/Damage : Slashing. Glows blue when you kills goblinoids for extra damage.

Found this on my damage rating
Special Effects on Weapon                               +1000       14936    

Unidentified name: mithril battleaxe

This is a battleaxe made of mithril.  The quality of its craftsmanship is
exquisite.  This is Daithrien, an ancient weapon made for the thondur by the
danaan of Valathyr before the war that divided the peoples.  It is enchanted
by elven magick to destroy creatures such as orcs, goblins, and trolls.  It
has seen much use in the perennial orc wars.  It is in perfect condition.  It
looks about nine twentieths of a dimin wide and thirteen dimins long.  You
estimate its value at about two hundred gold.


Specials/Damage : Crushing

Unidentified name: blood and ichor-stained sceptre

This sceptre has a mithril shaft wrapped in drake black scales.  Its head
is split into four heavy mithril weights a dimin across, with a generous
amount of space between them.  The weights are tightly fused to the shaft and
are caked in dried blood and dried ichor.  The quality of its craftsmanship is
exquisite.  You recognize it as Bloodwake.  Ripping, tearing and maiming as
often as killing, Bloodwake has earned an infamous place in the history of
battle.  It made its first appearance centuries ago in the hands of the lothar
battlerager Ek Borrandle of Rukhan.  The trail of blood and bodies Borrandle
carved through hordes of ferocious orcs earned the weapon its name.  Ever
since, Bloodwake has upheld a fearsome reputation for rampant destruction and
lethality.  It is in perfect condition.  It looks about seventeen twentieths
of a dimin across and five and a half dimins long.  You estimate its value at
about six hundred gold.


Specials/Etc. : Occasionally retaliates with surges of magma in combat, which clings to enemies to deal heat damage.

Unidentified name: adamantite helm

This is a helm made of adamantite spikes and steel.  The quality of its
craftsmanship is exquisite.  You recognize it as Forgath, a potent artifact
worn by many Battleragers down through the centuries.  To its credit,
significantly fewer of those Battleragers died of head wounds than is typical. 
It is in perfect condition.  It is intermediate in size, and looks just about
right to fit you.  It appears to you as if it was crafted for a thond.  It
looks about one and seven tenths dimins across and a twentieth of a dimin 
thick.  You estimate its value at about one thousand gold.

Clangedin Lifesave

You are overcome with awe as you feel Clangedin's presence upon you. 
You have regained the use of your right leg and right foot.
Your wounds heal.
You feel utterly exhausted by the ordeal.
You cannot see anything.
You feel yourself moving faster as the effects of some unknown influence
You are now lightly encumbered.
Your hearing returns.
The world comes back into focus.
Teleports you back to the guildhall
Went from WELL to SOMEWHAT favoured after it popped.

Affiliation Restrictions

Battleragers may not become magicians. (at least not Haruspex magicians, but I was not prevented from becoming a Glomerate magician)

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